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Pakistan has 2 Choices: Secularism or Death

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The point is, In India it is possible for a Muslim to become Prime Minister/President. All you need is majority votes but their rights are intact..

But in case of Pakistan, the minority rights are constitutionally denied. PM/President posts can not be held by non Muslims, your constitution decided who is muslim and who is not, plus your blasphemy laws have impacted the poor minorities the most. They keep on becoming victims of these laws..

More over, even PM/Presidential posts in Pakistan are considered ceremonial as the main force/deciding factor in Pakistan is Army..

Good post !
(1) Right now, the Prime Minister's post is also ceremonial in India. The real power is with the Pizza-wali Memsahib.

(2) The United States has been a secular country since 1777. In all that time, despite all the contributions the Jewish community has made to the US, there has never been a Jewish president. But that is not the benchmark for judging a secular State. The benchmark is this: Is there anything in the law that says a Jew cannot be President? And the answer is: No. The United States is a secular country.

Secularism is not what happens or does not happen. Secularism is about The Law.What does the law say? Does the law disallow anyone? Who gets the post is neither here nor there.

Of course, I will add the caveat that I am talking about Secular Secularism, which the most widely understood sense of the idea. If you are talking about Islamic Secularism, well, then I would have to confess that I am not well versed with that concept. So we may well be talking about two different things.

Point to note is - that "Pizza-Wali Memsahib" came from a minority religion and the same holds true for Indian PM.
I meant full rights like the state has to give the minoritys security... Even IK has said he will give full rights, but he always want Islamic state. We will give full HUMAN rights to minoritys like water, food electricity, being PM or pres doesn't mean human rights

@kingkobra, karan.1970

Here lies the rub.

The very idea of Human Rights is flawed - is giving water, food, electricity your idea of Human Rights of minorities !!

These are facilities that anyone who can pay obtains !!

Being President or PM of the nation you are born in, lived for generations, pay taxes to & whose laws you abide is NOT a human right of a minority ?

Human rights are universal (applicable everywhere) and egalitarian (the same for everyone).

Please do not use words loosely.
jinnah was shia . so an islamic pakistan would lead to one day to the shias being declared nonmuslim ( there is already a party with specifically such an agenda ) and the founder of pakistan himself would be declared nonmuslim :azn:
jinnah was shia . so an islamic pakistan would lead to one day to the shias being declared nonmuslim ( there is already a party with specifically such an agenda ) and the founder of pakistan himself would be declared nonmuslim :azn:

Zardari is a shia
The day you elect a Muslim as Prime Minister of India then we will talk. Indian President is a ceremonial post with no real powers.

Bear in mind ..Muslims are not the only minority in India..and right now we have a Prime minister from a minority community ..so if and when a day comes..that prime minister of Pakistan is from a minority community ..then we ll talk!!
Imam Bukhari,

Thank you very much for a very interesting and intriguing post----. Pakistan is surely and steadily headed towards the abyss.
Bear in mind ..Muslims are not the only minority in India..and right now we have a Prime minister from a minority community ..so if and when a day comes..that prime minister of Pakistan is from a minority community ..then we ll talk!!
Pm Manmohan singh a rubber stamp PM who is remote controlled by super PM sonia and her unconstitutiona cabinet NAC.Btw you know its the indian taxpayers who pays the salaries and all the expenses of the NAC which should have come out of congress's pocket instead.So the day a minority person who becomes PM with all powers of PMship in his hand then we'll talk.and dont give example of MMS he is not even elected to loksabha.
Disagree with OP.. but accepts that you have made some points.. Let indian members increase their post counts first then have to discuss this whole topic. Hope that senior Pakistani members may took part in it.
Pakistan Came into existence in the name of Islam…Secularism is not at all possible for Pakistan… Even after 60 + years India is still learning this, but good part is India is going strong day by day in every manner.
Pm Manmohan singh a rubber stamp PM who is remote controlled by super PM sonia and her unconstitutiona cabinet NAC.Btw you know its the indian taxpayers who pays the salaries and all the expenses of the NAC which should have come out of congress's pocket instead.So the day a minority person who becomes PM with all powers of PMship in his hand then we'll talk.and dont give example of MMS he is not even elected to loksabha.

And how does it matter ..if he yes "ma'am" PM to the "super PM" Sonia? Insn't super PM Sonia from a minority community too?
It is an exercise to prove a point ..and point being, unlike Pakistan India does not have discriminatory laws against it's minorities.
This is not going to be good for Mullahs... Only way to be secular is if dictator comes and imposes secularism on everyone... That would shut the Mullahs up

This is just impossible …Pakistan is in well control under Mulla brigade ….Hope you will not like this word but the fact is … Pakistan was in control under Mulla , is in control under Mulla , in future will be in control under Mulla brigade....No one in Pakistan can change this.
India is still learning this, but good part is India is going strong day by day in every manner.
Self Proclaimed :pop: ! this Thread related to Pakistan ? Pakistan, Isn't it? :what:
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