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Pakistan declines India's request to allow PM Narendra Modi's plane to fly through its airspace

Let me guess, you're in PML-N camp.

Modi was NOT granted to use Pakistan Airspace during the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) in Bishkek back in June. What makes you think that we're gonna allow this time around?

At the very least IK has spoken for the Kashmiri cause. I don't recall the 'K' word ever coming out of the mouth of a prick like Zardari. Don't get me started on that sonofab!tch Nawaz Sharif.

You spoke of some University students. So far, no Pakistani Media has covered that report. Only Indian Media outlets. And according to Indian reports, there were 11 of them - that too if there is any truth to it.

Look, just because IK was in [Azad] Kashmir, does not mean the entire population there like him. There may be some delusional kids on the payroll of some party asked to cause a little mayhem.

Hell, if the devil himself (Sharif) was in power, he may have ordered a JF-17 escort.
Good piece of $hit should fly through elsewhere.
Couldn't agree with you more. I just hope that we don't get pressured into something by an external power.
We should allow him. maybe a crazy guy with a stinger happens to aim at modi's plane.
@Path-Finder Sir why cant I post in your
India expects Pakistan Administered Kashmir to be Ruled by New Delhi.

@waz @Dubious @Arsalan

The only thing India can expect is for a quarter of this planet's surface turned to nuclear wasteland. There would be any India left to rule Kashmir.

Expect also the increase in Pakistan's nuclear weapons stockpile to increase to over 500 warheads. Expect dozens of Ababeel MIRV Missiles launching into the stratosphere and raining nukes.

Expect 1.5 billion humans wiped out in a full spectrum nuclear first, second, third strikes followed by countless more.

Expect full well, that when you start this war, India and Israel shall be nuked to oblivion.

We would die, but in the name of Allah, the Creator of all Creation, we will annihilate the enemies of Islam well before Imam-ul-Mahdi arrives.

Muslim does not fear death, a Muslim does not fear anyone, save Allah.
Guess what, it was denied. Why are you lot so impatient? Running a country is a joke to you guys? Seriously grow up. The current government has taken up the Kashmir case far better in decades than anyone else in the past decades. Still we are complaining?

It is good that it is denied. But the thing is we are too passive against India. We should have simply rejected the request with utmost arrogance the moment we received it. Anyways it is good that they rejected it
I find this childish. All Pakistan accomplishes by this is burn up a bit more fuel. The cost to India is small, but the cost to Pakistan is them showing once again that they do not mean it when they sign agreements and treaties.
What agreements and treaties you talking about @Thamizh Puli o_O
I find this childish. All Pakistan accomplishes by this is burn up a bit more fuel. The cost to India is small, but the cost to Pakistan is them showing once again that they do not mean it when they sign agreements and treaties.
Its rich when an Indian is talking about signing agreements & treaties. Was Lahore declaration not a treaty signed by two countries, what about Shimla? If India can disregard it, so can we. Two can play the game.
And if its really a small cost than a shupa power should not be complaining about it. In fact if India had a little self respect, your PM should not have requested it in the first place.
Randi rona...

Pakistan should reconsider: India slams Pak for denying overflight clearance to PM Modi's plane to US
Soon after Pakistan denied the formal request, India asked Islamabad to "reflect upon its decisions".

Geeta Mohan
New Delhi
September 18, 2019
UPDATED: September 18, 2019 22:02 IST

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan.
  • India asked Pakistan to reflect upon its decision after it denied airspace clearance
  • Pakistan should reconsider its decision, said MEA spokerperson Raveesh Kumar
  • Kumar also slammed Pakistan for taking another unilateral decision

India on Wednesday hit out at Pakistan for denying overflight clearance to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's plane for his upcoming visit to the US from September 21-27, saying Islamabad should reflect upon its decision to deviate from well established international practice and reconsider its "old habit" of misrepresenting the reasons for taking unilateral action.

Soon after Pakistan foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi denied India's formal request, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said India regrets the decision taken by the Pakistan government.

Noting that it is the second such incident in two weeks, Raveesh Kumar took a dig at the neighbours and said, "We regret the decision of the Government of Pakistan to deny overflight clearance for the VVIP special flight for a second time in two weeks, which is otherwise granted routinely by any normal country."

"Pakistan should reflect upon its decision to deviate from well established international practice, as well as reconsider its old habit of misrepresenting the reasons for taking unilateral action," he added.

Tensions between India and Pakistan escalated over the abrogation of Article 370, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan not only downgraded diplomatic ties with India following the decision but has been trying to garner support from the international community to raise a voice over Kashmir.

However, soon after the Article 370 was scrapped, Indian envoys have reiterated that the move was within the boundary of the Indian Constitution and that the matter is internal.

Pakistan, on the other hand, continues to blame the government for restrictions that are currently imposed in Kashmir valley. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said today that bilateral talks between the two nations would only be possible if India withdraws curfew in Kashmir.

Indian jokers ... seriously. Pakistani response should have been, Modi and his government have not trouble trampling over the right of six million Kashmiris, they should not complain about the 'discomfort' of a slightly longer flight.

Whats really burning Modis *** is that his image is getting tarnished ... which is exactly what Pakistan should be doing. Hit him where it hurts his ego the most.

The only part I don't agree with in Pakistan's response is that it should not have come from the Foreign Minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, but a much lower grade officer briefing the press of the decision. No need to give reasons etc.
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