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Pakistan & China in 1.4 billion dollar J-10 jet deal

The biggest problem with the J-10 is that we don't make them enough. Customers are lining up but the production can hardly satisfy China's own airforce right now. Urgent investment is needed.
soon we will have a better model, and J10 is less competitive in front of F22 or F35. We should focus on the investment of the next gen.fighter instead of J10.
if Pak can really afford 150 J10s i think they should go for F16s, spending the same sum for a tested platform they are familiar with.

Having two front line platforms are always better than one. Placing a big order for F-16s might not be a good idea given the fact that the duration US will take to supply those aircrafts, and also no one knows till when US is interested to keep good relations with Pakistan, by keeping in mind that in the past US stopped the delivery of F-16s to Pakistan during that embargo period. So Pakistan needs to keep its options open and not to rely on just one platform.
soon we will have a better model, and J10 is less competitive in front of F22 or F35. We should focus on the investment of the next gen.fighter instead of J10.

The export version is not meant to fight the F22 or 35. The export version is to help other countries upgrade from Mig-21, F5, etc.
In my opinion Pakistan should focus more on JF-17 since it's under full control of PAF and you could product it yourself.

No matter how good F-16 or J-10 are, the best Plane is the ones that you can product it yourself. It's the most important experience we got.

If you can make money from producing and selling JF-17, you could afford any Fighters.

If you always buy planes like Indians you have to spend a lot of money.

In fact the most amazing news is that Pakistan is going to finish her first JF-17 by herself.

Best wishes.
It is a bad idea to always buy, buy, and buy. Indians like it, however.

It is much better to be capable to design & manufacture it yourselves.

I would like to see China transfers technologies to Pakistanis so that Pakistanis can do it themselves.


It's good for China and Pakistan to transfer technologies of J-10 to Pakistan.

J-10s made in Pakistan would sell better in Muslim countries, and China would get half profit:pop:.
It means, it will delivery to Pakistan in 2014-2015 ?!

I wish it should be sooner than that.

Our best friend China tell us to MAKE PRODUCE YOURSELF, !! :)

My father said Pakistan had capable to produce anything (from submarines, satellites, missiles, cars, etc) in 20 years ago, however, old Pakistani politicans wasn't approve it. :angry:

I'm afraid the delivery could not be earlier, since the AVIC have to work more on the engines.

Good news is that the engine for J-10, the WS-10 is now becoming more and more mature(According to the interview of vice commander of PLAAF in Nov. 10 by CCTV).

Russian engines could be a good choice but Indians are not OK with this.
Chinnese engine WS-10 in current situation how much capable as compare to Russian AL-31?.
I think, we should INVEST heavily on turbofan engine (WS-10) instead rely on Russian engines, oh man it is taking forever.

According to latest news it's working well on J-11s( Su-27 made in China),
The links bellow have the latest pictures of WS-10(And other engines).

¹ú²úWS-10·¢¶¯»úÒѾ­Á¿²ú Ö÷Ҫװ±¸¼ß10¼ß11Õ½»ú_¸ßÇåͼ¼¯_ÐÂÀËÍø

The original report from the link above:
2009年11月06日 12:11

Here's translation from Google:

Domestic WS10 turbofan engine
At 12:11 on November 6, 2009
Photo: doors wide
November 5, the aircraft went to a company's media, aviation museums. The new museum shows the Hang Bo, China-made military FWS10 and Russian AL-31 turbofan engines of the kind. Both engines placed in the same booth, visitors can easily visit and compare their different design details.
FWS10 of our own design and manufacture of advanced turbo-fan engines, is designed for the F-10 auxiliary power unit used; also be installed in the realization of a comprehensive localization of the F-11 fighter planes. At present this type of engine has been put into mass production, becoming the third generation of fighter I am the ideal power plant.

Here's the pictures if you can't open the link above:

India is having LCA, MCA and Pak FA Project if you do not know.

I have searched these projects on line just now. Wow, they look pretty good on picture.

But you are also buying a lot of planes, from Mig-35 to C-17. I've also heard that IAF are also buying F-18s, could anyone confirm that?
China says the WS-13 is nearly ready for service in 2007. Maybe, maybe not. Building high performance military jet engines is difficult, and China has had problems mastering this kind of stuff.


See old thread below
WS-13 Certified
WS-13 Nearing completion


My dude ,

WS-13 is designed for JF-17, in fact just a copy of Russian original one(Feeling shame to say this since we are always copy things from Russia)
WS-10 is designed for J-10, designed and manufactured in China.
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