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Pakistan Army's defence against nuclear attack

Theoratically, what will happen if India , is on the verge of a military victory in Pakistan. Indian tanks are rolling into Islamabad. The state of Pakistan as we know it , is seriously in danger of being annexed. The Indian defence minister , says that once Islamabad is captured, Pakistan will no longer exist and will be divided into 4 states.

Somewhere near Kahuta, Seniior officers of the Pakistan has about 80-100 nuclear tipped missiles , they have a choice to make ? Do thay risk a nuclear war , by launching missiles targetting Indian cities , or do they destroy those missiles, so that they cannot be used by Indians ??

Well its Pakistans official doctrine to use nukes in such a scenario.

In the scenario u mentioned , I think Pakistan would prefer to use tactical nukes on Indian troops inside its territory. saadahmed has rightly said 'The generals who will be launching missiles also have families.'

I read two novels by Humphrey Hawksley 'DragonFire' and 'Third World War'
The first deals with Asia at war, while the other deals with World at War.
In the first novel when India had penetrated deep inside Pakistan, tactical nukes were used against Indian soldiers.

Islamabad is too far off. The pak army has already drawn a line. The nukes will be flying alot sooner than that----it will start possibly with tactical nukes once indian armour rolls 10---20 miles into pakistani territory and the millitary feels that there is no way to stop the aggression---then the real stuff will reach the indian cities in multiple massive barages----in 30----to----120 minutes it will all be over.

Islamabad is too far off. The pak army has already drawn a line. The nukes will be flying alot sooner than that----it will start possibly with tactical nukes once indian armour rolls 10---20 miles into pakistani territory and the millitary feels that there is no way to stop the aggression---then the real stuff will reach the indian cities in multiple massive barages----in 30----to----120 minutes it will all be over.

India's declared policy is that if nukes of any kind are used on Indian soldiers ANYWHERE(that includes outside of India ie in Pakistan), India will consider it as a full fledged nuclear strike and will respond in full scale with nukes.

So either Pakistan uses all in one shot or nothing, there isnt going to be tac-nukes here and there.
Theoratically, what will happen if India , is on the verge of a military victory in Pakistan. Indian tanks are rolling into Islamabad. The state of Pakistan as we know it , is seriously in danger of being annexed. The Indian defence minister , says that once Islamabad is captured, Pakistan will no longer exist and will be divided into 4 states.

Somewhere near Kahuta, Seniior officers of the Pakistan has about 80-100 nuclear tipped missiles , they have a choice to make ? Do thay risk a nuclear war , by launching missiles targetting Indian cities , or do they destroy those missiles, so that they cannot be used by Indians ??
You are naive or dumb to belive your defence minister's quotes. It makes me wounder how easy would it for Pakistan to give a big blow to india once war starts. Your defence minister says that once islamabad is captured!!!! Pakistan will no longer exist true but who will capture Islamabad buddy if it was easy for anyone to capture Islamabad then it would off been captured by USA long time ago before even IRAQ!!!.... One million strong army with 170 million people of Pakistan. Each Pakistani family atleast contains one gun with atleast one round!!! so you are talking about beside army of Pakistan, Crushing over 70 million Pakistani men ready to take arms when necessary. lol 70 million guns with 10 bullets each so 700 million bullets in simple math agaisnt indian army :rofl::rofl: Beside Pakistan's army airforce and navy SSG buddy i tell you what!!! Go and protest in Delhi for putting so dumb person as a defence minister of India.. Now being real :police: anytime Pakistan feels that india is really putting its words into action, Trust Pakistan! Pakistan will attack india and capture good amount of land, which will be used as a bargain with india.... Nukes are just to prevent a war and they are playing a big rule in defence of Pakistan. Lastly Pakistani soilders are better equiped then indian soilders on foot do some research over this so Pakistan has invested in her defence well enough to prevent india or anyother nation to invade Pakistan..... So stop day dreaming :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
There will be no defence from, as said by our leaders nuclear weapons will be used as a last resort....
India's declared policy is that if nukes of any kind are used on Indian soldiers ANYWHERE(that includes outside of India ie in Pakistan), India will consider it as a full fledged nuclear strike and will respond in full scale with nukes.

