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Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

Yup. Also Mr. Dynaneshwar Sathawane.

You guys are making a mistake here. Political violence is not the result of democracy. Its the result of the problems in society.

It is beyond doubt that India is doing far better under democracy than it ever can or will, under some other form of government.

In China, due to the relatively homogeneous population, the commies can clamp down on dissent with far more ease. You must understand that India is a freakishly diverse society.

In India, things have always been done by agreement and compromise. They shall continue to be done this way, because any attempt by one quarter to impose its views on another will lead the country to turmoil and possible fragmentation.

Worth reading:

India's Democratic Advantage - 60 Years of Independence - TIME

Be sure to read up on the political integration of India:

Political integration of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Contrary to what you think, the freedom of speech/free media/movies act as the glue that binds India together. Here is a blog article that is useful for understanding how this works:

Hindi films and national integration « Nothing Particular
As I said, it is the fundamental freedom to any kinds of human activities/other freedoms. It is perfectly pertinent to a topic regarding freedom.

Chinese use "democratic centralism" to rule themselves. Ever heard of that?

Tell me then why Indian people would like to elect a government that lacks political will, that cold-bloodily let people die of hunger, murderously neglect 40000 pregnant women die yearly even now? This has perplexed many of us. “Us” includes some forumers on other forums.

Didn’t many of you (plural), including you (singular), passionately argued that democratic India is better then authoritarian China by electing their responsive and answering government?

One has to totally agree that fundamental freedom is applicable to any kind of human activity, like, freedom to kill, freedom to suppress, freedom to revolt, freedom for human rights, freedom from parroting the Party line, freedom to spread govt dictated disinformation, freedom to prevent the people from listening or seeing foreign medua and so on!

One has to know what democracy is to understand the hoax called ‘democratic centralisation’. The very word ‘centralisation’ indicates a departure from democracy.

No, the Indians should not elect a govt that lacks political will. But that political will should not be translated with the ruthless of a police State. In happened once in India and history was created. An otherwise great Indian leader, Mrs Gandhi, was toppled and the monolith Congress Party, which had won all elections hands down, came crashing down! That is how the political will of the people works. And that is feasible when there are more than one Party since then, there is the option of choice!

I don’t think that an autocratic, single party Nation has the option of choice. They are stuck with the same ideology for better or for worse. And it is made worse, since autocratic regimes ensure that there is no opposition to work as checks and balances to dictatorial tendencies!!
Do you mean all the people are the same happiness or sadness? :rofl:

but you even want to drag it to US vs China, don't you.

Also the bottom ones!

:rofl: you didn't mean CPC is controlling ancient China, did you?


Given your this type of knowledge, no need to debate withyou any more on this.
Again you are right.

Happiness is conditional.

The Pavlovian conditioned dogs have a different level of emotions. It is dictated and conditioned!

The Cultural Revolution and the Three Natural Disasters were not there. It is but a figment of imagination and a slander spun by the West against the Revolution of the Proletariat of the Toiling Mass of Peasants and Labourer! No one died! That is why there is the excess population.
The top and bottom are democracies. That is true. It means that the potential of all emerge without the whip! One should thank there stars that they are not utilised as draught animals.

Your knowledge makes interesting debate, even if not quite illuminating or intellectually stimulating, since the Party line is well known and hackneyed.
Origins of violent monks[/B]


  • Origins of violent monks.jpg
    Origins of violent monks.jpg
    78.6 KB · Views: 8
If you know armed police uniform of China after 2005,you will find the photo is before 2005
I think that is correct.

I don't buy that!

Though one does not know!
There is no doubt that China can orchestrate anything!

A great Nation with great prowess to prove they are on the right path!

I disagree though. The class struggle and the Revolution of the Toiling Masses and of the Proletariat and the Peasants and the Labour Class cannot be abandoned for the pleasures of American crass capitalism and consumerism.

It is being disloyal to Mao and Marx!

It means selling your soul to the Devil!

