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Pakistan can no longer sustain cost of war, says expert


Pakistan needs to start thinking like a nation state. We are a small economy and do not have the capacity to project power even on a regional level. First and last thing that should matter for Pakistan now is economy. Economy > F.relations. Everyone salutes the rising sun.

Pakistan needs to allow India to take over Afghanistan and become its best friend, regardless of how damaging it might be to us. In a situation where we get attacked from both sides at the same time, we have what matters. We can turn both "friends" into a radio active waste land. Worst we expect from an Indian stooge Afghanistan would be logistical, intelligence, training and financial support to terrorist groups in Pakistan. Therefore we need to bolster our security and get used to with watching the west. Which in return will result in favor being returned to India with a reasonable % of interest.

If, India sees its benefit in doing that, then we would be happy to play the same theory from Kashmir to Asaam, to Manipur and 20 other insurgent groups who see India as an enemy. Hopefully it will give food for thought to Indian policy makers [Speak of proxy war.]

In, the end India will use Afghanistan as a condom against Pakistan for and until it seems necessary, it will provide billions in FDI, pay to train its non Pashtun Army [indoctrinating them to be Anti Pakistan] even when its own population starves, to fulfill its obsession. Leaving Afghanistan where it was 30 years ago and only then they will realize their REAL spot and interests.
I don't understand few things from this WoT:

1. If Pakistan economy is in bad shape then who is arming Taliban??
India - No.; Russia - No; the US - No: Paksitan it self: only Pakistani knows.

2. US and Pakistan are fighting against Taliban from past almost 10 years, Still Taliban have Man and Machine to fight.from where they are getting this???

But IF and a Big IF the internal elements are arming Taliban then God Knows how Big this "Pay more, Pay more' lie is.

3. Also, why US wants to continue this WoT anymore. there is hardly any attack on its soil, KSA is with them now, And Pakistan is in no position to help Taliban.

Tu Bhai Jao apne Ghar, aur humein bhi jine do.
I think its not a when question. Its an IF question and a pretty big if.. ;)

That 'big' if was not so big when Pakistan's economy was progressing faster then Indian economy under Musharraf not so long ago........

Pakistan needs to start thinking like a nation state. We are a small economy and do not have the capacity to project power even on a regional level. First and last thing that should matter for Pakistan now is economy. Economy > F.relations. Everyone salutes the rising sun.

Pakistan needs to allow India to take over Afghanistan and become its best friend, regardless of how damaging it might be to us. In a situation where we get attacked from both sides at the same time, we have what matters. We can turn both "friends" into a radio active waste land. Worst we expect from an Indian stooge Afghanistan would be logistical, intelligence, training and financial support to terrorist groups in Pakistan. Therefore we need to bolster our security and get used to with watching the west. Which in return will result in favor being returned to India with a reasonable % of interest.

If, India sees its benefit in doing that, then we would be happy to play the same theory from Kashmir to Asaam, to Manipur and 20 other insurgent groups who see India as an enemy. Hopefully it will give food for thought to Indian policy makers [Speak of proxy war.]

In, the end India will use Afghanistan as a condom against Pakistan for and until it seems necessary, it will provide billions in FDI, pay to train its non Pashtun Army [indoctrinating them to be Anti Pakistan] even when its own population starves, to fulfill its obsession. Leaving Afghanistan where it was 30 years ago and only then they will realize their REAL spot and interests.

In India, until corporate India doesn't approve India - Pakistan Peace there is hardly any takers of Peace with Pakistan here. GoI is happy with current status and if we able to get free hold in Afghanistan then, only trade development with Iran and CIS countries lead to India - Pakistan Peace. If no trade then No Pakistan. The most Pakistan gain is A peace and some transit fee. Already India is taking matters related to Japan and China more seriously then make serious inroads with Pakistan.

Ur own FM had said this in Media that Kashmir issue can't be used anymore while giving MFN status to india. This whole MFN thing is also favoring India only at the at of the day.

