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Hindu Banya is more pleased than anyone on this universe by this false statement of Iranian's.

@waz @WAJsal @Slav Defence sirs the think tank (sic) mugwop has no problem with this post but rates me immediately if i reply.

Hindu baniya is not slander but muslim kasab is. Where do you find such juvenile petty low iq intellectually coward think tanks? He has been doling out hundreds of ratings only to Indians. Can you ask him to atleast pretend like a balanced person one day in a month pls?
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We tend to be found grazing peacefully in the mountainous regions of HK island.

Lol you are not any of those at all. You play your crowd pretty damn well knowing fully well what you are doing ;)
You overestimate me sir, I wish I was that smart, but not in this life unfortunately. Maybe in my next life. :enjoy:

Ya ya I saw your comment asking "how come when Iran opens their mouth Indian words come out?" That sent the pakistanis in a euphoric tizzy lol! I cant for a minute imagine anyone believing that, but you said that just because you knew the pakistanis would love to hear that from a chinese :)

You dont fool me sir.
Ya ya I saw your comment asking "how come when Iran opens their mouth Indian words come out?" That sent the pakistanis in a euphoric tizzy lol! I cant for a minute imagine anyone believing that, but you said that just because you knew the pakistanis would love to hear that from a chinese :)

You dont fool me sir.

I honestly am really not that smart to play games like that. :P

Contrary to what people tend to think of Chinese, around 99% of the posts I make here come from my gut instead of my brain, hence the low post quality. I'm also quite bad at maths.

The only reason I'm a title holder is because the forum administration took a shine to me for some reason. They also told me I might have become a moderator if I wasn't such an incessant troll.
How incompetent are Iranian border guards? Some local baloch insurgents from Iran killed 10 of them without even getting shot in return? Pakistan face similar attacks from Afghanistan and in response all of them are killed.

As far as Pak being terror heaven, Iran is well known terror sponsor country and isolated for that very reason. They even support India's backed insurgency in Pakistan.
They think just because China uses them to needle India or US used them to needle Russia in Afghanistan, or KSA uses them to needle Iran, they are very relevant. Funny people.
They have made no positive contribution to the world unlike Iran that is increasing its clout in the field of space science and technology. Their biggest achievement till date is becoming a nuclear state and that has given a bragging right till the dawn of the sun. We have to bear with them.

Keep your tongue out of Iranians' ***...India and Iran are nothing...Pakistan will love to call India and Iran in same breadth to tell who are rogue nations...

India, Iran and North Korea...rogue nations as their neighboring countries don't like them.
They do, in UK and USA.

No, we don't. We don't want to get killed by doing that...


U people are murdered like sheep...Snowflakes you are. Who in the right mind, will pretend to be like Indians...U also got murdered in Australia quite often...Pakistanis are proud bunch and will beat the shit of white racists and Indian thugs one on one.

lol at these p akis. You're surrounded by Iran, India and afghans all which hate your guts and yet you say that about us? :lol:

You call Iran rogue? what about your piece of s.hit failed state that's basically a terrorist safe haven?

This was a hit and run, not a fire fight.
The main question is why is the p aki army so incompetent that they can't secure their own nation from being a safe haven for terrorists?

One of the worst things to ever happened is the creation of your failed state by the brits. You're nothing but sources of terrorists.

Why hindu Indians can't do better job as trolls while pretending to be Iranians? I mean look at your posts in few hours. Let some actual Iranians members respond how incompetent Irani army didn't even kill single of them.
One thing for sure..i admire the patience of the Iranian posters who is arguing with all these Pakistan posters since last 34 pages...He has amazing amount of patience and spirit to fight..

Having said that, i have one suggestion for Indian memebers here...if i start behaving as a neutral person, i really sympathize with Pakistan....I am sure that Pakistan never intends to hurt anything with Iran...But Pakistan has to understand that it is also bad if Gulf nations use your territory to attack Iran through non state actors...In one way, Pakistan presents itself as a powerful Islamic country but you can not even control your own territory to be used as a launch pad to attack on other countries...This should not be used as an exexuse by Pakistan...

I request Indian members to be neutral and stay away with unwanted comments...At the end of the day, Pakistan is our neighour nor Iran...
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