Only the Indian Communists are steadfast in not selling themselves!


Tuesday, 25 March 2008.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Next to her bad Collagen-injected facelift job, Nancy Pelosi has given us one of the worst lessons in deceitful diplomacy on behalf of the United States. Pelosi, who is third in line of power in Washington after George Bush and Dick Cheney, flew halfway around the world to our neighborhood last week. Her mission? To further stoke the fire in China’s Tibet.

Last year, they destabilized us. Today it’s China. The tactics are the same. Let’s keep our eyes open.

eye opener, mind blowing my man "AHMED QURAISHI"! i think he must go to Russia or China and spread the true words because our pathetic sold out media is busy showing the so called "struggle for freedom"!

If that (in bold) is mind blowing journalism then I pity Mr. A Quarishi and the people who read his crap. Why USA, the whole world sees Tibet being crushed by the brute force of China and are helpless.

If Tibetians were muslims then I guess Mr Q would be shedding crocodile like tears he does for Palestine which I personally feel is as justified as Tibet's cause and the total independance of all parts of Kashmir from India, Pakistan and China.

Origins of violent monks[/B]

Nice dry, but take a look at the summer uniform of PAP officers and those light shirts worn by civilians. It suggests its summer time when the pix was taken, definitely not March in Tibet.

Here is how ppl dress in March in Tibet:

And those PAP uniforms are old styles which were replaced in 2005, and the pix actually was PAP officers playing monks in a movie shooting, But still, nice try.


This is the interview of the paramilitary policemen playing monks back in Sep. 2001 for the movie shooting of "The Touch", as shown in the pic posted by "Logic Note".

The Touch (2002)
That picture is not of the latest showdown.

I believe it is from a Cultural Show held some year back.
Anyway, I believe atleast half of Ahmad Qureshi's article. China, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are steadfast behnd each other to support each other and promote regional dominance. China is helping Pakistan on many military fronts including JF-!7 thunder, missiles, tanks, and the latest ship for army. Same on Gwadar port.

USA, Russia and India understand the regional game and are desparate to avoid any future strengthening of Pakistan or China with help of Saudi money. India & Russai are playing their separate game against PAK and China. And, the USA is trying best to secure its Oil & Gas reserves of Caspian Sea.

China has not only secured the oil fields of Sudan but also few in Iran and is ready to join the IPI pipeline with PAK. India also a booming economy needs Oil & Gas for its survival, and has invested in few wells of Iran.

The Great Chinese stronghold of world economy is causing the USA economy to go into recession slowly. All major exports are being manage by China worldwide.

No wonder it is in the interest of USA, Russia and India to suppress and corner China.

While Pakistan currently has only two sincere friends i.e China and Saudi Arabia.
International Regional Conspiracy and Pakistan’s standing

Written by Afreen Baig

Pakistan First : International Regional Conspiracy and Pakistan’s standing

When President Musharraf took over, Pakistan was on the verge of default and bankruptcy, with less than a billion dollars in its foreign reserves and 65% of the revenues being spend on debt servicing. The external debt had grown from $ 18 billion in 1988 to become $ 38 billion in 1999. Pakistan was also being tagged as a terrorism supporting state, due to persistent Indian efforts.

The timing coincided with the great game that was about to take place on the map of the worlds. The US had drawn up plans to somehow secure the Oil fields of the Caspian Sea region that competes in scale with the riches of Saudi Arabia. In 2010 they are expected to yield 3.2 billion barrels of crude oil per day, in addition to 4.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year. The shortest and safest route for the oil pipeline was designed, starting from the Central Asian states through Afghanistan and ending in Baluchistan. The Afghanistan war was implemented to give success and prominence to the US conglomerate Unocal Corporation over the Argentinean conglomerate Bridas, and wipe out the obstinate Taliban.

September 11 was a planned tragedy converted into an opportunity for the USA and its regional dominance.