And the same bickering regarding use of Nukes, seriously u are not tired yet.
I am so damn tired of Indian ***** that I cannot put it into words. Their **** for brains is a real pain in everybody's behind! So jerk read this and read this good, Finance Ministry has raised a figure of US$70 - US$80 which this war has costed us, this includes actual military operations as well as wear & tear of equipment such as Helicopters/Jets/APC's/Transport, discharge of munitions etc. plus infrastructure lost/destroyed by bomb blasts, suicide attacks, infrastructure destruction, destruction of peace and subsequent loss of business & foreign investment in such conditions, loss of over 35k civilians and thousands of military personnel, further influx of refugees etc....it even includes the damage caused by heavy vehicles transporting NATO/US equipment across the border to Afghanistan. Personally I believe it is beyond your IQ, my advise is to read & learn instead of coming out as a ...... you know what!
Don't give me that bullsh!t! Your rant proves you know squat about how to calculate the cost of war. All this tripe you've written is TOTALLY subjective. You need to grow up so that you can comprehend the methodologies involved in calculating costs both military and non military.

The nonsense you've spewed is hilarious! So it's better you get back to tilling your little wheat field instead of the rubbish you've just exhaled by venturing into a topic that you know zilch about.

Now go breathe some fresh air to energize your brain cells that seem completely devoid of oxygen, seeing the blabber you've just written.
1: Time to exit the war.

A large part of the war is inside Pakistan; there is no "exit" possible from that.

2: Seal the border with Afghanistan with only opening to NATO withdrawal.

Good idea. Lets' stalk about the resources and time needed to do that, shall we?

3: Stop all forms of trade to Karzai's Afghanistan. [Let Ahmadinejad do it.]

You could stop bilateral trade, but providing transit access is covered by international law and treaties.

4: Install check posts, shoot everyone coming from Afghanistan in the head..who's coming without a biometric entry tag. [I am sure They can fly to New Dehli]

Nice, but how does one get the tags into place first?

5: Forcefully evict all Afghan Migrants from Camps in FATA. They should contribute to the New Afghanistan being Afghan citizens. [No, more asylum on our passports which screws our F.Relations]

As long as Pakistan is ready for the international consequences, sure, please go ahead.

6: Start negotiations with the insurgent groups, ONLY those who concern our national security.

This is a good idea.

7: Let Karazai and 18 Indian consulates deal with Mullah Omar, and other factions of the Taliban.

Another good idea.

8: Hand over FATA back to tribals through a peace deal, backed by an ongoing political framework.

Good, but then how do you propose to stop the inevitable export of the ideas of the Taleban within them throughout Pakistan?

9: Deny India ANY transit to Afghanistan and close air space for ALL flights towards it. [They can detour from China or perhaps Iran]

That can be violation of international law in some aspects, and tit-for-tat measures will cause more harm to Pakistan than anyone else.

10: Take targeted military strikes as a last option against those who cant be dealt with through the above process.

...and we are back to war again.
I don't understand few things from this WoT:

1. If Pakistan economy is in bad shape then who is arming Taliban??
India - No.; Russia - No; the US - No: Paksitan it self: only Pakistani knows.

2. US and Pakistan are fighting against Taliban from past almost 10 years, Still Taliban have Man and Machine to fight.from where they are getting this???

But IF and a Big IF the internal elements are arming Taliban then God Knows how Big this "Pay more, Pay more' lie is.

3. Also, why US wants to continue this WoT anymore. there is hardly any attack on its soil, KSA is with them now, And Pakistan is in no position to help Taliban.

No insurgency can continue for any protracted period unless they have solid support and external help in the form of arms/ammo/training/safe havens from a 'friendly' country. It would have been impossible for the Taliban to have lasted 10 long years without such external support.

Now who is supporting the Taliban? - Iran? Pakistan? China? Russia? The US of A? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out! :smokin:
No insurgency can continue for any protracted period unless they have solid support and external help in the form of arms/ammo/training/safe havens from a 'friendly' country. It would have been impossible for the Taliban to have lasted 10 long years without such external support.

Now who is supporting the Taliban? - Iran? Pakistan? China? Russia? The US of A? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out! :smokin:

If u are pointing towards Pakistan then why they are whining abt their economy. I mean Pakistan Economy is in shambles. It is true. And they do receive aid money but where it ends up God knows. Also Tax collection in pakistan is less compare to wht it should be coz most of the profit making units are owned Corrupt leaders. So I believe this AID money goes to Keep few important things in working condiontion with no sight of return on Investment. Therefore, there Economy is getting shellow from with in. It is like dying nation. It is just time being when we see a black hole instead of nation
A large part of the war is inside Pakistan; there is no "exit" possible from that.

