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Industry in a fix over fall in textile exports

KARACHI, Sept 22: The leaders of textile industry seem to be in a fix after noticing a sharp drop in export of textile products and a fall in import of textile machinery during July and August this year and to quote a prominent textile tycoon “we are now thinking of an exit strategy rather than revival of industry.’’

While the overall export of textiles is down by 5.27 per cent in first two months of the current fiscal year, the yarn export is short by 6.75pc than last year.

The export of cotton cloth has fallen by 36.33 per cent in quantity terms and 17.93 per vent value-wise. Bedwear export too is down by 13.39 per cent.

Textile machinery import in August was worth $32.32 million. Import of textile machinery slided down to $471.62 million last fiscal year as against $910.81 million a year earlier, indicating that the honey mooning for textile investors is over.

It is coming at a time when Indians are making huge investments in textile.

Out of about a million bales arrival at ginneries, more than 6,000 bales have been exported.

The All-Pakistan Textiles Association wants suspension of export till a final assessment of cotton crop is made. Would cotton be imported later at higher prices after exporting it at lower price as was the case in wheat,’’ the APTA asked a question.

It fears that government policies will further expand trade deficit.

Industry in a fix over fall in textile exports -DAWN - Business; September 23, 2007
Gwadar Free Zone: Government to provide land for export oriented units

ISLAMABAD: As a measure to promote export-led industrialisation the government will provide investors with land on 99-year lease for setting up of export oriented industries in Gwadar Free Zone, a government official informed Daily times on Saturday.

The free zone area will be measuring 923 hectares and shall be acquired by Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) with a clear title and with full authority to lease the same to the Free Zone Company for establishment of free zone, the official added.

Availability of prime land on lease would help local as well as foreign investors to set up their export oriented units and would also help them reduce their cost of business. The government has already agreed in principle to allow import of plant, machinery and equipments duty-free for the units to be set up in the export processing zones or special economic zones, the official said.

The free zone area would be customs free and protected by a security fence, however, all imports taken out of the free zone are shall be subjected to all applicable duties and charges. The free zone area would be used exclusively for port related business and will supplement the port related business. A 20-year tax holiday has been announced for the businesses to the established in the free zone area.

The concession holder has already constituted a free zone company to manage free zone business. Currently the concession holder, Port of Singapore Authority, holds 9 percent of the paid up capital in the Free Zone Company but would have the right to increase its shareholding in this company or disinvest its entire shareholding. The Free Zone Company would be controlled by the AKD Group with 91 percent shares.

The Free Zone Company shall be given leasehold rights in respect of the free zone area for a period of 40 years. The investors in the free zone area shall be given sub-leases for a period of 99 years from the free zone effective date. All sub-leases would be signed by the Free Zone Company, GPA and the sub-lessee.

The government has fixed targets for the GPA to make land available for free zone and hand it over to the company within specified deadlines. GPA has been directed to make available approximately 261 hectares of the land presently in the ownership of the Pakistan Navy and Coast Guards on the date of commercial operation.

The remaining 662 hectares are to be made available by December 31, 2007 with a grace period until 30th June 2008. If the GPA fails to acquire sufficient land under the said two options, it would be required to acquire remaining land within the port area to the reasonable satisfaction of the Free Zone Company.

The Free Zone Company would not be required to pay land lease fees to GPA but will be allowed to charge sub-lease fee from free zone users at fair market value. Limited residential development, housing in the free zone area would be allowed for use by the staff employed in the port related business.

The Free Zone Company would be entitled to earn income from leases, rental charges, development charges, maintenance charges and utility charges. However, the Free Zone Company would be required to pay 15 percent of its gross revenue from the free zone area.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Stress on R&D for development of chemical sector

By Ijaz Kakakhel

ISLAMABAD: In continuation of the process of development of Chemical Vision 2020, the stakeholders in a meeting emphasised on more research and development (R&D) and pointed the need for Higher Education Commission’s collaboration in this regard.

Officials in the ministry of industry, production and special initiatives told Daily Times here on Saturday that second meeting about the Chemical Vision 2020 was held in Karachi a few days ago and the participants raised the issue of innovation, supply chain management and incorporation of information technology in the development of chemical sector.

