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Pakistan got nuclear weapons with Chinese help: US Senator

:D :D does it matter how we got our nuclear weapons ??

what all matters is that we have them :azn:

so whiners should stop crying

If im not wrong in another thread related to indian Cities names change your staement was this ..... C

How does if affect a Pakistani? Why should they be interested in what we name our cities? Original Post By Vinod2070

it does the same way our missiles' names affect a bharati (Original Post By JANA)

Now tell when you could have problem with only by our city names then perhaps wont suit you to justify yourself like this.. isnt it.... Practically the city name changes wont even actually a much of a botheration for us even though you had it............ ?

And here when its actually a lot bigger concern which affects and could change not only one but atleast a number of Political scenarios in diffent countries you are actually trying to ignore it by your sheer irresponsible statement...... you cant sail all along keepin your both feets in two different directions...It hurts Ma'am :no:
Pakistan got nuclear weapons with Chinese help:Senior US Senator

A top US Senator has said that Pakistan would have never acquired nuclear weapons without the assistance of China.

“Pakistan wouldn’t have acquired nuclear weapons if it hadn’t have been for Chinese assistance,” Senator Jim Webb, said yesterday at the Council on Foreign Relations, a Washington-based think tank.

He said that China has a long-standing relationship with Pakistan.

“When Chairman Kerry (John Kerry) left Pakistan recently, as soon as he left, the Prime Minister of Pakistan went to China and said China’s our greatest friend,” Webb said.

The Senator said that the US and the international community should encourage China to take part in solutions in a way that is proportionate to the influence the country has accumulated with its growing economy and sophisticated military.

Webb, however, alleged that China hhttp://www.defence.pk/forums/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=10as not being doing that.

Pakistan got nuclear weapons with Chinese help | Siasat

How Much did you get Mr Senator or were you living under the stone all these years. Its no secret Pakistan and China cooperate in alot of fields including nuclear but to go this far as to say & expect that Pakistan never would have gained nuclear weapons without Chinese assistance is like living in a fools paradise.
Its not a question of acquiring technology, but how to protect it ...can an economically weak on the brim of collapse country... afford to keep it ?"N" ?
China gave nuclear weapon technology to Pakistan?? So what's new? :tongue: Stop wringing your hands and move on!
Didn't it happen the other way around? I was always under the impression Pakistan bestowed China with nuclear technology.
Typical Indian Response to Pakistani Nuclear Weapons

Anyway - It does not matter we got it from China or Mars - The fact is if sh@t hits the fan then we're gonna drop the bomb on India.Anything that gets the job done is a good thing.
Yea and if we did so freaken what... lolz should of thought of that before we set of our first test dumb a$$'s lolz.
lol american say this and that but they cant prove anything.lolthe same the said there are wmds in iraq but they couldnt find anything.lol and a senetor????he is like a fly on a garbage dump.lol
We are nobody to decide anything.What has happened,has happened.If I am not mistaken,I think A.Q. Khan mainly stole technology related to enriching Uranium,not the technology for making a bomb.

A.Q.Khan did go through a lot of troubles to make Pakistan a nuclear power.He did work for the infrastructure,for production.There is an indication that China had helped as well,about assembling an A-bomb .It is quite impossible to test a nuclear device within less than a month after India's testing had their been no external help.

In 1998, Pakistan already had nuclear weapons..... U235 based. We knew that, that is exactly why we tested to force Pakistan to come from covert to an overt mode. General Sundarji's book "The Blind Men of Hindustan" sheds light on what we knew of Pakistan's nuclear weapon capability. He wrote the book in 1993 and even then we knew that they had it. The problem was that as long as Pakistan remained a covert nuclear weapon state, we could not formulate a response as there were enough people here on the 'peace' or 'green' brigade who doubted the intelligence inputs or simply buried their heads in sand. We knew what we had to do to counter a nuclear threat from Pakistan/China but it could not be done while Pakistan made nukes covertly and denied having nukes in public. We had plans to test much earlier. The testing was delayed unduly due to the lack of resolve of a certain political party.

You are absolutely correct, AQK stole the technology for the centrifuges to enrich U238 into U235 from Netherlands , this was subsequently sold to Iran. The tech to make the bomb came from China.
We are nobody to decide anything.What has happened,has happened.If I am not mistaken,I think A.Q. Khan mainly stole technology related to enriching Uranium,not the technology for making a bomb.

A.Q.Khan did go through a lot of troubles to make Pakistan a nuclear power.He did work for the infrastructure,for production.There is an indication that China had helped as well,about assembling an A-bomb .It is quite impossible to test a nuclear device within less than a month after India's testing had their been no external help.
WoOha! what are you bragging about ... you don't even know that Pakistan got his nuke ready in 86 and Zia has been told you say it and we have it (I mean Nuke test in Chaghi that was ready since mid 80's :azn: ) ... and yes ! more little thing you better update yourself with Zia's cricket diplomacy :devil: you may come to know a few more things ...

The first ever Fast breeder reactor made functional in India. That is based on the pioneering effort by the scientists of India. Get a handle on your Caps lock. :D
It does matter,as it gives us an idea about the technical capabilities.

lets say that the tech did come from china, how does this help in determining Pakistani capabilities? china has w88 class thermonuclear warheads, does this mean pakistan has them too? the tests pakistan did is a far better indicator of technology.
lets say that the tech did come from china, how does this help in determining Pakistani capabilities? china has w88 class thermonuclear warheads, does this mean pakistan has them too? the tests pakistan did is a far better indicator of technology.

Pakistan did not test its nukes at Chagai. The nukes Pakistan exploded at Chagai had been tested at Lop Nor, Xinjiang, China. The ready made bombs were exploded at Chagai for domestic and international consumption. It was like a 'Show' in a game of cards where India had already laid its cards on the table.
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