So either Pakistan uses all in one shot or nothing, there isnt going to be tac-nukes here and there.

Link please.
Im trying to find it. I can however give the background. This was during or after Op Parakram. When there was thought that Pakistan could effectively use tac nukes on Indian Army inside Pakistan's territory, that would mean India directly has not been targetted, and so would not be able to respond as per Indian laws.

This fact has also been pointed out by FORCE magazine in one of its articles regarding India's nuclear policy, and how its ad-hoc and not consistent.
Some Indian cities have underground railway system like Kolkata,Delhi,Mumbai(under construction)these can accomodate a large number of civilians but not all,most of the population will be affected.The military has some large bunkers in HP/J&K ,UP and some parts in East/NE India,those will come handy during an attack.

At least one large nuke proof bunker is operational in Delhi. Some one close to me is was issued a RFI for developing a nuke proof electric supply for it. I reckon it is something to deal with em pulses during a nuke strike.

Andubyll,Islamabad is too far off. The pak army has already drawn a line. The nukes will be flying alot sooner than that----it will start possibly with tactical nukes once indian armour rolls 10---20 miles into pakistani territory and the millitary feels that there is no way to stop the aggression---then the real stuff wil l reach the indian cities in multiple massive barages----in 30----to----120 minutes it will all be over.

what is pak policy regarding nukes?
will they launch everything they got at once ? do they have the capability to launch simultaneous nuke tipped missile without much preparation ?
and will they use large number of missiles fitted with small yield explosives or a small number of missiles fitted with high yield explosives?
Weather phenomena is also important to keep in mind, in monsoons, wind blows from north india to pakistan and vice versa in winters.


I think what people discount is that though India though has declared a no first use policy and a no initiation of hostility philosophy but if it does plan to rolls its armour in the roads of Islamabad, wouldn't it abandon its no-first use policy too ?
It doesn't make sense for India to pursue a no-first use policy if Pakistan's declared policy is to use nukes. I reckon a blitzkrieg from air, land and water with WMDs would be something that India ought to look into to counter Pak's expected response.

PS: And it doesn't matter if one keeps eyelids open or shut, in the fallout zone all will go blind.
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Originally Posted by ANDUBYLL View Post
Theoratically, what will happen if India , is on the verge of a military victory in Pakistan. Indian tanks are rolling into Islamabad. The state of Pakistan as we know it , is seriously in danger of being annexed. The Indian defence minister , says that once Islamabad is captured, Pakistan will no longer exist and will be divided into 4 states.

Somewhere near Kahuta, Seniior officers of the Pakistan has about 80-100 nuclear tipped missiles , they have a choice to make ? Do thay risk a nuclear war , by launching missiles targetting Indian cities , or do they destroy those missiles, so that they cannot be used by Indians ??

You are naive or dumb to belive your defence minister's quotes. It makes me wounder how easy would it for Pakistan to give a big blow to india once war starts. Your defence minister says that once islamabad is captured!!!! Pakistan will no longer exist true but who will capture Islamabad buddy if it was easy for anyone to capture Islamabad then it would off been captured by USA long time ago before even IRAQ!!!.... One million strong army with 170 million people of Pakistan. Each Pakistani family atleast contains one gun with atleast one round!!! so you are talking about beside army of Pakistan, Crushing over 70 million Pakistani men ready to take arms when necessary. lol 70 million guns with 10 bullets each so 700 million bullets in simple math agaisnt indian army :rofl::rofl: Beside Pakistan's army airforce and navy SSG buddy i tell you what!!! Go and protest in Delhi for putting so dumb person as a defence minister of India.. Now being real :police: anytime Pakistan feels that india is really putting its words into action, Trust Pakistan! Pakistan will attack india and capture good amount of land, which will be used as a bargain with india.... Nukes are just to prevent a war and they are playing a big rule in defence of Pakistan. Lastly Pakistani soilders are better equiped then indian soilders on foot do some research over this so Pakistan has invested in her defence well enough to prevent india or anyother nation to invade Pakistan..... So stop day dreaming :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Have another go (without being a jingo ! ) :cheers:
India's declared policy is that if nukes of any kind are used on Indian soldiers ANYWHERE(that includes outside of India ie in Pakistan), India will consider it as a full fledged nuclear strike and will respond in full scale with nukes.