During the meeting, universities and educational institutions offered their full and continuous support to establish linkages and collaboration with the chemical industry for which a need of a focused group was highlighted which could bridge the gaps between the industry and universities. The officials said the participants were unanimous in their views on the low yield, less efficient and lack of any big-ticket items in the existing portfolio of chemical sector. The efficiency constraints are due to old, under-scale and inefficient plants and processes coupled with low level of human resources available in the industry. Officials said that the meeting was informed that growing challenges confronting the chemical sector are health, safety, environment and intellectual property rights. Alongside this, lack of any standards and homologation with internationally benchmarked quality and standards, there was a need to work in this area without which the future of chemical sector will remain doubtful.

Participants were of the view that despite abundant local reserves of phosphate rock and other salt and minerals, sufficient beneficiation could not take place. One reason of relatively low purity level of such reserves particularly rock phosphate was cited, otherwise there was general agreement that a larger potential however, remains untapped so far.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
CNG sector attracts investment of Rs 70bn

ISLAMABAD: The Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) sector of Pakistan has attracted over Rs 70 billion investments during the last few years as a result of liberal and encouraging policies of the government.

According to official sources in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Pakistan now stands the second largest CNG user country in the world.

The government would encourage private sector to set up CNG equipment manufacturing plants in the country in order to save heavy foreign exchange on the import of CNG equipment.

Presently, some 1,414 CNG stations are operating in the country in 85 cities and towns.

By March 2007, about one 1.35 million vehicles were converted to CNG as compared to on million vehicles during the same period last year, showing an increase of 35 percent. On average 29,167 vehicles are being converted to CNG every month.

Meanwhile, as a result of introducing investor friendly policies and deregulation of the petroleum sector by the government, the oil and gas exploration in the onshore and offshore areas attracted an unprecedented direct and indirect investment in the country.

The Rekodiq Copper Project being undertaken by the Chilean Antofagasta Company with investment of US $ 6 billion in Chagai District of Balochistan Province would place Pakistan on the World Copper map shortly. app

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Rs 8b sewerage plan to be in place by 2011

* Project to take four years
* All sewage to be treated before entering the sea
* Treated water to be used for greenery

KARACHI: City Nazim Mustafa Kamal has said that the Greater Karachi Sewerage Plan (S-III) that has been approved by the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) will cost Rs 7.982 billion, which will be shared by the federal and provincial governments.

Kamal said that the project including its planning, design and construction, was scheduled to be complete within the next four years and tenders for appointment of a consultant will be finalized on October 5. Local and international firms have been asked to participate in the process.

He was addressing a press conference held Saturday at the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board’s (KWSB) head office on Shahrah-e-Faisal. The conference was attended by MD KWSB Ghulam Arif, Additional Vice Chairman Imamuddin Shahzad and KWSB officials.

“The S-III will protect and improve the city’s environmental condition because after it is complete, the ecological balance of marine life and the cleaning of beaches and the sea front of Karachi will be maintained as every single drop of sewerage water will be treated before it goes into the sea,” he said. “Through this project, a new treatment plant (TP-4) will be constructed in Korangi near the sea to treat 200 million gallons daily (mgd) by Malir Naddi and 350 acres of land have been allocated for this. Also, the capacity of the three existing treatment plants (TP1, TP2 and TP3) at Mehmoodabad, Jameela Street in Saddar and Lyari will be increased to 400 mgd rather than the present 150 mgd, where only 90 mgd water is being treated of the 435 mgd of sewerage that is generated in Karachi.” This means that the rest of 345 mgd was polluting the sea at different sites through seven major drains, Malir Naddi, Lyari Naddi, Pitcher Nullah, Kalri Nullah, Railway Colony Nullah, Frere Nullah and Nehr-e-Khayyam.

The nazim said that the project will install a comprehensive network of sewerage to construct trunk sewer, interceptors and interconnections on these seven major drains and link them all into four treatment plants. “The treated water will be utilized for greenery and save the tremendous amount of potable water being used for parks, footpaths and other greenery,” he said.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Pakistan to pursue tight fiscal, monetary policy approach

22 September 2007

ISLAMABAD — The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the government have agreed to pursue a tight fiscal and monetary policy approach for Pakistan to avoid contagion effect of the volatility in the international bond and equity markets.

Dr Ashfaque Hasan Khan, spokesman for the finance ministry, said yesterday that the government side agreed that current account deficit that stood at 4.9 per cent in 2006-07 due to slow export growth would be reduced and pointed out that new avenues of exports were emerging.

For example, he said the IMF mission was told that cement exports this year were expected to be about 3.2 million tonnes particularly to India, South Africa and Libya, yielding an additional $360 million. Pakistan's cement industry's capacity has reached 37 million tonnes against domestic demand of 24 million tonne, leaving a surplus capacity of 10 million tonnes.

