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Pakistan has 110 Nuclear weapons, edges ahead of India: USA Report

100 or 400, after certain number, more nukes are liability.

You lot totally misunderstand Pakistan's Nuclear ideology..
Breeding Plutonium for Weapons takes time and needs specialist reactors which pakistan has only a few..India has over a dozen producing 200KG an year of Weapons grade Plutonium.

Pakistan does not have the means of making so much Plutonium,but whatever Pakistan has and is Producing is distributed in Small warheads and that's why Pakistan's number of warheads is said to be more than many countries..
But India has more Plutonium and may have less but much more high powered warheads...
Funny reply :)

Anyway..the 2004 stock of Military grade Plutonium of India was estimated to be 450 kilograms..
Now in 2013 the stock may have gone over 1000 KG..

So i highly doubt that India has less nukes than Pakistan

Lol I am not an Indian officer incharge of nukes. But I dont think India has anywhere less than 500-1000 nukes. Lets be fair we have one of the most advanced nuclear programs in the world with great expertise in PHWR, PWR, FBR and AHWR type reactors.

Pakistan is still in 1st gen reactors while India is currently constructing 3rd gen reactors. Also dont forget India also has 2 tokomak fusion reactors. Only 5 countries in the world have this capability.

Now funding is another thing where India is way above Pakistan.

No one will ever know how many nukes we have, but considering they gap in capabilities of 2 nations. I doubt Pakistan can ever overpower India in nukes.

PS I am a supporter of nuke free world. Lets work towards that and do some trade instead of war. Lets fight economics.
Lol I am not an Indian officer incharge of nukes. But I dont think India has anywhere less than 500-1000 nukes. Lets be fair we have one of the most advanced nuclear programs in the world with great expertise in PHWR, PWR, FBR and AHWR type reactors.

Pakistan is still in 1st gen reactors while India is currently constructing 3rd gen reactors. Also dont forget India also has 2 tokomak fusion reactors. Only 5 countries in the world have this capability.

Now funding is another thing where India is way above Pakistan.

No one will ever know how many nukes we have, but considering they gap in capabilities of 2 nations. I doubt Pakistan can ever overpower India in nukes.

PS I am a supporter of nuke free world. Lets work towards that and do some trade instead of war. Lets fight economics.

Pakistan have Double Warheads compare to India
India does not have more warheads than 100 According to UK,USA Research
Lol I am not an Indian officer incharge of nukes. But I dont think India has anywhere less than 500-1000 nukes. Lets be fair we have one of the most advanced nuclear programs in the world with great expertise in PHWR, PWR, FBR and AHWR type reactors.

Pakistan is still in 1st gen reactors while India is currently constructing 3rd gen reactors. Also dont forget India also has 2 tokomak fusion reactors. Only 5 countries in the world have this capability.

Now funding is another thing where India is way above Pakistan.

No one will ever know how many nukes we have, but considering they gap in capabilities of 2 nations. I doubt Pakistan can ever overpower India in nukes.

PS I am a supporter of nuke free world. Lets work towards that and do some trade instead of war. Lets fight economics.

Pakistan does not and will never need that many Nuclear warheads..Whatever Pakistan needs is already there...
Pakistan does not and will never need that many Nuclear warheads..Whatever Pakistan needs is already there...
I agree that even 1 nuke is enough to keep India from hitting Pakistan.

Now the reason why Pakistan has accelerated the nuke output is understandable. India has mastered the missile defence shield. and has conducted 7 tests with another one in may at a height of 200km. This will have kinetic kill vehicle and will be almost space based test. Even though India hasn't deployed but it surely makes Pakistan nervous. Pakistan doesn't even have a second strike capability. Makes it even more worse.
Increasing the volumes of nuclear warhead is stupidity for any country . What countries should be aiming at is increasing the range of the existing nuclear warheads .
In Pakistans case its main rivals are India , Israel and now the US . To contain from becoming another Syria ; Pakistan must i.ncrease their range of missiles if not numbers .
I dont know why is it impossible for indians to digest the truth that Pakistan has an edge over India is nuclear missiles technology. And please dont bore us with going off topic with you guys having better economy than us and stuff. This topic is about Pakistan having an edge over you guys. Accept it and get over it.

