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Pakistan fears US will again abandon it



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Sep 4, 2012
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Pakistan has a growing fear that the US might abandon it once again after its exit from Afghanistan next year. The Pakistan embassy has conveyed the message to the Obama administration in numerous meetings, according to the acting ambassador Dr Asad Majeed.

Talking to The News after attending an event on the Capitol Hill, he said Pakistani officials have been expressing concern, both publicly and in official meetings with American officials, that Pakistan could be left to deal with the fallout of the US withdrawal in the form of militancy and extremism in Afghanistan.

He said Pakistan had also asked the US to make sure that the exit process should not harm it. Quoting the idiom, “hope for the best and prepare for the worst,” he added Pakistan hopes that history does not repeat itself. “The country is taking positive steps and is willing to cooperate with the international community, the US and Afghanistan to ensure peace in the region,” Dr Asad said.

He reiterated that the relationship between the two countries was stable now despite the rockiness of the past two years. Now both countries believe that the door to talks in the event of any incident should remain open.

Meanwhile, concerns remain on the US side as well. Congressman Andre Carson hailed Pakistanis for helping the US quash extremism. He commented that the US cannot afford to abandon Pakistan, but also stayed skeptical of the country’s intelligence agency — the ISI.

He told The News, “I think the relationship is too critical, the needs (on both sides) are too great, and I think as a strategic partner Pakistan has to reaffirm her commitment to the United States.”

Congressman Carson, an Indiana Democrat, is one of two Muslim congressmen, said in the past “we have seen critical leaks with the ISI and we need a guarantee that as a country those leaks would not continue to occur.” He said the relationship had to be reciprocal.

“I think often too many countries put too much on the United States without respectfully carrying their weight,” he said, adding that the nature of any true friendship was that both parties agree to meet the needs of others in a reasonable way.

“As a strategic partners, our intelligence agencies have to work together cooperatively in exchange of information, and know that what we give them not be leaked and we have to guarantee with what they give us not be leaked as well,” the congressman said.

Pakistan fears US will again abandon it - thenews.com.pk
What else does Pakistan expect ? baring the WOT has Pakistan engaged with the US on any other terms? they have a one point agenda, and once its done , they will abandon you again like they did in the 90s.
they will not break alliance with uk because uk is far big power than usa and abut japan and germany i think they havent forget ww2 and abut south korea it is because of north korea.........so plz dnt give exaample of these nations..
they will not break alliance with uk because uk is far big power than usa and abut japan and germany i think they havent forget ww2 and abut south korea it is because of north korea.........so plz dnt give exaample of these nations..
sir with deu respects international relations are about self interests of countries and its been always a case of pay and plug policy of USA towards pakistan but since pakistan never tried to become self sufficient like say korea they alwyas glorified this commercial relation ship as a friendship had paksitan been a robust and self reliant a self reliant economy USA would have never done that what it does to pakistan instead of labelling USA as culprit its time pakistan & pakistanies introspect there own ploicies and rectify them till you have time otherwise it will be same old storie = USA leaves Pakistan as a used *** wipe and pakistan again falls into the pit of sectarian voilence and anarchy and this time make no mistake USA or China will come to your rescue ...Good Luck
Pakistan must think of itself as country that has a strategic geography. If it does not become economically strong, then any power in future be US or China, will use it for its strategic purposes and then abandon.

So Pakistan must develop itself to be economically and politically significant. Easier said than done. The economic backwardness, weak education cant be excuses. It has been 65 years. Its a long time to develop economy, healthcare and education despite whats going on in politics or in the region.
Who abandons the ''Asian tiger''?

@Argus Panoptes

What "Asian Tiger"? Tigger, from Winnie the Pooh may be, but no ferocity there.

I would take this news story with a grain of salt. It is only one more snippet as the real jockeying for the best positions possible in the post-2014 scenario is carried out by the power players. Right now it is unclear who will gain the upper hand, but it is likely that no one party will be secure in getting all their aims achieved.

We will get some of what we want, and so will the other parties. The rest of the decade is going to be interesting for sure in this region.

Pakistan must think of itself as country that has a strategic geography. If it does not become economically strong, then any power in future be US or China, will use it for its strategic purposes and then abandon.

So Pakistan must develop itself to be economically and politically significant. Easier said than done. The economic backwardness, weak education cant be excuses. It has been 65 years. Its a long time to develop economy, healthcare and education despite whats going on in politics or in the region.

Geography has only a minor, and decreasing, role to play in this 21st century of global technologies and interconnectivity. You do make a good point about developing the economy. That is paramount if we are to remain relevant.
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Pakistan fears? Who is Pakistan, the Government or the people? If its the Government then yes it does have fears of losing all the Aid that come from USA....If its the people(with the exception of few Gora wanna be's) then they would be more than delighted to see US gone and not meddling with the Pakistani affairs.
Pakistan is not kal ka bacha , we were never effected even before we did just fine just the loan payments stopped coming stand on your own feet
Have they abandoned the UK, South Korea, japan or germany? just you guys? ask your selfs the question ,why only us?
the answer lies in the fact that you have let the US use you guys. instead of talking to the US you have let them talk at you.

What a load of bull, UK, SK, JP and Ger are all in the realm of US influence and they're still needed. Pakistan isn't the only nation that was abandoned, the US has abandoned a lot of it's allies, all you have to do is look at the Arab spring to see this fact. The nations you mentioned are still useful, which is why the US hasn't abandoned them. If these nations were to start resisting the US, then the US would abandon or act against them. Canada had to deal with this when the Iraq war came around. Canada resisted the US's pressure to send troops into Iraq and the US ended up closing the border, which hurt our economy badly. Canada eventually agreed to support the war, which is why the US reopened the borders. There is speculation in Canada that Canada also agreed to send JTF-2 to Iraq, which is also a reason why the US reopened the borders.
Sad but true, Americans are not relationship type people they believe in hit n run night stands. Pakistan was taken on a ride to be used and thrown out of the moving car. Chinese believe in organ theft, wonder what condition they will leave once they are done with you.

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