The IMF has asked Pakistan to adopt prudent macroeconomic policies during the current financial year to lower external current account deficit and associated vulnerabilities.

The IMF staff mission that stayed here for over a week advised the government to introduce an appropriate policy mix between monetary and fiscal policies to bring down the external current deficit.

The staff mission would submit its concluding report to the IMF board of directors next month for consideration by the annual board meetings of the IMF and the World Bank in Washington on October 20-21.

The mission said the prospects for sustained high growth in 2007/08 and over the medium term remain favourable, as macroeconomic stability and market-oriented reforms further take hold. The mission welcomed monetary policy measures announced by State Bank of Pakistan, including the central bank's intentions to reduce its role in financing the government and providing export finance.

The fund asked authorities to have a flexible approach in determining interest rates to help achieve the inflation control objective and reduce import growth. The mission called for reducing the budget deficit to four per cent of GDP in 2007-08.

The fund called for further fiscal consolidation, starting in 2007-08 to significantly reducing external current deficit while lessening pressure on real interest rates.

The fund said the authorities agreed that a substantial revenue mobilisation effort was necessary over the medium term to reduce fiscal deficit while allowing for additional spending on infrastructure development and poverty alleviation.

The mission noted that despite lower import growth, the external current account deficit had increased to 4.9 per cent of GDP in 2006-07, owing to slower export growth. It said the Pakistan economy continued to perform well in 2006-07 with real GDP growth increasing to seven per cent. Average inflation remained near eight per cent, but the 12-month rate has declined in the recent months.

Khaleej Times Online - Pakistan to pursue tight fiscal, monetary policy approach
seems to have been a poor quarter for Pakistan,
inflation high , sensitive price index at over 10%, thats a whopping high- so high infact can threaten governments in some countries.
textile exports falling (major export item for Pakistan right?), reduction in growth rate is another thing, but falling?
oil bill decreases implies buoyancy in economy less.
Increase of risk rating for Pakistan implies Pakistani companies will have difficulty raising foreign loans at cheap rates, infact it seems even govt bonds have taken a hit.
FDI increases by 22% but FII decreases by huge factor and is infact negative, i.e. foreign funds are exiting from Pakistan, shows that international business confidence is too low.
Have to see the overall growth rate to get the complete picture.
:argh: :disagree: :disagree:

Mysterious wheat surplus -DAWN - Business; September 24, 2007
One day the dream economic team had to face the consequences of its own actions. The current wheat crisis is a case of “as you sow, so shall you reap.” It used to be said before the base was revised that a million ton of additional wheat contributes half a percentage point to GDP growth.

Of course a loss of wheat output of equal quantity would knock off the same percentage point of growth. After the change of base, the weight of wheat is less than before, but is still significant for a regime whose religion is growth. Any come down in terms of growth weakens its only legitimising argument.

So growth must not only happen, it has to be high enough. In October last year, the data of large scale manufacturing for the first quarter of FY 2006-07 made it very clear that the high-pitched target of 13 per cent for the whole year would be impossible to achieve.

The manufacturing of last year missed its target.

No data was issued for the following two quarters, neither monthly nor quarterly, as is the practice. It had to be fixed by creative national accountants.
time when the repeated missing of targets was not publicized

If large scale manufacturing fails, a respectable overall growth is still possible if agriculture performs exceptionally well.
because manufacturing failed, agriculture has been artificially propped up

Data for kharif crops – rice, sugar cane and cotton – becomes available in good time for the fiscal year. By March-April, the state of the news was not very good for cotton and rice. Sugar cane was the only crop worth talking about.

All these data are presented by their source agencies at the annual meeting of the National Accounts Committee headed by Secretary, Statistics. In the light of information presented, this committee is competent to decide the growth rate that is published in the Economic Survey. The importance of the chair of this committee for a growth-crazy regime cannot be underestimated. It should come as no surprise that in the past seven years, all secretaries of statistics were either those nearing retirement and hoping to get extension or additional secretaries in-charge looking for promotion. Some have had the rare distinction of double extension even as additional secretary in-charge.
The above paragraph simply says nepotism/"bureacrat licking politician" was rampant

This committee used to meet in the end of April or latest by early May. The practice was to have provisional estimates based for the year based on nine months data. All this has changed and this meeting is pushed as late in May as is expedient.
again an indication of something is wrong

The effort is to include a good estimate of wheat, a big ticket item. Being a rabi crop, its output can only be judged about this time. The PR advice is that a bumper crop not announced with the budget is like it never happened.

