who is "we" ? is that pakistani nation ?
and who is "he" ? does that means nawaz sharif ?
now if your saying nawaz shareef is taking pakistani nation to their arabik roots then what is wrong in it ?
a nation where most people think they are more rabas and central asian than so called "ethnik indian" then why this surprise deu to banning of english and persian words in daily use ?
is it a new phenomena ?... i guess not !!!...why ?
a nation where a person who speaks Urdu in an arabik acent and wears an arbi dress is considerred "alim e din" automatically
tell me how age old subcontinents muslim words which had persian influence were changed into arabik words like
Pakistan became AL Bakistan ................as there is no P word in arabik and it is a persian alphabet
Ramzaan Mubarak became Ramadan kareem
sehri became shahoor
Khudda hafiz became allah hafiz (what is the diffrence between khudda and Allah?)
now some people have started calling rozze as soam in Al Bakistan
so i find it very strange as how some pakistanies are even considerring this moove by nawaz sharif as redical its not just nawaz sharif which is doing this its whole pakistani society and nation which now thinks and acts more arab than arab themselfs even if they want to forget how arabs themselfs look and treat their pakistani brothers and sisters
i hope mods SIR dont find my this post as offensive as i was just trying to understand the logik & intention behind thgis thread