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This was a hit and run, not a fire fight.
The main question is why is the p aki army so incompetent that they can't secure their own nation from being a safe haven for terrorists?

One of the worst things to ever happened is the creation of your failed state by the brits. You're nothing but sources of terrorists.

Pajeet in full swing here. Go back to the call center.
We are innocent , but when three out of four neighbor ask something listen to them. If they give fact then fix it, but don't let three neighbor to put extra burden or there failures on our shoulder .... let's walk away and regroup and clear the home first .....
We are innocent , but when three out of four neighbor ask something listen to them. If they give fact then fix it, but don't let three neighbor to put extra burden or there failures on our shoulder .... let's walk away and regroup and clear the home first .....

Leave India and Afghanistan out of this...As far as Iran is concerned, We will checkmate them if need arises...No way, we are going to lay down our arms even if we get surrounded by 4 sides...

Pakistan will pursue its interests and whoever comes in between should be crushed. Iranians can't be allowed to interfere in Pakistani politics.
Leave India and Afghanistan out of this...As far as Iran is concerned, We will checkmate them if need arises...No way, we are going to lay down our arms even if we get surrounded by 4 sides...

Pakistan will pursue its interests and whoever comes in between should be crushed. Iranians can't be allowed to interfere in Pakistani politics.
Our neighbors are reality ... We need a good strong foreign policy and foreign minister. Our foreign policy works 9 to 5 and next day another one ....
Leave India and Afghanistan out of this...As far as Iran is concerned, We will checkmate them if need arises...No way, we are going to lay down our arms even if we get surrounded by 4 sides...

Pakistan will pursue its interests and whoever comes in between should be crushed. Iranians can't be allowed to interfere in Pakistani politics.
There is a reason others are blaming you,just last week a top Afghan taliban leader who organises sucide bombings in Afghanistan was killed in Pakistan by ISIS and not ISI.
Yeah. Also, Pakistan and Iran should sort out their differences amicably without resorting to war. Okay maybe it could be fun but then again it is usually best avoided.

Unlike India, there will be no racial soft gloves if Iran wages war on Pakistan.

Pakistan should realise that in spite of them starting all wars with India, except maybe for Kargil which was brutal (post Bangladesh, post Zia), all India Pakistan wars have actually been as gentle as wars can be.

I do not think the Iranians would be anywhere close to as brotherly as the Indians have been.

And Pakistan will really learn the meaning of war.

They are deluded about this guerilla war they have been fighting against the Taliban and thinking they've come of age as a military power.

Hope they never have to learn the reality the Persian way ....
There is a reason others are blaming you,just last week a top Afghan taliban leader who organises sucide bombings in Afghanistan was killed in Pakistan by ISIS and not ISI.

Go to this thread...Afghan taliban are not declared terrorists even by Americans...Western media is reporting for peace talks with them...



Afghan taliban are in touch with Russia, China and Pakistan...Heck Iranians seem to be touched with them as well to counter Indian sponsored ISIS in Afghanistan...

Question arises what Indians were doing in Afghanistan, getting killed in MOAB? Were they RAW agents, propping up ISIS against Pakistan?

I honestly am really not that smart to play games like that. :P

Contrary to what people tend to think of Chinese, around 99% of the posts I make here come from my gut instead of my brain, hence the low post quality. I'm also quite bad at maths.

The only reason I'm a title holder is because the forum administration took a shine to me for some reason. They also told me I might have become a moderator if I wasn't such an incessant troll.

If you are what an average Chinese is, then India can rest easy knowing you are only using the Pakistanis as economic and strategic pawns, with zero cultural affinity.

Unfortunately, you are probably not the average mainland Chinese.

You've grown up a Hong Konger. Even if you were born before the handover (probable), there is a huge mental difference.

One thing for sure..i admire the patience of the Iranian posters who is arguing with all these Pakistan posters since last 34 pages...He has amazing amount of patience and spirit to fight..

Having said that, i have one suggestion for Indian memebers here...if i start behaving as a neutral person, i really sympathize with Pakistan....I am sure that Pakistan never intends to hurt anything with Iran...But Pakistan has to understand that it is also bad if Gulf nations use your territory to attack Iran through non state actors...In one way, Pakistan presents itself as a powerful Islamic country but you can not even control your own territory to be used as a launch pad to attack on other countries...This should not be used as an exexuse by Pakistan...

I request Indian members to be neutral and stay away with unwanted comments...At the end of the day, Pakistan is our neighour nor Iran...

You sympathise with Pakistan?

What fault do you see of Iran here?

They are standing alone against the Arabs.

And now Pakistan has joined the Arabs. In a fight which is not theirs.

Don't know how you see it, but if I were Iranian, I'd be seeing red here.
I'm very surprised at how thick skinned Iranians are. They are blinded by the policies of the Mullah regime. I can't believe there is no Iranian member that can critically look at their nation's policies.

In fact, their denial is so strong and headstrong, they have isolated themselves from the whole world. Not just imperialistic nations like the US, Saudi Arabia; but even friendly nations throughout the world. There are many friendly, impartial, neutral countries through the world, but Iran has burned all its bridges.

They are just like a worse version of North Korea.
I'm very surprised at how thick skinned Iranians are. They are blinded by the policies of the Mullah regime. I can't believe there is no Iranian member that can critically look at their nation's policies.

In fact, their denial is so strong and headstrong, they have isolated themselves from the whole world. Not just imperialistic nations like the US, Saudi Arabia; but even friendly nations throughout the world. There are many friendly, impartial, neutral countries through the world, but Iran has burned all its bridges.

They are just like a worse version of North Korea.
Pakistan worked hard and even went far to upset the GCC (they were rightly upset) yet what we get in return ? since the mullah regime iran has always sided with india
I'm very surprised at how thick skinned Iranians are. They are blinded by the policies of the Mullah regime. I can't believe there is no Iranian member that can critically look at their nation's policies.

In fact, their denial is so strong and headstrong, they have isolated themselves from the whole world. Not just imperialistic nations like the US, Saudi Arabia; but even friendly nations throughout the world. There are many friendly, impartial, neutral countries through the world, but Iran has burned all its bridges.

They are just like a worse version of North Korea.

Whole world?

Which world do India, Russia and China come from?
Whole world?

Which world do India, Russia and China come from?

India is decreasing business with Iran:


India, a major buyer of oil from Iran, has implemented UN-mandated sanctions against it, a bipartisan Congressional report has said amid the Trump administration’s efforts to muster international support against Tehran after conducting a missile test.

The independent Congressional Research Service (CRS) said in its latest report said that India began reducing economic relations with Iran in 2010 when India’s central bank ceased using a Tehran-based regional body, the Asian Clearing Union, to handle transactions with Iran.

China and Russia have supported Iranian sanctions, and will tow the US line this time too:


Anything else?
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