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Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

very nice afghans eat from us and next day bash on us stop afghan shitty transit once forever .

No need to ban transit trade with Afghanistan but a great need to regulate and ensure that it is a win win scenario.
Trade is the lifeline of any and all civilizations.

Coming to NATO...let us keep them waiting.
Excellent article posted by windjammer from wsj talking about the increased cost of oil barrel and the increased amount it takes ISAF to deliver gasoline to remote bases via air since ground routes have been halted.

And yet some ppl here were arguing that Pakistani routes mean nothing to the US, that its only a bare minimum of a huge portion that goes through else where. Three weeks of squeeze and they've begun to calculate their cost of delivering supplies and of de tours. So much for only toilet paper going through Pakistan.
Excellent article posted by windjammer from wsj talking about the increased cost of oil barrel and the increased amount it takes ISAF to deliver gasoline to remote bases via air since ground routes have been halted.

And yet some ppl here were arguing that Pakistani routes mean nothing to the US, that its only a bare minimum of a huge portion that goes through else where. Three weeks of squeeze and they've begun to calculate their cost of delivering supplies and of de tours. So much for only toilet paper going through Pakistan.

It's really just a self-defence mechanism. Some people would rather believe delusion and fantastic fantasies rather than the ground reality. And all that because it doesn't fit their worldview.

The satisfying thing about this is that they'll get proven wrong sooner or later. It's even more satisfying because the delusion and denial shown previously becomes so obvious, it's worth laughing your *** over.
If US don't leave Afghanistan and Pakistan alone then let them starve there......keep everything blocked....:smokin:
stop Aid to U.S/Afganistan .Impose heavy duty on export/supplies to Afganistan/U.S/NATO Badmash
Additionally, we need to charge strategic route tax.
Our road transit prices shall match to the air transit.
You can transit chicken by air but not petrol and heavy machinery.

In past TTP has used same heavy machines to build tunnels on fast track.. actually we shall be selective in what shall pass or what shall not.
No weapons and machines shall be allowed to pass.

All parties interested in transit shall also bear thew cost of road construction.

While NA warlords had been charging 110% of the value of goods as transit tax on Pakistani exports and Pakistani exporters were suppose to use their own trucks and access to rods was never given.
It take about one year for Pakistani exporters to get the security clearance by using heavy bribes.

Is it not height of treason to allow very same warlords a heavily subsidized transit and free petrol?
and what about army???????????????
because 10 years ago armymen were at helms in islamabad not politicians
its really unjust to just malign politicians and at the same time exonerating the army completely

It was the fault of just one army 'man', not 'men' or whole the army the way you say it. The Musharraf was over thrown by popular uprising against him and was forced to leave the office, rest of the army has nothing to with his decisions or did not come to his rescue.

How about you learn a little bit of English grammar before you open that mouth unnecessarily against Armed Forces. It has become a habit of some hooligans to drag the whole 'army' into every thing.
'Only 29% of non-military US supplies go through Pakistan': Report
By Huma Imtiaz / Reuters
Published: December 20, 2011

