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Pakistan has 110 Nuclear weapons, edges ahead of India: USA Report

:lol: india is the regional power for many decades. we are much ahead of rest of south asia in terms of economy industry bollywood technology education etc. we can easily defeat rests together in a war. go through the numbers....


This is the map of 2012 regional powers.

File:Regional powers 2012 updated3.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India has fissile material for 1000 bombs from reactor grade fuel ALONE.
Lol at cretins...
@ Krait:

certain budget is allocated to strategic command from previous budgetary year...it's not like they have a blank cheque to be doing missile tests. What they get per annum is what they get. So i dont know why you bring in disaster/power generating [mis] management which is totally irrelevant.

i could say the same thing otherwise about india.....800 million indians lack facilities like toilets and yet you carried out more missile tests than we have in past 2 years!

dont be sensational
Pakistan has a Functional Air launch Nuclear capability via Raad and JF-17..India doesn't...Don't tell me Brahmos as the air launch capability isn't fictional yet...

Pakistan's sea launch Capability is highly Plausible although undeclared as Babur's Diameter is compliant with 533MM Torpedo tubes of Agosta Submarines..

India has yet to Integrate the "Poontoon" with a submarine...

Pakistan at the moment does not need any new missiles and only needs to integrate the existing fire power with different Platforms and thats what they are doing...
Meanwhile in India they cant decide what to fire from a yet to be conceived Submaine...Will it be K-15..will it be Brahmos...will it be K-15? Same for Air launchy..Will it be Nirbhay or yet to be manufactured Mini Brahmos?

India has a very long way to go..mainly due to their complicated approach..
While Pakistan's simplistic approach is already doing the job and not much need for anything new..
@Abu Zolfiqar I am telling you that economic downturn destabilizes the nation. Forget toilets, poverty and unemployment is the major aspect for social instability.

I know this because its well established and well researched fact. You have to count into your economy size and relative investment for more nukes than India. Having weapons is one thing, maintaining it is whole different game.

Relativity and economic growth, education, etc. all comes into picture.

You have Soviet example in front of you. They had Toilets in every house and world class defense equipment. They were neck to neck with US in technological advancement.

But weakening economy ate its roots like termites and the whole tree just fell and broken into pieces.
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@Abu Zolfiqar I am telling you that economic downturn destabilizes the nation. Forget toilets, poverty and unemployment is the major aspect for social instability.

I know this because its well established and well researched fact. You have to count into your economy size and relative investment for more nukes than India. Having weapons is one thing, maintaining it is whole different game.

Relativity and economic growth, education, etc. all comes into picture.

You have Soviet example in front of you. They had Toilets in every house and world class defense equipment. They were neck to neck with US in technological advancement.

But weakening economy ate its roots like termites and the whole tree just fell and broken into pieces.

no they weren't.....they emphasized numbers and threw them at their enemy without worrying about the lives of their soldiers and equipment

Americans made sure that everyone as much as possible (and their equipments) made it back home safely

and yes youre right, it costs money to maintain......but then again, defense budget is mutually agreed upon between Parliament & MoD
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@Abu Zolfiqar I am telling you that economic downturn destabilizes the nation. Forget toilets, poverty and unemployment is the major aspect for social instability.

I know this because its well established and well researched fact. You have to count into your economy size and relative investment for more nukes than India. Having weapons is one thing, maintaining it is whole different game.

Relativity and economic growth, education, etc. all comes into picture.

You have Soviet example in front of you. They had Toilets in every house and world class defense equipment. They were neck to neck with US in technological advancement.

But weakening economy ate its roots like termites and the whole tree just fell and broken into pieces.

Thanks for your concern..But the simplistic minimalist approach of Pakistani defense planners is in line with the limited finances of the country...
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India has a very long way to go..mainly due to their complicated approach..
While Pakistan's simplistic approach is already doing the job and not much need for anything new..

After what can you expect from Hindu Baniyaas. We will first checkout all the options we have and play around will every kind of toy and then choose the best one. :P
Thanks for your concern..But the simplistic minimalist approach of Pakistani defense planners is in line with the limited finances of the country...
Limited finances being used in Nukes ? Dude, its attracting unwanted attention. Right now Pakistan should focus on internal security and economy. India didn't attack Pakistan even when we did nuke test in 1974. India is not going to attack Pakistan either.

India is more concerned about China's military growth and growing influence in the region, focus on its economy, extending influence to get resources from CARs, Afghanistan, Africa, attracting more FDI.

That's why India is focusing on weapons for China. Whether it is FGFA, Rafale, SLBM, SSBN, Scorpene, AC, Agni V, Agni VI, ABM, own IRNSS, Spy satellites, infrastructure building near Chinese border, AF base in Arunachal, Leh - Ladakh, raising new Mountain cores etc. etc.

By focusing on China, India already get sufficient gap with Pakistan in military terms.
@Karit Nukes are security certificate for Pakistan. Not surprised they focus a lot on it.
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