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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

TB to 2010
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@The Eagle if you would be so kind to press the flush button

I am bit late to the party and SIRE took him out. However, such desperate souls are wandering in loneliness and lost all of their tricks so have to come here and vent frustration and then we have hammers, too. :D
manners make a man—-but you being pakistani—-not much can expected from you. It is not in your culture and neither did you parents teach you that.
The reply was your right but barking at him being a Pakistani wasn't. You are worst than him because you have abused my nation.. It is better to be Pakistani than what you are. Please next time don't bark on my nation or anything related to it.

A looot of useful and technical info on F16.
The reply was your right but barking at him being a Pakistani wasn't. You are worst than him because you have abused my nation.. It is better to be Pakistani than what you are. Please next time don't bark on my nation or anything related to it.
When people like sir @MastanKhan criticize calling as a ‘pakistani’, he is referring to nation as a group of people. And it’s an undeniable fact that we are no less than gotham, quite corrupt nation having extremes of GOOD and BAD. We lack basic etiquette in majority while we have goodness as well in common. Sir MK is an old man, of an older generation, has seen the transition and transformation of generation, how the curve is going down n down. His concerns are legit, and that’s what makes an old man angry. People who live in first world/middle eastern countries know what are etiquettes or ways of spending a decent life.
So f-16 Unlike older types mirage , f-7 etc the electrical wiring are not routed outside of fuel tank but actually passes through the tank which can cause an electrical fire but according to someone I spoke to never worried about it as it’s so solid engineered and in 20/30 years never bothered to check by opening the wing tank or others

Older type not the case
The reply was your right but barking at him being a Pakistani wasn't. You are worst than him because you have abused my nation.. It is better to be Pakistani than what you are. Please next time don't bark on my nation or anything related to it.


Just be grateful I answered your post.

At my age I dont bark. I leave it to you kids to do that.
When people like sir @MastanKhan criticize calling as a ‘pakistani’, he is referring to nation as a group of people. And it’s an undeniable fact that we are no less than gotham, quite corrupt nation having extremes of GOOD and BAD. We lack basic etiquette in majority while we have goodness as well in common. Sir MK is an old man, of an older generation, has seen the transition and transformation of generation, how the curve is going down n down. His concerns are legit, and that’s what makes an old man angry. People who live in first world/middle eastern countries know what are etiquettes or ways of spending a decent life.
He may be old and angry but it gives him no right to abuse others and it doesn't excuse his bad manners.

At my age I dont bark.
No you just lie and make false accusations instead.
manners make a man—-but you being pakistani—-not much can expected from you. It is not in your culture and neither did you parents teach you that.

Not much can be expected from you being the bitter, old, self loathing condescending ahole you are. If you have such a low opinion of Pakistanis get lost and dont let the door hit you on your a$$!
That’s one thing I cannot do is listen to anyone talk ill of my country. Its not ego it’s insecurity for not adding up to much in his life. He lives vicariously through his posts on PDF and the brown nosing all his chamchas do!
When did he ever talk ill of “Pakistan as a country” rather always talks on its people and he is right. Your mind has some curtains closed till now, once it opens, you will see what MK really says. Talking Ill of “ill-mannered people” vs talking Ill of motherland are 2 different thing and latter is not the case here
When did he ever talk ill of “Pakistan as a country” rather always talks on its people and he is right. Your mind has some curtains closed till now, once it opens, you will see what MK really says. Talking Ill of “ill-mannered people” vs talking Ill of motherland are 2 different thing and latter is not the case here
I have read enough of his posts to see how condescending and boorish he is towards others. He has the audacity to teach others manners when he should learn some manners himself on how to address others on a forum.
I have read enough of his posts to see how condescending and boorish he is towards others. He has the audacity to teach others manners when he should learn some manners himself on how to address others on a forum.
He does get harsh tho, @MastanKhan , ever feel angry, just spit and ignore, move on.

Then why he often use the terms for PAkistanis CHEAP/ HAVE LOW IQ/ILLITERATE JAHIL PAKISTANIS
Isn’t that a general truth buddy ? We are asa whole quite cheap people, (not implying everyone) but in masses, either of those 3 qualities you mentioned, a person is either all of 3 or at least 1. He is not wrong. We must find our errors, correct them, not always play blind, thinking we are the best and all. This is where we are wrong or rather “innocent (?)”
Isn’t that a general truth buddy ? We are asa whole quite cheap people, (not implying everyone) but in masses, either of those 3 qualities you mentioned, a person is either all of 3 or at least 1. He is not wrong. We must find our errors, correct them, not always play blind, thinking we are the best and all. This is where we are wrong or rather “innocent (?)”
Yaar what about your friends will insult/abuse you in front all peoples, what you gonna do, instead being polite and try to correct others peoples wrong theories/ideas in a respectful manner,most of us are not defense experts but defense enthusiasts, he always try to abuse insult others instead correct other wrong theories/ideas in respectful manners
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Yaar what about your friends will insult/abuse you in front all peoples, what you gonna do, instead being polite and try to correct others peoples wrong theories/ideas in a respectful manner,most of us are not defense experts but defense enthusiasts, he always try to abuse insult others instead correct other wrong theories/ideas in respectful manners

That is exactly what I have often advised him. But hey he is old man and get angry easily. So it’s up to us to take intelligently what he says by discarding what is not important.

In most of his messages if not all, there is something to study, to understand.. for Pakistan’s own benefit. If he wasn’t loving Pakistan he wouldn’t spent time here.
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