So either Pakistan uses all in one shot or nothing, there isnt going to be tac-nukes here and there.


There would be no tac-nukes here and there---indians should understand that at this stage, we don't care what will happen to us---------we will lay it all out ----a blitzer bleiter---a grand finale---a shock and awe---at least we will go out in style----our misery will be over----but then india shining----the glow left over would be from radiation----a slow and extremely painful ending for the whole nation-----trust me----there would be minimal survivors on the indian side as well----the the radiation cloud would be carried all through india in due time---we will be vapourized instantly---but there will be terrible misery for the indians all over the sub-continent----the nuclear cloud will slowly but surely walk all over the nation---ultimately it will gho around the world in due time----.

In order to understand the after effects of the nuclear blasts---you can read NEVIL SHUTE ' ON THE BEACH '. Gives you a fair idea what would happen.

Indians are taking the nuclear strikes a little too casually----they don't understand and cannot comprehend that there would be no facilities left operational after the massive strikes by pakistan---we know that we all be gone by that time----but indians think that more than half will survive---and then seemingly that they will be going back to the office the next day---like nothing ever happened and things will be back to normal.

Anybody who wants to live---needs to resolve the issues now.

Originally Posted by malaymishra123
India's declared policy is that if nukes of any kind are used on Indian soldiers ANYWHERE(that includes outside of India ie in Pakistan), India will consider it as a full fledged nuclear strike and will respond in full scale with nukes.

So either Pakistan uses all in one shot or nothing, there isnt going to be tac-nukes here and there.

Link please.

copy paste from BRF :eek:
India's declared policy is that if nukes of any kind are used on Indian soldiers ANYWHERE(that includes outside of India ie in Pakistan), India will consider it as a full fledged nuclear strike and will respond in full scale with nukes.

Why would we wanna use nukes in side of Pakistan? We are not retarded. We will nuke your logistics and garrisons and supply lines in India if it comes to nukes, along with your whole nation. Please don't think we're stupid enough to nuke our own nation so you can nuke it too. If or when we use nukes, its going to be bye bye to any semblance of prosperity in India for the next 500 years.
Why would we wanna use nukes in side of Pakistan? We are not retarded. We will nuke your logistics and garrisons and supply lines in India if it comes to nukes, along with your whole nation. Please don't think we're stupid enough to nuke our own nation so you can nuke it too. If or when we use nukes, its going to be bye bye to any semblance of prosperity in India for the next 500 years.

Foolishness knows no bounds, if you dont understand the consequences what i am talking about, then talk with one of the senior think tanks who will explain the concept. Its not about nuking your own territory, its about nuking the enemy spearhead.
Indians are taking the nuclear strikes a little too casually----they don't understand and cannot comprehend that there would be no facilities left operational after the massive strikes by pakistan---we know that we all be gone by that time----but indians think that more than half will survive---and then seemingly that they will be going back to the office the next day---like nothing ever happened and things will be back to normal.

Anybody who wants to live---needs to resolve the issues now.


No one assumes, that after a strategic strike on India, people would goto office the next day. The point was that atleast half the country and especially the villages, etc would be safe(r). You really need to understand the size of the country. It would be crushing, but a substantial number of the population would still be left in the countryside.

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