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Pakistan conducts successful test launches of 4 x Nasr missiles 05 Nov, 2013

As u said speculations it was tested in 2004 for the first time. Even some of European sources claim then that Pak has tested an ICBM as they believed its actual range is of ICBM but in Military nobody tells the real capabilities like who u claim yr ICBM's range to be just 5000 but according to Chinese its 8000 because a Missile with just 5000 range cant be called an ICBM.

Some source of Pakistan testing icbm will be welcome. Otherwise you are just a useless troll.
okie dokie .... I won't give much spoilers though

@mrgreen that's how India looks after 100 nuclear detonations

Thats why it will be most probably be an Airburst........
to maximize blast effects and minimize fallout

Wtf dude, at least dont nuke island of Indian ancestors you can see in my avatar.
The question is not of throwing at nuke at Amassed formations, its of throwing a nuke at attacking columns.
Whether 80 tanks get hit or 8.. the usage of a nuke will leave India no choice(if it is true to its own policies of all out attack after a single nuke) except total retaliation. This is what Pakistan counts on anyway now. As its strategic warheads will be ready go before it uses the TNW. That is something that India does not want or can afford regardless of the bravado of fanboys here. Hence, unless India changes its policies to one of gradual escalation in nuclear weapons as well, its own policies are going ensure the success of TNWs as a deterrent force.


Wouldn't Indians have thought the same, when the launching an attack i.e that non existential threat to Pakistan would not escalate into a nuclear war and threat of massive retaliation(which is something that Pakistan does not want or can afford) would prevent Pakistanis from using the nuclear option?

Yet(in this scenario) Pakistanis would prove them wrong, by launching TNWs...why? Because that is your declared nuclear doctrine.

So why would you count that Indians will be of saner minds than Pakistanis themselves and not follow their nuclear doctrine?
Some source of Pakistan testing icbm will be welcome. Otherwise you are just a useless troll.

Why would Pakistan need to test an ICBM? Last time i checked, India was located right across the border from Pakistan. To attack India Pakistan is in no need of any ICBM's. Small and Medium category of highly manoeuvrable MIRV missiles are more than enough to do the job. Let me be clear, our nukes are only aimed at India and nobody else.
Why would Pakistan need to test an ICBM? Last time i checked, India was located right across the border from Pakistan. To attack India Pakistan is in no need of any ICBM's. Small and Medium category of highly manoeuvrable MIRV missiles are more than enough to do the job. Let me be clear, our nukes are only aimed at India and nobody else.

And where am I suggesting that your nukes are aimed towards anyone else? I am merely questioning the claim of other member.

Look carefully again , the range of Shaheen-2 is 2500 km from the official sources and your image uses it as 500 km's less . Also , where is the missile being launched from ? No idea !
We wont even Bomb them.

And most important their are some nuclear safe Zone in India.

*Indian occupied Kashmir
*Indian occupied Punjab
*Indian Occupied Rajhistan

We will claim them back after the
We wont even Bomb them.

And most important their are some nuclear safe Zone in India.

*Indian occupied Kashmir
*Indian occupied Punjab
*Indian Occupied Rajhistan

We will claim them back after the war
You would have a better chance of growing a brain(considering the quality of your posts, slim pickings, if you ask me) than surviving much less winning a nuclear war with India.
Look carefully again , the range of Shaheen-2 is 2500 km from the official sources and your image uses it as 500 km's less . Also , where is the missile being launched from ? No idea !

These images are drawn keeping in mind different launch points in a country's geography(usually extreme latitudes and longitudes of the countries geography) can used to launch the missile, hence a free hand curve is achieved ..instead of perfect circle which would be achieved if a single launch point is used. Unforunately such level is detail is not depictable, on a reader friendly map.

Do point out the official source.

Pakistan's most recent missile test came last month with the launch of the short-range nuclear-capable Abdali, while in April 2008 it tested the Shaheen II, or Hatf VI, missile with a range of 2,000 kilometres
Pakistan successfully test fires Hatf IV ballistic missile - DAWN.COM

Also much more reputable FAS claims its range to be 2000 Kms

A pair of Shaheen-II ballistic missiles were displayed during the Pakistan Day parade in Islamabad on 23 March 2000. One of the missiles was carried on a 12-wheel Transporter Erector Launcher, while the other missile was carried on a Missile Transporter. These vehicles, based on a common chassis, are evidently significantly larger than the 8-wheel launcher used by the Shaheen, though they use a similar cab. During the parade, it was claimed that the Shaheen-II surface-to-surface missile had a range of 2,000 kilometers [over 1400 miles].
Ghaznavi / Shaheen-II - Pakistan Missile Special Weapons Delivery Systems

Will every indian go and hide there? NO!

Are you daft or did you not bother to read the post I was replying to?
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The Hatf 6 has a reported range of 2,500 km with an accuracy of 350 m CEP. It is 17.2 m in length, 1.4 m in diameter, and has a launch weight of 23,600 kg. The payload assembly separates before re-entry or after burn-out in the second stage. The RV has four small motors to improve accuracy and maneuverability upon re-entry. Its payload is a single warhead weighing 700 kg, though reports suggest that payloads up to 1,230 kg have been developed. The heavier payloads probably have a decreased range. The Hatf 6 warhead can be equipped for a nuclear yield between 15 and 35 kT. There are also provisions to deploy the missile with conventional high explosives (HE), submunitions, fuel-air explosives (FAE), or chemical agents.

Haft 6 | Missile ThreatShaheen 2 | Missile Threat

Shaheen-II was successfully test fired for the first time on March 9, 2004. At that time, the National Engineering and Science Commission (NESCOM) chairman Samar Mubarakmand stated that the missile was a two-stage rocket with diameter of 1.4 m, length of 17.5 m, weight of 25 tons and a range of 2,500 km.

Shaheen-II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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