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Pakistan bans JuD, LeT, JeM


Jul 6, 2009
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Pakistan bans JuD, LeT, JeM

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan government has banned 25 religious and other organisations, including the Jamaat-ud-Dawah, Jaish-e-Mohammed and
Lashker-e-Taiba, the interior ministry said on Wednesday.

The ministry presented a list of the banned organisations in the National Assembly or lower house of parliament. It also said the Sunni Tehrik had been put on a watch list.

Among the organisations included in the list of outlawed groups are JuD, LeT, JeM, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariah Muahammadi, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Al-Akhtar Trust, Al-Rasheed Trust, Tehreek-e-Islami, Islamic Students Movement, Khair-un-Nisa International Trust, Islami Tehreek-e-Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Islam, Balochistan Liberation Army, Jamiat-un-Nisar, Khadam Islam and Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan.

A majority of the groups have been linked to terrorist attacks and suicide bombings in Pakistan. India has blamed the JuD, LeT and JeM for several attacks on its soil, including the Mumbai attacks and the 2001 assault on the Indian parliament.

Pakistan banned the JuD after the UN Security Council declared it a front for the LeT in December last year. The LeT and JeM were banned by the country in 2002.
Good work :tup:,but if i'm not wrong some of these organizations were already banned.
Pakistan bans Hafiz Saeed's LeT, JuD, 23 other organisations

Pakistan bans Hafiz Saeed's LeT, JuD, 23 other organisations

Pakistan News.Net
Wednesday 5th August, 2009 (IANS)

Islamabad/Pakistan Wednesday banned the Jamaat-ud Dawa (JuD) of Hafiz Saeed, who India says masterminded the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, and 24 other religious and welfare organisations.

Also banned is the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terror group that Saeed founded and which morphed into the JuD in the wake of the December 13, 2001, attack on the Indian parliament that New Delhi blamed on the outfit.

The interior ministry Wednesday presented the list of banned organisations in the National Assembly, the lower house of Pakistan's parliament, Geo TV reported.

The ministry, however, was silent on the status of Saeed, whose release from house arrest in June has sparked an outcry in India. The Pakistani government has appealed this but the Supreme Court Monday indefinitely adjourned the hearing on this.

India Saturday provided Pakistan an additional seven-page dossier of evidence relating to the 26/11 Mumbai attacks and underlined that it has given Islamabad enough proof to prosecute Saeed.

Addressing a press conference in New Delhi, Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram said Saturday: 'There is enough evidence to proceed against Saeed.'

'The evidence provided in three dossiers is, in our view, sufficient to investigate role of Hafiz Saeed (in the Mumbai carnage),' the minister said, adding: 'The investigations in Pakistan will also throw up enough evidence.'

Saeed, who had been placed under house arrest in December after the UN proscribed the JuD in the wake of the Nov 26-29, 2008, Mumbai terror attacks, was released by the Lahore High Court in June citing lack of evidence.

On July 28, a defiant Pakistan said it would not arrest Saeed till adequate proof was provided of his involvement in the Mumbai carnage.

'We cannot arrest him till adequate proof is provided. There is no proof,' Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik told a private TV news channel in an interview.

The latest flip-flop came 12 days after Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said July 16 his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani had informed him that 'common consensus' was being evolved and that 'action will have to be taken against him (Saeed)'.

Two days before that, on July 14, Pakistan's Punjab provincial government had dissociated itself from the case against Saeed, saying the federal government had not furnished 'solid evidence' to warrant his continued house arrest.

Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone gunman captured alive during the Mumbai mayhem, has admitted to being a Pakistani national and to being trained by the LeT for the Mumbai attacks.

Pakistan has charged five men, including LeT commander Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, with involvement in the Mumbai mayhem.

Last month, Pakistan handed over a dossier to India admitting its nationals were involved in the attacks. The dossier came days before the July 16 Gilani-Manmohan Singh meeting on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Summit at the Egyptian resort of Sharam el-Shaikh.

Speaking to reporters after the two-hour-long meeting, Manmohan Singh said he had raised the matter of Pakistan taking action against Saeed.