For that plan to be executed safely, the USA needed a destabilized Pakistan, a Pakistan full of political circus and corrupt leaders. Corrupt Pakistani leaders who would prefer US regional dominance, in return for some billion $$$ bucks tucked away in their foreign banks.

The USA supported President Musharraf thinking that he would heed to the US regional aspirations, but it dawned upon them only 3 years back that Musharraf had double crossed them.

President Musharraf took all this time to strengthen and revive Pakistan’s ailing economy and outdated Military. The USA could never have imagined that under Musharraf’s leadership, Pakistan would have started large scale manufacturing and serial production of Al-Khalid Tanks, Ballistic missiles, Agosta (French) Submarines, and JF-17 Thunder Jets.

And, above all a National Command Authority was formed to implement plans related to KRL (Khan Research Labs) and PAEC (Pak Atomic Energy Commission), including development and employment of Pakistan’s strategic assets. The whereabouts of our Nuclear bombs and Warheads are now unknown to any corrupt politician.

Under President Musharraf, Pakistan was converted into a stable and viable economy. Our $75 billion economy of 1999 grew at 6%-8%, to become a $160 billion economy at the start of 2007.

His infrastructure development vision initiated 6 Motorways and several Highways. He constructed 4 Dams. 18 Public Universities are already functioning and 9 Engineering Universities are under construction. Exports increased from a stagnated $ 7.6 billion in 1999, to become $ 18 billion in 2007.

Major ambitious mega projects like GWADAR (a Port on the Straits of Hormuz), a $90m Sust Dry port in Gilgit, Saindak project, Rekodiq project (world’s top 7th copper reserves & 20 million ounces of gold), Marble production, Coal mining projects, Mineral mining & quarrying, etc. are unprecedented in Pakistan’s History.

But, some US think tanks remain suspicious of PAK-China GWADAR project, and term it as an intentional large Naval base for the Pakistani and Chinese Aircraft carriers and Submarines. 40% of the world’s oil supply passes through the Straits of Hormuz. The Chinese overlooking the straits is an alarming situation for both, the US and India.

China also rushed to complete a $100 billion deal with Iran, in February 2006; to develop the Yadavaran Oil field in Southern Iran. Sinopec will get in exchange, 10 million tonnes of Liquefied Natural Gas FREE till next quarter century. The Yadavaran can produce as much as 300,000 barrels of oil per day. Sinopec will hold 51% stake and India’s Oil & Gas Corp. will hold 29%.

To top this all, Pakistan is pursuing the Iran-PAK-India gas pipeline. Currently, the countries in dire need of Gas & Oil are the developing 3rd world countries, averaging 6% GDP growth. Who will the USA sell its Caspian Sea gas reserves to, if the major regional markets of South Asia are out??

The US mega game plan to lay the oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea reserves to Gwadar and supplying oil from Iraq’s reserves, will both fall in limbo.

The USA remains apprehensive and deeply troubled. Their great game can only be accomplished if the honest and loyal-to-country Musharraf is toppled, and the corrupt lots of politicians are brought back. The USA wants free and unrestricted access to Pakistan including Gwadar, which under President Musharraf is impossible.

Plans are now underway to topple President Musharraf’s progressive government and instead install a corrupt and pro-American government, and all in the name of democracy, freedom of media and protection of civil rights! These impressive agitations that come out of no-where and are usually headed, organized and funded through ex-ISI Hameed Gul (who openly boasts that he created the IJI) are covert operations to undergo Regime Change of President Musharraf. The latest idea floated being that of the ex-Servicemen, of whom many rejected going against the government.

Currently China, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, understanding the regional politics are steadfast behind President Musharraf. The USA having failed to introduce Democracy or any system in Afghanistan and Iraq , is trying to shift its total failure unto Pakistan . The US Media has already started blaming Pakistan for failure of its ‘War on Terror’, and they’re further rousing suspicions about our Nuclear Assets.

We need to support President Musharraf for a stronger, secure and stable Pakistan !

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