WASHINGTON: As supply routes in Pakistan remain closed in the aftermath of the NATO airstrike that led to the death of 24 Pakistani soldiers, a new Senate Foreign Relations Committee report says that “American strategy is focused on Central Asia in part as a response to the challenges of transiting supplies through Pakistan for the Afghan war.”
According to the new SRFC report, the US has increasingly relied on the Northern Distribution Network to send non-military supplies to Afghanistan since 2009. “Close to 75 per cent of ground sustainment cargo is now shipped via the NDN.” The NDN, according to report, is made up of three land routes. “One stretching from the Georgian Black Sea port of Poti, through Baku, Azerbaijan, across the Caspian Sea, and into Central Asia; one from the Latvian port of Riga through Russia, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan; and a final route that originates in Latvia and travels through Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and passes into Afghanistan via Tajikistan.”
Citing figures from the US Transportation Command, only 29 per cent of cargo goes through Pakistan, whereas 40 per cent goes through the NDN, and the rest is shipped by air. However, the committee report says that the NDN is not an ideal replacement for current supply routes in Pakistan. The NDN only allows goods to be sent to Afghanistan and not back, and also only allows for the transit of non-lethal supplies. “Sensitive and high-technology equipment is transported by airlift.”
The NDN supply route also costs the United States more money. An additional $10,000 is spent on sending a 20-foot container to ship via the NDN as opposed to sending it through Pakistan. Airlifting supplies into Afghanistan is the costliest – with an additional $40,000 per 20-foot container spent on sending it by air.
The report also highlights the challenges faced by the United States in allying with Central Asian states. “In many cases, the United States is forced to rely on highly corrupt, authoritarian governments in countries whose populations are suspicious of US intentions.” Citing fears that Russia and China has about US involvement in the region, the report says that China is “even more nervous about the risk of instability in Afghanistan should the United States and its partners fail to help stabilise the country.”
Recommendations presented in the report including striking a balance between security and political priorities in Central Asia, working on regional cooperation especially in controlling narcotics trafficking, and working on the New Silk Road vision, outlined by Secretary Clinton earlier this year, and helping connect South and Central Asia via Afghanistan.
US spending cuts “reduce” not “freeze” aid
US spending plan for fiscal 2012, which began October 1 the House of Representatives approved the bill on Friday and the Democratic-run Senate approved it on Saturday.
The legislation allocates $850 million for a fund to help Pakistan’s military develop counter-insurgency capabilities to fight Islamist militants within its borders. This is actually a slight increase from last year’s $800 million but less than the $1.1 billion President Obama requested for the fund in 2012.
However, a massive defense bill Congress passed on Thursday freezes 60 per cent of this amount, or $510 million, until the US defense secretary provides lawmakers with assurances that Pakistan is working to counter improvised explosive devices (IEDs). US lawmakers say that many Afghan bombs that kill US troops are made with fertiliser smuggled by militants across the border from Pakistan into Afghanistan.
No number was included for economic aid to Pakistan, leaving the Obama administration to specify the amount in consultation with Congress. This is a comedown for Pakistan; in each of the past three years, about $1 billion or more in economic aid for
Pakistan was written into spending bills, in part to meet pledges made under 2009 legislation sponsored by Senators John Kerry and Richard Lugar.
Economic as well as security aid was made conditional on Pakistan’s cooperation in fighting militants such as the Haqqani network. Many lawmakers have been calling for aid to Pakistan to be reduced since US special forces found and killed al Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani military town May 2
Uzbekistan restrictions waived to facilitate supply to US troops in Afghanistan
The legislation would allow the United States to waive restrictions on aid to Uzbekistan if the Secretary of State certifies this is needed to obtain access to and from Afghanistan. US military aid to Uzbekistan has been restricted since 2004 because of its poor human rights record. But the United States is also expanding US use of the central Asian country as a route to supply troops in Afghanistan.
The legislation also included a requirement that the Secretary of State report to Congress on any diversion of US aid for “corrupt purposes” in Uzbekistan.
Aid to Palestine to continue despite joining UNESCO
The legislation allows US economic aid to the Palestinians to continue next year so long as Palestine is not admitted as a state to any more U.N. organizations. It ignores the UN organisation they have already joined – the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
“It is linked to the UN because what we’ve said … If the Palestinians went to the United Nations, it means they walked away from the negotiating table (with Israel),” Representative Kay Granger, Republican chairman of the House subcommittee on foreign aid, said recently in explaining the conditions.
Well Good.

Good for America :coffee:
US should forget Pakistan route now. Start bringing all your supplies through central Asia. . . and say hello to your little friend , Putin :lol:
currently its 0% as nothing is going through Pakistan,and hopefully it will remain 0% ;)

Military/non-military supply was a bargaining chip for Pakistan. Now if USA/NATO will do some misadventure, Pakistan won't be in position to bargain.

I think USA is planning massive offense in Afghanistan (Pakistani border), There is no guarantee that USAF will not cross durand line.

Friend USA is bad, Enemy USA is worst... Pakistan will not afford it. I think USA may hit bad on Pakistan once it get out of Afghanistan.
Military/non-military supply was a bargaining chip for Pakistan. Now if USA/NATO will do some misadventure, Pakistan won't be in position to bargain.

I think USA is planning massive offense in Afghanistan (Pakistani border), There is no guarantee that USAF will not cross durand line.

Friend USA is bad, Enemy USA is worst... Pakistan will not afford it. I think USA may hit bad on Pakistan once it get out of Afghanistan.

Fortunately we are not Afghanistan and are able to hit back, hard!
since last three weeks 0% with 0 drone attack congs as much as we supply that much they attack on us .:lol:
the real danger for pakistan if god's forbid there is a attack on US's main land and it is traced back to Pakistan.

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