This time the pressure to perform was much greater. In an election year, a bumper wheat crop and the achievement of the trade-mark growth rate of GDP of seven per cent would be the best argument for policy (read political) continuity. There was no way to achieve this GDP target without a bumper wheat crop. The target fixed for wheat was not based on an expectation of bumper crop. It was 22.5 million tons and was ambitious any way when compared with the actual production of 21.3 million tons and 21.6 million tons in the previous two years.

The provinces, whose job it is to provide crop estimates, are stated to have reported a total of 22 million tons, which was higher than the previous two years but less than the target by half a million ton.
This would have undermined the targeted GDP growth of seven per cent and, therefore, utterly unacceptable. Some midnight oil was burnt and, lo and behold, the target of 22.5 million tons was not only achieved but surpassed by as much as a million ton.
abraca-dabra anyone?
With 23.5 million tons of wheat, the GDP growth rate of seven per cent was credibly achieved. The announcement of the outcome of the deliberations of the lowly National Accounts Committee came, for the first time in the history of its 86 meetings, directly from the Prime Minister’s Secretariat.

Even 22 million tons is a comfortable level of output and does not signal a difficult situation to the market despite the extra demand of Ramazan. Prices came under pressure when attempt was made to export a non-existent surplus.

With an eye on the elections which cost money, the lords of the land asked their ministry, the ministry of agriculture and food, to seek permission for exporting wheat. With a bumper crop and rising world prices, how could the permission have been refused?
Paper crops were shown as surplus and real crop was exported, simple economics says, prices will raise and if they raise to a very high level, the crop has to be imported, often at higher prices- which is what happened in a nut shell.

The bad experience of exporting wheat at the time of an earlier bumper crop, a real one, was forgotten. The venerable Mr Shafi Niaz, who then was Advisor on Agriculture and a passionate advocate of support prices, was accused by the dream economic team of an economic mentality of shortages in an era of surpluses.

So the ministry of agriculture lost no time and exported half a million tons. This brought down the actual supply of 22 million tons to 21.5 million tons. With orders for more, prices in domestic market started to rise, not only due to reduced supply but also in sympathy with the rapidly rising world prices. The panic ban on export of wheat and wheat-related products confirmed what the market had already discovered, that there never was a surplus. But the damage had already been done. The decision to import one million ton at prices way above received for the half a million ton exported, only shows how costly it was to jack up GDP growth on the basis of a spurious surplus.

It is not even amusing to see those having claimed success of first generation reform and want to go on and on to do their second generation reform, speak the language of run-off-the-mill politicians. To warn smugglers and hoarders of actions for which either no machinery exists or it has been weakened in the name of good governance, to talk of price magistrates and subsidies to utility stores, and to rely on bans rather than duties is a retreat that reformers are failing to admit. What to speak of action against private hoarders, the official hoarders – the provinces holding on to over four million tons – have ignored the dream team.

The provinces have the last laugh because the economic team had gone out of the way to encourage credit to private sector to build stocks in competition with the corrupt and inefficient food departments. As for the smuggling, the market has always catered for it, whatever the level of production. To say that two million tons have been smuggled and hoarded is an attempt to cover up the lack of integrity in the estimation of wheat crop.

Perhaps the dream economic team needs to learn some old generation lessons from a populist politician. Once atta prices go out of hand, there is no end to this atta-push inflation. Everyone who can raise the price of goods or services s(h)e sells, will do so and those who cannot, will protest. With a high incidence of poverty and no social protection worth the name, atta continues to weigh higher in ordinary budgets than the price indices assume.

Pakistan statisticians seem to be learning from the chinese!!!
The great leap forward of china built on the fake statistics shows how fooling statistics can have horrendous results of having millions dead.
Not good for Pakistan, not at all good. :tsk:

When will the politicians(mushy and co in this case) learn that statistics have a way of biting back too hard? :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:
seems to have been a poor quarter for Pakistan,
inflation high , sensitive price index at over 10%, thats a whopping high- so high infact can threaten governments in some countries.
textile exports falling (major export item for Pakistan right?), reduction in growth rate is another thing, but falling?
oil bill decreases implies buoyancy in economy less.
Increase of risk rating for Pakistan implies Pakistani companies will have difficulty raising foreign loans at cheap rates, infact it seems even govt bonds have taken a hit.
FDI increases by 22% but FII decreases by huge factor and is infact negative, i.e. foreign funds are exiting from Pakistan, shows that international business confidence is too low.
Have to see the overall growth rate to get the complete picture.

