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Pakistan - Continuous Improvement vs. Breakthrough Innovation Strategy

Greater chance of success if the strongest party, Iran, starts the initiative. A merger initiative by weak hand may be considered hostile.
We will be like equals and there is less chance of countries joining Iran than Pakistan.
We will be like equals and there is less chance of countries joining Iran than Pakistan.
We will probably have good relations with all major powers including USA and China and follow a Non-Aligned Policy in international relations.
At present, I am inviting the Pakistani leadership to declare Khilafah and invite Iran and Afghanistan to join us and maybe Turkey too. Gen Asim Munir is from a Syed family (Descendant of Prophet Mohammad SAW) and they are given equal respect among Sunnis and Shias, plus he is a Hafiz (Remembers the whole Holy Quran by heart) which is a mark of prestige and learning among Muslims.
I think I now understand you a lot more.

I here by declare my self as a billionaire and invite you all to join me as my subjects so I can provide you security. oh by the way - can someone please pay my electricity bill? a small price to be under my leadership.
I think I now understand you a lot more.

I here by declare my self as a billionaire and invite you all to join me as my subjects so I can provide you security. oh by the way - can someone please pay my electricity bill? a small price to be under my leadership.
We just want to live in peace under sound business friendly Islamic economic principles under which we will have social benefits system just like the Scandinavian countries which have a mix of Capitalism and Socialism. We will tax the rich and help the poor. Is that too much to ask for?
We just want to live in peace under sound business friendly Islamic economic principles under which we will have social benefits system just like the Scandinavian countries which have a mix of Capitalism and Socialism. We will tax the rich and help the poor. Is that too much to ask for?
we can start doing that within pakistan - dont need to ask others to join us. others should be asking to join us - and that is possible if we actually set up a working example.

do you really think looking at where we are , other countries are lining up to join Pakistan?

(forex reserves almost down to nothing, went to IMF 23 times, still on the brink of collapse, not fully sharia, not fully democratic, always under threat of a coup, governance effectively done by people who we have never elected, nor are they some spiritual leaders)

business friendly islamic economic principles tax the rich and help the poor. - why hasnt pakistan done this already? how is Declaring or not delcaring ourselves "khilafat under Asim Muneed" make any difference? will declaring ourselves something make any difference to our way of life currently?
We can purchase Wheat and Oil from Russia for starters. We can also sell garments to them.

Imran Khan was gonna do that you munafiq 😂😂
Imran Khan was gonna do that you munafiq 😂😂
it can only be done under our Khalifa Asim Muneer - who is Imran Khan to do anything like this? could be the dajjal.
it can only be done under our Khalifa Asim Muneer - who is Imran Khan to do anything like this? could be the dajjal.

A lot of these Islamists in Pakistan are munafiqeen, earlier this guy was talking about social democratic policies but you don't see any mention about initiatives under Imran Khan such as langar and sehat card.
A lot of these Islamists in Pakistan are munafiqeen, earlier this guy was talking about social democratic policies but you don't see any mention about initiatives under Imran Khan such as langar and sehat card.
Imran Khan talked about Riasat-e-Medina and Nawaz Sharif wanted Islamic government in response to Dr Israr Ahmed's efforts. I support both in this endeavour. There has to be a consensus among different parties and the civil and military leadership in reviving Khilafah.
Imran Khan talked about Riasat-e-Medina and Nawaz Sharif wanted Islamic government in response to Dr Israr Ahmed's efforts. I support both. There has to be a consensus among different parties and the civil and military leadership in reviving Khilafah.

You talked about getting wheat from Russia. Which PM was gonna do that and was on the verge of getting cheap wheat and oil?

Please answer this.
You talked about getting wheat from Russia. Which PM was gonna do that and was on the verge of getting cheap wheat and oil?

Please answer this.
Imran Khan made statements about this and was done by Shehbaz Sharif's government.
Such a good idea. Imagine what cheap natural resources of Iran can do for energy sector in Pakistan in case of a union. Iran will also not need to spend forex for importing food items. Afghanistan can supply quality weed. A win-win Situation. Even Saudis will be better off as a Pakistani Khalifa would not attack Saudi Holy land.
Such a good idea. Imagine what cheap natural resources of Iran can do for energy sector in Pakistan in case of a union. Iran will also not need to spend forex for importing food items. Afghanistan can supply quality weed. A win-win Situation. Even Saudis will be better off as a Pakistani Khalifa would not attack Saudi Holy land.
Afghanistan has banned the growing of Poppy and Marijuana. I agree about Saudia as Hafiz has got good relations with them as he served there.
Imran Khan made statements about this and was done by Shehbaz Sharif's government.
Don't you think even Asim Muneer will be done, if he makes statements like this?

US as much as you feel is a declining power, still has such control that it could derail CPEC and out throw a popular leader like Imran.

Why would it allow Asim Muneer to do this, when everyone agrees that the Generals have close ties with USA?
Don't you think even Asim Muneer will be done, if he makes statements like this?

US as much as you feel is a declining power, still has such control that it could derail CPEC and out throw a popular leader like Imran.

Why would it allow Asim Muneer to do this, when everyone agrees that the Generals have close ties with USA?
The oil trade with Russia was done by Shehbaz Sharif's government. We would like to keep a Non-Aligned stance with major World Powers and have peace and trade with India. We would like to make our own way based on our history and Islamic ideology.
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