That part only exists BECAUSE we are perceived to be the collaborators with the Americans in Afghanistan. Take the narrative of Jihad away, there won't be much left to fight over. Negotiations will fix the rest..

Good idea. Lets' stalk about the resources and time needed to do that, shall we?

Pakistan, only needs to provide logistical support to American withdrawal. NATO must fit the bill !

You could stop bilateral trade, but providing transit access is covered by international law and treaties.

America doesn't give a **** about international law when it comes to its national interests. So shouldn't we.

Nice, but how does one get the tags into place first?

It already exists. Rest should be shot, in the head as America does with Mexicans.

As long as Pakistan is ready for the international consequences, sure, please go ahead.

Then we are happy to transfer ALL Afghan migrants to INTERNATIONAL community - if they give a **** about them. They should take them or we should forcefully evict them. Either to Afghanistan or its two best friends Iran and India.

If they want to benefit from Afghanistan, they should take their burden too. We should strip all of them from Pakistani nationality, and deport them to places where Karzai's strategic interests lie. Perhaps America can house them in Nevada desert [Ameristan]

This is a good idea.

Another good idea.

We should mind our own interests, period!

Good, but then how do you propose to stop the inevitable export of the ideas of the Taleban within them throughout Pakistan?

Tribals are not, extremist nor they can be made that way. Please do not, insult it by comparing them with the Taliban.

That can be violation of international law in some aspects, and tit-for-tat measures will cause more harm to Pakistan than anyone else.

Laws are made to be broken, no REAL country gives a **** about international law when their national interests are at stake. US,Russia,China for example.

...and we are back to war again.

No, a low level conflict is always expected as India will keep feeding terrorists from Afghanistan to fulfill its obsession. We should be ready to strike with ruthless and relentless military force when and where its absolutely necessary. Its a necessary sacrifice we need to make but ONLY as the last option.
That part only exists BECAUSE we are perceived to be the collaborators with the Americans in Afghanistan. Take the narrative of Jihad away, there won't be much left to fight over. Negotiations will fix the rest..

I disagree that the fighting will stop simply because Pakistan's announcement of withdrawal followed by negotiations. It is too late for that by several years already.

Pakistan, only needs to provide logistical support to American withdrawal. NATO must fit the bill !

It is highly unlikely that additional funds over and above CSF disbursements will be forthcoming.

America doesn't give a **** about international law when it comes to its national interests. So shouldn't we.

Agreed. But Pakistan is not USA, is it?

It already exists. Rest should be shot, in the head as America does with Mexicans.

Are you referring to Afghan/Refugee ID cards or something else here?

Then we are happy to transfer ALL Afghan migrants to INTERNATIONAL community - if they give a **** about them. They should take them or we should forcefully evict them. Either to Afghanistan or its two best friends Iran and India.

If they want to benefit from Afghanistan, they should take their burden too. We should strip all of them from Pakistani nationality, and deport them to places where Karzai's strategic interests lie. Perhaps America can house them in Nevada desert [Ameristan]

Stripping them of Pakistani nationality? Do you mean temporary residence permits?

We should mind our own interests, period!

Agreed 100%.

Tribals are not, extremist nor they can be made that way. Please do not, insult it by comparing them with the Taliban.

I did not insult the tribals, please read my sentence again. I was referring to the Taleban already hiding within FATA.

Laws are made to be broken, no REAL country gives a **** about international law when their national interests are at stake. US,Russia,China for example.

Pakistan is no USA, Russia or China either.

No, a low level conflict is always expected as India will keep feeding terrorists from Afghanistan to fulfill its obsession. We should be ready to strike with ruthless and relentless military force when and where its absolutely necessary. Its a necessary sacrifice we need to make but ONLY as the last option.