You're correct, most parameters are down and didn't meet the target in Q1 and indeed you'll have to look at the overall picture, i.e. full economic report at the end of fiscal year 2007/08.
Q1 is tradionally week in pakistan with 3rd and 4th being the strongest due harvest and high export.

Inflation is high but the 10% referred to in the report is the highest sofar in one week, average inflation fluctuates between 7 and 8 percent.

Growth is realised in FDI and Foreign Remittance and both are expected to go on record breaking high this year.
World Bank set to finance third PPAF programme

ISLAMABAD (September 24 2007): The World Bank has been looking positively towards funding the third programme of Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund to help reduce poverty and ensure a positive impact on the lives of the poor and their families.

"Following the successful experience of PPAF-I and the ongoing PPAF-2, the World Bank is interested in doing the third project also," Chief Executive and Managing Director of PPAF, Kamal Hyat told APP.

He said, "A team from the WB will be visiting Pakistan in November this year for the final appraisal of PPAF programmes which would be followed by the launching of third project."

He expressed the hope that funding for the third PPAF programme would be doubled, adding that WB had provided $90 million for first PPAF and $238 million for the second one.

"We expect the WB to provide $576 million for the next project," the PPAF Chief Executive remarked, adding that it was the only institution in South Asia which has been rated AAA.

He said that the next programme would be launched by the end of year 2008 following the completion of second programme, he added. To a question, he said that the cumulative disbursement of the PPAF stands at $533 million adding of which $260 million were disbursed through micro-credit facility.

He said, being the lead apex institution, PPAF has disbursed $1.5 million micro-credit loans with 100 percent recovery adding that it has a borrowers' base of 1.3 million with 55 percent women.

He said that as many as 9 million people have been impacted by credit and 6 million by infrastructure, health and education sectors.

He said PPAF has 91 education and health facilities and 14,000 community physical infrastructure projects all over the country, adding that 205,000 individuals have been trained through 6,300 training and skill development events so far.

He said that the Alleviation Fund would cover 90 percent of the villages in next 5-6 years to develop infrastructure and provide micro-credit facilities to the people.

He said that over the last seven years, PPAF has increased its outreach to 111 districts and 27,500 villages besides forming 66,000 communities in the nook and corner of the country.

Quoting the Gallup Pakistan Survey, he said, the PPAF helped enhance 21 percent in the personal income of the borrowers, 13 percent in the household incomes, 19 percent in average expenses on household consumption, 14 percent increase in food item consumption and 16-26 percent in assets.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
You're correct, most parameters are down and didn't meet the target in Q1 and indeed you'll have to look at the overall picture, i.e. full economic report at the end of fiscal year 2007/08.
Q1 is tradionally week in pakistan with 3rd and 4th being the strongest due harvest and high export.

Inflation is high but the 10% referred to in the report is the highest sofar in one week, average inflation fluctuates between 7 and 8 percent.

Growth is realised in FDI and Foreign Remittance and both are expected to go on record breaking high this year.

I would imagine that the current political uncertainty also has a large part in investors holding back. So the economy may not have any more major inherent weaknesses than it usually does.
Two more industrial estates for Balochistan planned

QUETTA (September 24 2007): Balochistan government has worked out to set up two more Industrial Estates one each in Loralai and Bostan aimed at attracting investors to construct factories in the areas, besides providing employment to youths, official sources told APP here on Sunday.

Industrial Estate Loralai will be established on 50 acre of land while Industrial Estate Bostan on 200 acre of land. The government will also set up Industrial Estates in Khuzdar, Turbat and Pasni aimed at providing job opportunities to local people. Six industrial units have been established in Nasirabad district and investors have shown their interest to invest and construct factories.

A total of 34 industrial units are functioning in the provincial capital and 45 more industrial units will also be set up in the city.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Comprehensive industrial uplift plan for AJK evolved

MIRPUR (September 24 2007): An integrated plan for the uplift of industrial sector in AJK has been evolved to boost business activity in the area. Official sources told APP here on Sunday that AJK government had already chalked out a plan for early revival of sick industrial units located in Mirpur and Bhimbher districts to promote business culture in both the districts and other parts of the liberated territory.

The sources said that in the light of various proposals moved during recent foreign investment conference abroad in which AJK high officials have decided to encourage the foreign investment in the liberated territory.