New estimates put Pakistan's nuclear arsenal at more than 100

By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, January 31, 2011; 12:49 AM
Pakistan's nuclear arsenal now totals more than 100 deployed weapons, a doubling of its stockpile over the past several years in one of the world's most unstable regions, according to estimates by nongovernment analysts.

The Pakistanis have significantly accelerated productionof uranium and plutonium for bombs and developed new weapons to deliver them. After years of approximate weapons parity, experts said, Pakistan has now edged ahead of India, its nuclear-armed rival.

Pakistan nukes outstrip India’s, officials say
U.S. reverses assessment of South Asia nuclear balance

By Robert Windrem and Tammy Kupperman
NBC News
updated 10/24/2003 10:35:02 AM ET
Print Font:
WASHINGTON, June 6 — Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is vastly superior to that of rival India, with up to five times the nuclear warheads, say U.S. military and intelligence officials now reassessing the South Asian balance of power. Interviews with senior U.S. officials in the past week revealed the view that Pakistan not only has more warheads than its longtime adversary, but has far more capability to actually use them.
Meanwhile in India they cant decide what to fire from a yet to be conceived Submaine...Will it be K-15..will it be Brahmos...will it be K-15? Same for Air launchy..Will it be Nirbhay or yet to be manufactured Mini Brahmos?

India has a very long way to go..mainly due to their complicated approach..
While Pakistan's simplistic approach is already doing the job and not much need for anything new..

The only ones having problem with determining what will be India's ALCM and SLBM are fanboys and forumers who cannot decide it because there is not enough information avaliable .

You speak as if Indian establishment has not been able to figure it out.

The only area where Pakistan is ahead of India is in the subsonic missile category . Everywhere else India has the upper hand.
The only ones having problem with determining what will be India's ALCM and SLBM are fanboys and forumers who cannot decide it because there is not enough information avaliable .

You speak as if Indian establishment has not been able to figure it out.

The only area where Pakistan is ahead of India is in the subsonic missile category . Everywhere else India has the upper hand.

There is a very big difference between 'pontoon launched' and 'submarine launched'.
So both india and Pakistan dont have second strike capability.

Plus india is also behind in air launch capability...
Pakistan has Raad...India has nothing.
There is a very big difference between 'pontoon launched' and 'submarine launched'.
So both india and Pakistan dont have second strike capability.

Plus india is also behind in air launch capability...
Pakistan has Raad...India has nothing.

Please educate us the difference in pontoon launch and submarine launch .
There is a very big difference between 'pontoon launched' and 'submarine launched'.
So both india and Pakistan dont have second strike capability.

Plus india is also behind in air launch capability...
Pakistan has Raad...India has nothing.

Yaar @Safriz can you deny the fact that India is closest to having second strike capability than Pakistan ever will be. I agree that that arihanth has not been inducted yet. But we all know it will sooner or later. This is capability that Pakistan wont be able to develop even in decades.

Coming to Raad again Nirbhay is ready to be fired. Your rants wont work a few years in the future. For now you can cotinue to be happy that India is behind.
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usa reported india won't test nukesand we did it right under their nose.

so what the fuss is all about???

how usa know what's india's upto??

Well done guys! The slowest growing economy having the fastest growing nuke arsenal!! Epic! :P

Well done guys! The slowest growing economy having the fastest growing nuke arsenal!! Epic! :P

The tag of slowest growing economy is just 4 year old, We were one of the fastest economy in 2005.
Just a matter of this election,people will kick out this government, economy will again rise as it was in 2005.
The nuclear weapons of Pakistan are all of 20kt-25kt power whereas India's nuclear weapon are of 150kt-200kt power.
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