The conflict will likely not be low level if it is not avoided. The real danger is low-grade civil war within Pakistan.
Some people here are mentioning Big Things that US of A, RUSSIA & CHINA :blah: but they forget, that Pakistan is not US OF A Neither China or Russia.... every other day US OF A Breaches there Sovereignty......PERIOD.....................India is/will Spread Terrorism from Afghanistan??? Any Proof Of India's Involvement backed with Credible Source... ?????..........Most of the World Renowned Terrorist gets Killed in Pakistan....Period.................
I disagree that the fighting will stop simply because Pakistan's announcement of withdrawal followed by negotiations. It is too late for that by several years already.

Peace deal, followed by a political framework from Islamabad will give us the results we need. With the help of the tribals. We never needed a single soldier to man the border for decades.

It is highly unlikely that additional funds over and above CSF disbursements will be forthcoming.

Then they can exit from Iran.
Agreed. But Pakistan is not USA, is it?

We should learn from USA and how it protects its national interests.
Are you referring to Afghan/Refugee ID cards or something else here?

Biometric entry system.

Stripping them of Pakistani nationality? Do you mean temporary residence permits?

Millions of "brothers" have been handed green passports. They need to be stripped of that.

I did not insult the tribals, please read my sentence again. I was referring to the Taleban already hiding within FATA.

Taliban can only be contained before being eradicated. Tribals are our trump card.

Pakistan is no USA, Russia or China either.

I, am not talking about strategic power projection. We can and should pull a finger in the face of the so called international law IF and When it comes in conflict to our national interests on our own soil

The conflict will likely not be low level if it is not avoided. The real danger is low-grade civil war within Pakistan.

Visit Pakistan and you will find out that it is not the case. Pakistan is united than ever. We would have to put up with multiple insurgencies, we should start a negotiated political settlement with all of them. Who doesn't compromise should be bombed to ashes.
Peace deal, followed by a political framework from Islamabad will give us the results we need. With the help of the tribals. We never needed a single soldier to man the border for decades.

I can see your reasoning, but it is a changed world now. What worked in the past may not work now.

Then they can exit from Iran.

That card has already been played. The abject collapse of Pakistan's previous blockade without achieving anything substantive would give the wise observer considerable pause before suggesting something like that gain.

We should learn from USA and how it protects its national interests.

The basics include an educated population and a robust economy. Let's start there and revisit this in 50 years, shall we? That might work.

Biometric entry system.

Is there one in place already?

Millions of "brothers" have been handed green passports. They need to be stripped of that.

Who is to fault for that? Stripping them now will not be easy.

Taliban can only be contained before being eradicated. Tribals are our trump card.

I disagree. Taleban and their ideology are part and parcel of Pakistani society. Containment and eradication will be hugely complicated and prolonged. Tribals are only a small part of the solution if they can join in, which is not certain at this point.

I, am not talking about strategic power projection. We can and should pull a finger in the face of the so called international law IF and When it comes in conflict to our national interests on our own soil

Pulling a finger is fine, as long as the hand and arm and body to which it belongs has the muscles to withstand the consequences.

Visit Pakistan and you will find out that it is not the case. Pakistan is united than ever. We would have to put up with multiple insurgencies, we should start a negotiated political settlement with all of them. Who doesn't compromise should be bombed to ashes.

I am not as unaware of what is happening in Pakistan as you might imagine. Pakistan is a powder keg, smoldering and ready to blow up with the right spark.
nobody wants war.

But it depends on what is the cost of not going to war.
Every nation will go to war it that is the only option.
No insurgency can continue for any protracted period unless they have solid support and external help in the form of arms/ammo/training/safe havens from a 'friendly' country. It would have been impossible for the Taliban to have lasted 10 long years without such external support.

Now who is supporting the Taliban? - Iran? Pakistan? China? Russia? The US of A? You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out! :smokin:

Awesome reasoning. So who do you believe is supporting TTP then?

If u are pointing towards Pakistan then why they are whining abt their economy. I mean Pakistan Economy is in shambles. It is true. And they do receive aid money but where it ends up God knows. Also Tax collection in pakistan is less compare to wht it should be coz most of the profit making units are owned Corrupt leaders. So I believe this AID money goes to Keep few important things in working condiontion with no sight of return on Investment. Therefore, there Economy is getting shellow from with in. It is like dying nation. It is just time being when we see a black hole instead of nation

Did you wet the bed thinking about this?

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