'The Pakistan prime minister told me that there is common consensus being evolved that action will have to be taken against him. The Punjab government, which is of the opposition party, is being persuaded,' he said.

Among the other organisations Pakistan banned Tuesday are: Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Muhammed, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jaish-e-Muhammad, Lashkar Jhangvi, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Islamic Students Movement, Tehreek Nifaz-e-Shariat Muahammadi and Balochistan Liberation Army.
i wonder what has been changed so suddenly.
I assume they were proved terrorist!!
In any case they were not blamed for any terroists activities against Pakistan and most of the captives in recent military operations were indians and their brain washed children.
Pakistan should consider more his own interest rather than dictation from a state which is killing, its soldiers, engineers, girls.. destroying Pakistan schools and infrastructure and that is TTP and india has chnneled in billions of dollars directly and indirectly to facilitate TTP.
Where is Pakistani leadership heading?? We need to stop the finances of TTP!!!
We need to warn Hamid Karzai for surgical strikes after all that kiosk, we went through.
On these grounds all those who take kick backs stand in the same row, rather I would say are some how real culprits.
We clearly see that evidence which Gillani put forward to Singh had softened his tummy so now he is pumping Gilani temorarily but this will not fix the image of Pakistan which has been destroyed by anti Pakistan media in last two years.
I would rather deal india on media level as they have been doing with Pakistan govt. since last 2 years.
Actually, many anti Pakistanis pretending to be Pakistani, this is why it is not wise to trust every one who display's Pakistani flag.
I personally have lot of experience with indians, hence I can recognise them from their english and choice of words.
I can even identify a british born indian from his approach.
The Pakistanis on this forum are not representative of the vast majority of Pakistanis.

If they were, Pakistan would be a majority non Muslim nation.

Alhamdulillah that is not the case.
Indian outed by his/her use of sarcasm as a cover for lack of intellect. Complete non argument from you by claiming that Muslims would become minority in Pakistan if anybody does not support jihadi gangsters.
This is very good step by our government.I am damn proud of this deicison.Any organization which preaches religion hatred and secterianism should be closed and its head should be taken care off.Can't wait to see JUD Main Guy Hanged in Jail if he is indeed behind Mumbai Attacks attacks.These guys ruined Pakistan's reputation.
India welcomes ban on terrorist organisations in Pakistan

India welcomes ban on terrorist organisations in Pakistan

Pakistan News.Net
Thursday 6th August, 2009 (ANI)

New Delhi, Aug 6 : Welcoming the ban on terrorist organisations in Pakistan, Union Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor on Thursday said India expects Islamabad to fulfill its commitment to take action against perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks, including Hafeez Saeed.

"The Pakistan should also act on its commitment to dismantle terror infrastructure on their soil," Tharoor said outside the Parliament.

The Government of Pakistan on Wednesday banned 25 religious and other organisations, including the Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD0, Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and Lashker-e-Toiba (LeT).

India has been demanding action for a long time against the JuD, LeT and JeM, which it blames for carrying out several attacks on Indian soil, including the Mumbai terror attacks and the 2001 assault on the Indian Parliament.

The Pakistani Government has linked a majority of the outlawed groups to terrorist attacks and suicide bombings in Pakistan.

While presenting a list of the banned organisations in the National Assembly, the lower house of Pakistani Parliament, the Interior ministry stated that the Sunni Tehrik had been put on a watch list.

Organisations included in the list of outlawed groups include-Jammat-ud-Dawah (JuD), Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), JeM, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariah Muahammadi, Al-Akhtar Trust, Al-Rasheed Trust, Tehreek-e-Islami, Islamic Students Movement, Khair-un-Nisa International Trust, Islami Tehreek-e-Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Islam, Balochistan Liberation Army, Jamiat-un-Nisar, Khadam Islam and Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan.

Pakistan banned the JuD after the UN Security Council declared it a front for the LeT in December last year. The LeT and JeM were banned by the country in 2002.
Actually, many anti Pakistanis pretending to be Pakistani, this is why it is not wise to trust every one who display's Pakistani flag.
I personally have lot of experience with indians, hence I can recognise them from their english and choice of words.
I can even identify a british born indian from his approach.

Eureka !!


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