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Pakistan Army's defence against nuclear attack


Dec 20, 2008
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pakistans policy has always being that it wont hesistate to use nuclear weapons against a state if its interested are severly harmed. and they have the means to deliver nuclear weapons
but that would also promt a nuclear retialation by the enemy.
how will the pakistan army sustain such an attack, what anti nuclear weapons or protection,training does pakistan army have. what are its plans in such an event.
also the army needs to protect the civilian installations from such an attack how much is the pakistan army ready for it.and how can we better the preparations.
lets discuss
I think Pakistan should get reliable 2nd strike capability even 3rd or 4th stride capability.

sir multiple strike capabiliies is very good but how about sustaining a nuclear attack with minimum casualties.< both civilian and military> how much work is going on in this regard.< eg includes nuclear protective bunkers in its major cities, special masks or eqipments for the army.etc>
I genuinely think India does not have the guts to launch a nuclear strike on us.

Its conscience not the guts that is needed when you push that button.

You guys seem to be very trigger happy for a nuclear war. I just saw a video of Hamid Gul, the way he talks about Bangalore going up in clouds is startling. If such guys are the ones who are bestowed the responsibility of pushing that button, god knows what will happen.

Coming to the point of sustaining in the event of a nuclear war no body will have a clue about it. It all depends on how many cities being attacked and how much of Pakistan will be spared in such an event. I hope this will not happen to any one.
Its conscience not the guts that is needed when you push that button.

You guys seem to be very trigger happy for a nuclear war. I just saw a video of Hamid Gul, the way he talks about Bangalore going up in clouds is startling. If such guys are the ones who are bestowed the responsibility of pushing that button, god knows what will happen.

Coming to the point of sustaining in the event of a nuclear war no body will have a clue about it. It all depends on how many cities being attacked and how much of Pakistan will be spared in such an event. I hope this will not happen to any one.
Hamid Gul is retired officer so you should not take his personal opinion seriousely.I sincerely hope we never nuke each other lol becuase if it happens then there will be no future of Pakistan and India.
saadahmed...Sir Hamid Gul statements were to a question if India does something to Pakistan...
It is the right of Pakistan to use anything if a bloody war is imposed upon it you are minority in Pakistan who wants no war i agree on this point but to say Gen Hamid Gul statement was irrelevant i disagree while everyone is punching you and u keeping smiling to them this is not how life goes you punch back and that is A Knock out Punch.:coffee:
I don't think both nations should be thinking of using nuclear weapons.
I do NOT want to see my beloved country and my people bombed with radioactive material, neither is it humane to see these bombs dropped on India.
Do India or Pakistan have any bunkers for its civilians to hide in INCASE a nuclear war might break out?
But honestly guys, let's hope we both wil never have to use these nukes, they should be just stalled and put to safety, and only used for deterrence.
when there is necular strike temperature will rise to 1000 degrees, there will be radiation fall so if u feel there gonna be necular strike in your city go to hardest place in your house,then hid under the hardest table u can find in that room cover ur ears with hand, remember the almighty and kiss your *** goodbye.
pakistans policy has always being that it wont hesistate to use nuclear weapons against a state if its interested are severly harmed. and they have the means to deliver nuclear weapons
but that would also promt a nuclear retialation by the enemy.
how will the pakistan army sustain such an attack, what anti nuclear weapons or protection,training does pakistan army have. what are its plans in such an event.
also the army needs to protect the civilian installations from such an attack how much is the pakistan army ready for it.and how can we better the preparations.
lets discuss

I think that no one in the right mind will nuke their enemy if they know that their enemy can nuke them back.:taz:
when there is necular strike temperature will rise to 1000 degrees, there will be radiation fall so if u feel there gonna be necular strike in your city go to hardest place in your house,then hid under the hardest table u can find in that room cover ur ears with hand, remember the almighty and kiss your *** goodbye.[/QUOTI

I have a better idea for example let's suppose that i am in Islamabad and the pak military nukes delhi then i will try to get as far away from every major city in pak i.e lahore,karachi,islamabad as soon as possible because large cities and capitals are always potential targets of a nuke strike.
when there is necular strike temperature will rise to 1000 degrees, there will be radiation fall so if u feel there gonna be necular strike in your city go to hardest place in your house,then hid under the hardest table u can find in that room cover ur ears with hand, remember the almighty and kiss your *** goodbye.[/QUOTI

I have a better idea for example let's suppose that i am in Islamabad and the pak military nukes delhi then i will try to get as far away from every major city in pak i.e lahore,karachi,islamabad as soon as possible because large cities and capitals are always potential targets of a nuke strike.


although its highly unlikely that a nuclear war will happen in our life time. but for your statement do u think government or coppers will allow people to roam around in their personal vehicle if it comes to nuclear war. there will be a curfew in city.
so the best option is to create a shelter in your house basement and keep lot of food for 3 weeks. i.e. if you will know when the nuke is coming to your city. seek out shelters that are sturdy, preferably are underground (that is, basement), are a good distance away from the blast area, and will protect you from the radioactive fallout. Therefore, if you have a basement, you should go there; if you do not have a basement, then choose a location in the center of the house, such as a utility or clothes closet. If you have time before the fallout arrives, seal windows and other openings to keep out radioactive dusts and turn off air conditioners or vent systems that may force contaminated outside air into the house/shelter until after the fallout has settled onto the ground.
good luck
Some Indian cities have underground railway system like Kolkata,Delhi,Mumbai(under construction)these can accomodate a large number of civilians but not all,most of the population will be affected.The military has some large bunkers in HP/J&K ,UP and some parts in East/NE India,those will come handy during an attack.
Theoratically, what will happen if India , is on the verge of a military victory in Pakistan. Indian tanks are rolling into Islamabad. The state of Pakistan as we know it , is seriously in danger of being annexed. The Indian defence minister , says that once Islamabad is captured, Pakistan will no longer exist and will be divided into 4 states.

Somewhere near Kahuta, Seniior officers of the Pakistan has about 80-100 nuclear tipped missiles , they have a choice to make ? Do thay risk a nuclear war , by launching missiles targetting Indian cities , or do they destroy those missiles, so that they cannot be used by Indians ??
Theoratically, what will happen if India , is on the verge of a military victory in Pakistan. Indian tanks are rolling into Islamabad. The state of Pakistan as we know it , is seriously in danger of being annexed. The Indian defence minister , says that once Islamabad is captured, Pakistan will no longer exist and will be divided into 4 states.

Somewhere near Kahuta, Seniior officers of the Pakistan has about 80-100 nuclear tipped missiles , they have a choice to make ? Do thay risk a nuclear war , by launching missiles targetting Indian cities , or do they destroy those missiles, so that they cannot be used by Indians ??
Hmm..We're talking about India Vs Pakistan here.Not US Vs Pakistan or China vs Pakistan.Pakistan or India both does not have any real capability to capture each other capital.In any case, it's not that easy to launch missiles.The generals who will be launching missiles also have families.

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