Nothing should be ever forced on women, be it putting the hijab on or ripping it off. Women has the right to practice her human and Islamic code of conduct the way she wants. Those who want to make it compulsory are wrong and so are those who want to make it illegal be it in any geographical location.
Pakistani society for women is about Mothers, Daughters, Sisters , Wives , Aunts, Grand Mothers and they enjoy a great deal of respect. Having said that they are not just whats stated above, they are human too and therefore are entitled to exercise free will regardless of what side of political or religious spectrum it might be.
In Pakistan, if a women wants to exercise hijab, no one should have any issues, if she doesn't no one should have any issues because the person who has the business with it is just that female herself, her and only her has the right to choose to exercise or not exercise hijab. Asking it to make it constitutionally compulsory is taking away the right of free will from Pakistani women.