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Pakistan Day Parade 2019


Jammer man,

#ISPR has become truly a great Brand.

Wish they also employ English as medium of communication so that we Friends of Pak can also understand.

Anyhow, allow me to wish all Paks, Young and Old, a very happy #PakistanDay.

May you achieve for what you are made!



My dear, i have visited both the ISPR and DMA offices.
Their media centre at least for the former is like a CNN studio with all the state of the art gadgets at their disposals and as you can see when they put their efforts into the PR exercise, the results are quite extra ordinary.

‘Khushiyan Pakistan Wali’ Celebrate The Happymoments Of Pakistanis

Umer Jamshaid 47 seconds ago Fri 22nd March 2019 | 08:55 PM


In connection to Pakistan Day Celebrations, Pakistani telecom companyUfone is launching A new campaign which highlights Ufone’s role in strengthening human connections and bringing joy and happiness that Pakistanis find in every day small instances

Islamabad (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd March, 2019) In connection to Pakistan Day Celebrations, Pakistani telecom company Ufone is launching A new campaign which highlights Ufone’s role in strengthening human connections and bringing joy and happiness that Pakistanis find in every day small instances.

The new campaign is being launched to reach out to all Pakistanis while re-establishing Ufone’s ‘tum he touho’ promise. Through this campaign the company is keeping up its Pakistani centric focus and rejoicing the happier spirit of the nation.

This campaign’s TVC shows the resilient and steadfast people of Pakistan from different ethnicities, age groups and walks of life celebrating, cherishing and capturing every day happy moments.

The jingle in the TVC has been sung by renowned singer/composer Shuja Haider, along with new regional singer Nasir. ShujaHaider said, “I loved singing this jingle. It’s a very fresh idea, an ode to the spirit of Pakistanis and how they find happiness in small things”.

Pakistan is a country that takes pride in its soul stirring poetry, folklore, indigenous culture and musicthat comes from the multi-ethnic populationspread across all the provinces and Ufone honours that.

The United Nations report on Happiness, reveals Pakistan as the happier nation amongst all the countries in the South Asian Region. Regardless of the UN report Pakistanis are happy go lucky people who are resilient and positive no matter how hard life becomes.

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