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Pakistan can no longer sustain cost of war, says expert

If Pakistan can't sustain the cost, then make a treaty. Bring peace. If can, they wipe them out. The prolonging instability will cost Pakistan more and more. It already did.
Saaf saaf bolo na ; that u want more $$$$ ;)
Saaf baat to ye hai ke pakistan can no more hold burden of US war on his shoulders and die for them.It's not about $$$$ but what should i say to INDIAN BANIYAs who always think of money.:fie:
abbey female ke nai (barber) keeping 200,000 troops in war zones costs money. but if bothers you then ok we didnt spend 70 we only spent 7 billion you happy now. what matter us the most to make every indian happy so its not 70 billion I am officially changing the figures to 7 billion. mera bacha ab to razi ho ja na

you worked so hard, took time away from your family and work to do some research on Pakistan's misfortunes and failure, that is commendable, now its time when a person needs a psychologist, this is called borderline infacuation.

Okay here's the thing. Rather than utilizing the funds to buy strategic assets, why didn't Kayani address on the more immediate needs of Pakistani forces? Your generals redirected funding towards modernization of conventional infantry, air force and navy which will not be able to fight terrorism against TTP using their type of platforms.

The funds allocated to your military should have been planned well by the Joint Chief's office. Your priority was to get better tactical equipment, evacuation helicopters, attack helicopters and scout and observation aerial platforms with more ELINT equipment.

Instead, you guys started buying up fighter jets, warships, submarines and AWACS, none of which will be of any use to you in your war with TTP and other groups.

Now, you're left with so much strain that your government is suffering and the militants are still laughing at you.

Will you be able to use JF-17 against TTP? Tell me.

If Pakistan can't sustain the cost, then make a treaty. Bring peace. If can, they wipe them out. The prolonging instability will cost Pakistan more and more. It already did.

They're stuck between a rock and a hard place. They cannot say no to US at this point as it will mean a lot of political damage in international community. If they go with full force against the militant groups and the US pulls out, the Taliban transform entire Pakistan into a warzone with people supporting them more than the government agencies. In short, a new regime will replace the Zardari regime. And this one will be a gun-happy one.
"Pakistan can no longer sustain fighting America's Crazy War; hence is officially withdrawing. Deal with it, Uncle Sam."

Admit it; we're all tired of it. The Pakistanis, the British, everyone. If this war was never started the world would be 10x more peaceful than it is. And the world =/= America.
what most people fail to understand that $70 billion is not a direct cost or loss sustained by Pak economy but rather a major portion of this $70 billion include opportunity cost lost by Pak in the form of FDI in industry, destruction of public property n even lesser investment from domestic industry due to unfavourable conditions which r more over indirect cost...

Considering all this $70 billion seems a justified figure but unfortunately its only Pak economy n normal people who will bear the burn...:agree:
okay wiseguy only if our President was that much educated thora sa implicit cost kay baray mein kiya parhleya....
1: Time to exit the war.
2: Seal the border with Afghanistan with only opening to NATO withdrawal.
3: Stop all forms of trade to Karzai's Afghanistan. [Let Ahmadinejad do it.]
4: Install check posts, shoot everyone coming from Afghanistan in the head..who's coming without a biometric entry tag. [I am sure They can fly to New Dehli]
5: Forcefully evict all Afghan Migrants from Camps in FATA. They should contribute to the New Afghanistan being Afghan citizens. [No, more asylum on our passports which screws our F.Relations]
6: Start negotiations with the insurgent groups, ONLY those who concern our national security.
7: Let Karazai and 18 Indian consulates deal with Mullah Omar, and other factions of the Taliban.
8: Hand over FATA back to tribals through a peace deal, backed by an ongoing political framework.
9: Deny India ANY transit to Afghanistan and close air space for ALL flights towards it. [They can detour from China or perhaps Iran]
10: Take targeted military strikes as a last option against those who cant be dealt with through the above process.

Pakistan does NOT need to abandon, strategic depth. It needs to abandon Strategic depth and Afghanistan BOTH.Sooner the "End of brotherhood" comes, the better for Pakistan's internal security that would be. Afghanistan, should only be engaged with a strategy of calculative engagement, IF and WHEN needed, IF & When it serves our interests.

Pakistan does NOT need to abandon, strategic depth. It needs to abandon Strategic depth and Afghanistan as a whole, the sooner the "End of brotherhood" comes, the better for Pakistan's internal security that would be. Afghanistan, should only be engaged with a strategy of calculative engagement, IF and WHEN needed.

Que? Should or should not? I am confused.
Dr Ashfaque Hasan Khan, Dean of NUST Business School and former member of former military ruler Pervez Musharraf’s core economic team, said that despite enormous sacrifices, the international community neither recognises nor appreciates the country’s efforts.
Few better than Khan know the answer: the "international community neither recognises nor appreciates the country's efforts" because Pakistan has proved itself to be an unworthy ally, always harping about how others may not be performing while itself celebrating that by violating the spirit of alliance it can gather maximum subsidies for minimal expenditures.

Go collect taxes, Mr. Khan.
1: Time to exit the war.
2: Seal the border with Afghanistan with only opening to NATO withdrawl.
3: Stop all forms of trade to Karzai's Afghanistan.
4: Install check posts, shoot everyone coming from Afghanistan in the head..who's coming without a biometric entry tag. [I am sure They can fly to New Dehli]
5: Forcefully evict all Afghan Migrants from Camps in FATA.
6: Start negotiations with the insurgent groups, ONLY those who concern our national security.
7: Let Karazai and 18 Indian consulates deal with Mullah Omar, and other factions of the Taliban.
8: Hand over FATA back to tribals through a peace deal, backed by an ongoing political framework.
9: Deny India any transit to Afghanistan.
10: Take targeted military strikes as a last option against those who do not support the above process.