The sources pointed out that bright potential was available for launching investments in hydel power generation, mineral and tourism sector in AJK.

The sources revealed that an international investment conference is being held in Mirpur in near future to materialise the foreign investment-oriented industrial development plan in the liberated territory.

The sources said that a high level committee comprising officials of Commerce and Industry, electricity, finance, taxation was being formed soon to inquire about the problems of the industrialists.

The committee would also be responsible to ink and forward proposals to the government for early redressal of the grievances of the business fraternity including industrialists, the sources added.

Meanwhile a recently-held high level meeting chaired by AJK Industries Minister Chaudhry Muhammad Yousaf reviewed and discussed with the owners of the Mirpur and Bhimber districts for quick revival of the sick units.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Machinery import crosses billion dollars mark in two months

KARACHI (September 23 2007): Machinery sector's imports crossed one billion dollars mark during the first two months of the current fiscal due to huge demand of agriculture, telecom and power generation machinery, importers told Business Recorder on Saturday.

They said that huge imports of agricultural machinery had played prominent role in the growth of machinery import, as new agriculture reforms and loan availability for the agriculture had raised the demand of agriculture and its allied machinery.

While there is tremendous increase in the import of power generation machinery due to frequent load shedding in the different parts of the country, the import of office and mining machinery has declined.

Importer said that during the first two months of the current fiscal year, machinery import, including power generation equipment, data processor, construction, mining, telecom sector and agriculture machinery had increased by 10.33 percent or 107 million dollars

After this upsurge, the overall machinery import has reached 1.139 billion dollars during July-August of the current fiscal as compared to 1.03 billion dollars during the some period of last fiscal.

In addition, machinery worth about 605.887 million dollars has been imported during August as against the 522.357 million dollars worth of imports during August 2006, depicting an upsurge of 83.530 million dollars in August 2007. Machinery imports during August as compared to July depicted an increase of 14 percent, as it stood at 533.357 million dollar during July 2007.

"We are expecting further increase in the machinery import during the next few months, especially in power generation sector, as the country is still facing shortage of electricity," the importers said.

They said that import of construction and mining machinery, which showed a decline of seven percent in the August, would also go up in the future as some new international construction companies would be starting their projects during this fiscal.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Chichoki Mallian power plant: Wapda hesitant to accept Qatar proposal

ISLAMABAD (September 24 2007): The Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) is still hesitant to accept the proposal of Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) for setting up 500 mw thermal power plant at Chichoki Mallian, despite the fact that Prime Minister Secretariat is strictly monitoring the progress, sources told Business Recorder.

They said that the QIA team was not happy with the attitude of some top officials at a meeting on August 31 at the Board of Investment (BoI) and threatened to scrap the project.

Basically, the QIA team, which is being guided by Saif-ur-Rehman, a former Chairman of Ehtesab Bureau, was not expecting harsh questions from Pakistan bureaucracy especially when the project was being pushed by Prime Minister Secretariat.

They said that the project cost, which the QIA has increased from $350 million to $525 million, is being considered as one of the major hurdles in smooth progress.

They said that the justification given by QIA on cost over-run and changes in technical specifications were not being accepted by the concerned stakeholders, including Wapda, as the projected tariff would be too high.

Kenneth Shen, head of Strategic & Private Equity, QIA, also briefed the participants on the status of the project and future line of action. Sources said that QIA was of the view that the strong world economic growth had given immense negotiating power to EPC, Alstom-Marubeni.

It is also being argued that the change in planning approach and modification in technical specifications were warranted for arranging non-recourse financing from ECA's, which added to the cost of the project and forced QIA to extend time lines of the project.

Sources said that Finance Ministry representative, who was present in the meeting on August 31 at the BoI, reminded the Qatari delegation that non-recourse financing was a deviation from the original consensus developed between the two counties.

The technical teams of QIA and Wapda are now negotiating the technical specifications of the project so that the project could be finalised as per aspirations of the PM Secretariat.

Sources said that the QIA was also in interaction with Nepra to initiate negotiations for tariff. QIA has also been told that the MoU validity date had expired; rather another month had passed, and the milestones mentioned therein were still to be accomplished.

BoI Secretary Mushtaq Malik asked QIA to submit milestones achieved, and the timeframe for the ones that could not be achieved. "The Ministry of Water and Power will pursue timely development of the Chichoki Mallian power project through QIA and define timelines," sources in PPIB quoted the Prime Minister as directing the Ministry at a meeting on August 28.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
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