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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

F-16 is most advanced 4th gen fighter

July 20, 2010 (by John R. Kent) - The versions of the F-16 being delivered to customers now are the most advanced 4th Generation multi-role fighter aircraft currently available on the international market and are building on the F-16's reputation for effectiveness and value, the Lockheed Martin director of business development for the program said today.

"The F-16 continues as a modern, highly capable, affordable and supportable fighter. The program is healthy and active, with firm production through 2013 and a strong likelihood of new orders that will extend the line for several more years," said Bill McHenry, director of business development for F-16 programs, in remarks to reporters at the Farnborough International Airshow. McHenry also added that there is a firm backlog of 86 F-16 aircraft, including a recent order from Egypt for 20 new, Advanced Block 50/52 aircraft, the sixth follow-on buy for this country.

More than 4,450 F-16s have been delivered worldwide since the program's inception more than 30 years ago – including 53 follow-on buys by 14 countries.

In addition to the F-16 production programs, Lockheed Martin continues to develop the F-16 for the future by integrating advanced technologies through upgrade programs for existing F-16s to ensure interoperability with the world’s only 5th Generation fighters, the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.

"This integration of advanced technologies for fielded and new aircraft provides an opportunity for F-16 operators to benefit from the latest developments in technology and capabilities for fighter aircraft," McHenry said. "This synergy will parallel technology and provide a natural bridge from the 4th Generation of fighters to the 5th Generation."

Aircraft now being produced for Turkey, Pakistan, Morocco and Egypt are the Advanced Block 50/52 F-16C/D configuration. The United Arab Emirates was the launch customer for the block 60 F-16 E/F version, and is the platform basis for the proposed variant called the F-16IN Super Viper for the Indian Air Force’s Medium Multi-role Combat Aircraft competition.

McHenry said the F-16 offers the latest technologies and capabilities available today – including AESA radar, day-night, all-weather, standoff, autonomous, air intercept and precision strike. These aircraft have the latest in avionics, sensors and weapons, plus user-friendly cockpits and systems integration that provide pilots with high situational awareness.

According to today's Urdu daily Waqt so far a total of three Block 52 F-16 aircraft (one F-16C + two F-16D) have been delivered to Pakistan Air Force as part of a total of 18 Block 52 F-16 aircraft ordered by Pakistan.

The remaining fifteen Block 52 F-16s will be delivered to Pakistan by the end of January 2011.

It means following news report which appeared in July 5, 2010 in Urdu daily Express claiming delivery of fourth Block 52 F-16 to Pakistan was not correct???

F-16s in Pakistan: a review
Saturday, July 24, 2010
By Salis bin Perwaiz

KARACHI: The first batch of three latest version F-16 C/D Block-52 high-tech Fighting Falcons landed in Pakistan recently. Top security officials and others termed it a great breakthrough, saying the induction would give a great edge and a potent punch to the Pakistan Air Force.

The News spoke to various senior officers of Pakistan Air Force about the history of F-16 jet planes and its specifications.

When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the Mujahideen took up arms against the superpower at the time. It was a struggle that saw the Mujahideen crossing the Pakistan border regularly — often to disperse among the many Afghan refugee camps that had sprung up along the western regions. This saw occasional incursions by the Soviet Union and Afghan aircraft into Pakistan on search and destroy missions, but no major skirmishes, until the delivery of the PAFís F-16s in 1982.

During 1982, six pilots and 87 technicians travelled to the USA to train on the F-16s, with the first aircraft being accepted by the PAF at Lockheed-Martinís Fort Worth facility in October 1982.

All the pilots, converted on the aircraft, only six months after making their first flight in the F-16. The first of two F-16As and four F-16Bs were flown to Sargodha by the six pioneers on January, 1983. The first unit to re-equip with the F-16 in January 1983 was Sargodha based 11 Squadron ëArrowsí. A second unit, 9 Squadron ëGriffins,í moved to Sargodha, which also re-equipped with the F-16 in June, 1984.