Pakistan does NOT need to abandon, strategic depth. It needs to abandon Strategic depth and Afghanistan as a whole, the sooner the "End of brotherhood" comes, the better for Pakistan's internal security that would be. Afghanistan, should only be engaged with a strategy of calculative engagement, IF and WHEN needed.

Of the above 10 points, how many you really think gonna work??
Que? Should or should not? I am confused.

BOTH need to be FULLY abandoned, please re-fresh the page and read again.

Of the above 10 points, how many you really think gonna work??

ALL can be done, the day Pakistan starts thinking like a nation state and not as a pro XYZ state. Afghanistan can survive without Pakistan, indeed they can benefit from their two great friends in the region, Iran and India, and we will be happy to provide free transport to their 6 million refugees [More than Swedish population] to their new "friends", I would volunteer to kiss them goodbye.

We don't want them here, nor have we treated them fairly by providing them refuge, hosting them in our houses, fighting for them for 10 years against USSR and of course providing them with our passports that they can seek asylum in western countries so that they can cast their hatred for Pakistan over the internet. This all needs to be stopped. Pakistan needs to start thinking like a true self centric capitalist country.

Pakistan, has no business with who invades Afghanistan and who bombs their civilian cities to rubble with NAPAM, cluster bombs, daisy cutters , depleted uranium rounds and mustered gas. India, can perhaps provide help next time they get invaded, we are happy to allow India to become the guardian angel of new Afghan state [An Anti Pakistan Afghanistan, which will hear our response too] but not through our territory, they can do it through Iran, Afghanistan's closest friend and brother nation. [Match made in heaven]
Answer to your First Point,

a) The moment Pakistan exit's the war, Dollar Inflow will come down, But problems will continue for pakistan.

Answer to Second Point

b) Pakistan has to seal the Afghanistan border atleast for its own Security, TTP has got safe heavens in Afghanistan, Where as Afghan Taliban has also got safe heavens in Pakistan, Even If Afghanistan is not ready, Pakistan has to seal the afghanistan border, I dont think pakistan can fence entire border, due to mountains, In mountain areas, pakistan can deploy troops, Electric fence, with motion sensors will be fine, This will help Pakistan army to ambush Insurgents when they try to cross, This will also check the movement of Afghan Taliban.

Answer to Third Point

C) Pakistan can do this

Answer to Fourth Point

d) Pakistan has to deploy some troops, Rest of the things as i suggested in Point B.

Answer to Fifth point

e) pakistan can do this and they have to do this in order to reduce economic burden of their country

Answer to Sixth Point

F) Almost every Insurgent group with whom Pakistan tried to Negotiate have back stabbed you, Hafiz Gul Bahadhur, Mullah Nazir, As of now Hafiz Gul Bahadhur has turned his faction against Pakistan, Mullah Nazir was also not happy regarding drones, At times he has even threatened to quit peace deals with Pakistan due to drone attacks, TTP also has safe heavens in North waziristan, North Waziristan is controlled by Afghan Taliban

Answer to your Seventh Point.

G) I am not sure whether there are 18 consultates in Afghanistan, But any way Hamid Karzai government and Afghan People are going to face taliban or any one after 2014, India will not directly intervene in their Internal Security Issues.

Answer to 8th and 9th Point:

H) Pakistan can hand over FATA to Tribals itself, Regarding India will use Iran's Port, Already India has built a road that connects Iran's Port.

I) I think you are Referring TTP here, As of now Pakistan war is only against TTP.
The aid relationship between the United States and Pakistan is badly out of balance. Heavily weighted toward military aid over economic assistance, it has strengthened the hand of Pakistan’s security establishment at the expense of the civilian government. Both countries have reason to be disappointed that so much U.S. aid—nearly $19 billion since 2002—has achieved so little. Rather than continue to purchase Pakistan’s grudging cooperation on counterterrorism, Washington and Islamabad would both be better served by a renewed emphasis on civilian and development assistance.

Vital Statistics

> Pakistan has been heavily dependent on foreign aid ever since independence in 1947. From 1960 to 2002, the country received $73.1 billion in overseas development assistance.

> The United States is Pakistan’s largest single bilateral donor.

> From 2002 to 2010, the United States gave Pakistan almost $19 billion—an average of more than $2 billion per year—primarily for counter terrorism operations.

> The Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2009, also known as Kerry-Lugar-Berman, commits the United States to provide $7.5 billion in non-military aid to Pakistan over a five-year period.

And what has Pakistan got to show for all this aid? Some Pakistanis contend that $70 billion has been spent by Pakistan in the War Against Terror since 2002! This is complete hogwash. If it's true, how come no one has given the details of where and how this mind boggling amount has been spent? Just sloshing around figures without backing it up with facts is lame to say the least.

By the way, $70 billion can raise seven strike corps with all its supporting elements!! But most of it was spent on running down a few militants in the badlands of the North West? :woot:

I am so damn tired of Indian ***** that I cannot put it into words. Their **** for brains is a real pain in everybody's behind! So jerk read this and read this good, Finance Ministry has raised a figure of US$70 - US$80 which this war has costed us, this includes actual military operations as well as wear & tear of equipment such as Helicopters/Jets/APC's/Transport, discharge of munitions etc. plus infrastructure lost/destroyed by bomb blasts, suicide attacks, infrastructure destruction, destruction of peace and subsequent loss of business & foreign investment in such conditions, loss of over 35k civilians and thousands of military personnel, further influx of refugees etc....it even includes the damage caused by heavy vehicles transporting NATO/US equipment across the border to Afghanistan. Personally I believe it is beyond your IQ, my advise is to read & learn instead of coming out as a ...... you know what!
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