In 1986, three years after entering service, a PAF F-16 claimed its first air-to-air kill. This first strike took place on May 17, 1986, when Flight Lieutenant Hameed Qadri from 9 Squadron, with his aircraftís 20 mm gun, put down an Su-22 in the Miranshah district on a dawn Combat Air Patrol.

Following two years of F-16 operations, the government opted for another batch of Fighting Falcons in October 1988. The deal known as Peace Gate III, comprised six F-16s and five F-16Bs and was followed by Peace Gate IV in September 1989 in which 48 F-16As and 12 F-16Bs were to be obtained. However, all 71 F-16s were embargoed, due to the October 1990 Pressler Amendment. The amendment stipulated that the US Government was to suspend all military sales programmes to Pakistan. This would continue until Pakistan complied with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The sanctions stayed in place until three years after the September 11 terrorist attack on the twin towers in New York. Given its geo-strategic location and partnership in the global war on terrorism, Pakistan was designated as a major non-Nato ally in June 2005 and the US President George W Bush gave the go ahead for the return of the 28 F-16s.

The first two F-16As were overhauled and subsequently flown to Pakistan on December 8, 2005 and arrived in country some five days later. The delivery of 14 F-16s from USAF stocks was completed in mid-2008.

The PAF leadership received a morale booster in June 2005, when it was granted permission to purchase 12 F-16C and six F-16D Block 52Ms through Foreign Military Sales (FMS) channels. Peace Drive I, as the contract is known by the US government, also includes many other technologies like Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems, conformal fuel tanks and advanced electronic warfare systems. The aircraft are expected to be delivered in 2010/11 and based at Shahbaz near Jacobabad.

On December 14, 2006, it was announced by the US that Pakistan would receive 24 Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) kits for their Peace Gate I/II F-16A Block 15s and 10 similar kits for their 10 Peace Gate I/II F-16Bs. The Falcon Up work, known in the US as the Peace Drive II (Pakistan) modernisation programme, will be completed by November, 2010.

Meanwhile, the PAFís existing fleet of Peace Gate I/II Block 25s will undergo a Falcon Up mid-life update in 2011, designed at upgrading cockpits and avionics to match the F-16C/D. These will be augmented by an additional 14 F-16s that were never delivered because of the Pressler Amendment passed back in 1992, which led to 28 F-16s being embargoed in the USA. The PAF, which places much emphasis on the F-16, because of its capabilities and load factor, will then operate one of the largest F-16 fleets in the world.
What is the point of having these F-16s if there is a mechanism in place which prevents us from using them against india?
There is no such mechanism in place. We can talk about the technicalities of systems that have been denied to us, however even without those systems, F-16s are fully capable of conducting offensive operations.
May be we should discuss transfer of technology of F16 , since we like the plane so well or at least we should place order of 40-50 planes with US F16 Factory.

It is a wonderful plane
Images of F-16's Drogue-Probe Style Air Refueling System



Images from drogue-probe style air refueling system testing on F-16.This aerial refueling system allows the F-16 to refuel from probe-and-drogue refueling systems. The system is called CARTS, for conformal air refuel tank system. The probe telescopically extends and retracts from a purpose-built right-side forward conformal fuel tank. The right aft section and complete left-side conformal fuel tanks require no change. The mechanically driven probe quickly extends the nozzle to its fully extended position just in front of the front pilot’s eye position.
drogue-probe style air refueling loOks reallly pathetic on F16....
Seems the Conformal probes are being tested on a Chilean AF example.
According to today's Urdu daily Waqt so far a total of three Block 52 F-16 aircraft (one F-16C + two F-16D) have been delivered to Pakistan Air Force as part of a total of 18 Block 52 F-16 aircraft ordered by Pakistan.

The remaining fifteen Block 52 F-16s will be delivered to Pakistan by the end of January 2011.

It means following news report which appeared in July 5, 2010 in Urdu daily Express claiming delivery of fourth Block 52 F-16 to Pakistan was not correct???


The fourth one was delivered a few days later and reported in the news as well as members of pakdef.info.
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