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Pakistan army warns of ‘disproportionate response’ in future wars

well i know truth hurts but there is nothing pakistan army , air force or navy can do against india nor they have guts to fight india this is just to divert attention or maybe a new "arangement" PA & GOP has made secretly with USA & west :coffee:

Yeah and you are the one who is speaking about truth?? All you can ever speak about is you're personal bias and hatred for Pakistanis and i have seen that in you're previous posts to me as well as those directed to others so don't label them as truth because its far from that. As far we having the guts is concerned then i would only have one thing to tell you, you don't know Pakistanis so don't assume.
Take care of Taliban first,they are killing Pakistanis disproportionately.
Nothing out of ordinary. Looks like sensible approach towards much bigger advesery.
Yeah and you are the one who is speaking about truth?? All you can ever speak about is you're personal bias and hatred for Pakistanis and i have seen that in you're previous posts to me as well as those directed to others so don't label them as truth because its far from that. As far we having the guts is concerned then i would only have one thing to tell you, you don't know Pakistanis so don't assume.
well amna ji itna gussa achi baat nahi but the thing is pakistan cannot support any war until its ready for "seucide" cause it knows its all alone and jydging by your history of last 66 years you onli gather guts to take" pange "with india or anyone when you have unconditional & solid backing from your "freinds not masters" and as of now with Iran getting into deal with USA & west has opned a potentially new passage to aghanistan and beyond for the west and USA so why will they support you onli thing you can hope is china attacking india but thet sound pretty unbelevable too at this moment since China of late got a response it never thought of & now sees that its eastern front is not as secure as it thought and do you think they will risk it just to teach india a lesson but you know what India is already prepairing for the worse so the thing is pakistani establishment knows the truth and its onli "geedar bhabhki" but indians are not as they were in 1971 heck we have moved way beyond what we were in 1999 so its better you know the truth also no hard feelings towards you amna ji or any other pakistani friend :coffee:
this all episode is nothing but NS and PA trying to divert pakistani awams attention from the issues at home and pakistanies as usual started running after "truck ki batti" kuch nahi hone wala wo suna hai na "empty vessels make more sound"

Dude, no one takes Nawaz Sharif seriously especially after his Kargil humiliation, MMS dismissed his statement as his wet dream....this is the PA we are talking about which is the strongest institution in Pakistan and this institution talks of launching nukes at the slightest indication of war and the defeat that will follow (says a lot about its lack of caliber and its lack of confidence on itself as a conventional army).

What we need to infer from this is PA will go nuclear at a very early stage and to counter this India must change its NFU policy when it onlly comes to Pakistan and keep its nukes ready incase of a Indo Pak conflict.
well amna ji itna gussa achi baat nahi but the thing is pakistan cannot support any war until its ready for "seucide" cause it knows its all alone and jydging by your history of last 66 years you onli gather guts to take" pange "with india or anyone when you have unconditional & solid backing from your "freinds not masters" and as of now with Iran getting into deal with USA & west has opned a potentially new passage to aghanistan and beyond for the west and USA so why will they support you onli thing you can hope is china attacking india but thet sound pretty unbelevable too at this moment since China of late got a response it never thought of & now sees that its eastern front is not as secure as it thought and do you think they will risk it just to teach india a lesson but you know what India is already prepairing for the worse so the thing is pakistani establishment knows the truth and its onli "geedar bhabhki" but indians are not as they were in 1971 heck we have moved way beyond what we were in 1999 so its better you know the truth also no hard feelings towards you amna ji or any other pakistani friend :coffee:

I know how much of hatred you have towards Pakistanis so don't bother refusing that i have seen that when you replied to me personally. Secondly, are you not aware that until and unless the major issues between Pakistan and India get resolved there can't be any long lasting peace? You are the one who talks about "who has the guts" and "geedar bhapki" i am not stooping that low. And maybe it suits you're purpose very well to sideline the point that you're leaders are obsessed with Pakistan much much more than any Pakistani and the same sentiment is reflected in most Indians as well so who moved away can be easily witnessed though only by a neutral person.
this all episode is nothing but NS and PA trying to divert pakistani awams attention from the issues at home and pakistanies as usual started running after "truck ki batti" kuch nahi hone wala wo suna hai na "empty vessels make more sound"

We are not Indians buddy. We don't have 15 days long Keran operation drama here. ;)

It is you guys who is running behind truck ki batti. In fact there are two trucks. One china. Other Pakistan. :)
Dude, no one takes Nawaz Sharif seriously especially after his Kargil humiliation, MMS dismissed his statement as his wet dream....this is the PA we are talking about which is the strongest institution in Pakistan and this institution talks of launching nukes at the slightest indication of war and the defeat that will follow (says a lot about its lack of caliber and its lack of confidence on itself as a conventional army).

What we need to infer from this is PA will go nuclear at a very early stage and to counter this India must change its NFU policy when it onlly comes to Pakistan and keep its nukes ready incase of a Indo Pak conflict.
well brother let me tell you one thing "dont take indias commitment on NFU neuk policy to seriousli" remeber we are evil banya hindus ......as for PA going for neuklear option well brother let me tell you do you realli think planners in MOD and south bock are sleeping ever thought why we are investing so heavily on Spy Sats , drones & UAVs, Latest ASEA based 3D & 4D radras and anti air craft and anty missile systems ...well bro we know what your doing and keeping a very close eye as for india response owr missiles are also ready to strike and many of them are neuktipped as we speak and the thing is your army and pallenrs know this ...so the war will mean extensive damage to owr econmoy but pakistan will cease to esist so take a chill pill and dont run after "truck ki batti" your establishment is trying hard to make pakistanies run after so eagerli .....worry about what they might be dealing with USA & west & maybe china now :coffee:

I know how much of hatred you have towards Pakistanis so don't bother refusing that i have seen that when you replied to me personally. Secondly, are you not aware that until and unless the major issues between Pakistan and India get resolved there can't be any long lasting peace? You are the one who talks about "who has the guts" and "geedar bhapki" i am not stooping that low. And maybe it suits you're purpose very well to sideline the point that you're leaders are obsessed with Pakistan much much more than any Pakistani and the same sentiment is reflected in most Indians as well so who moved away can be easily witnessed though only by a neutral person.
Okay. Once again Indians must be in jitters and shivers, (not just dilli ki sardi). However, the comment begets the question: When exactly did Pakistani Army did not make a disproportionate response? Their response has been disproportionate always. How else do you think they managed to lose all these wars with India?
India has a long held policy of desertification of Pakistan, their occupation of Kashmir is also motivated by the long term goal of depriving Pakistan from its water supplies. The solutions can be reached just like the IWT. If India keeps playing delay tactics and its little games, it will pay in a big way. We will retaliate massively as India is already committing aggression against us.

That kind of Macho Blather has been emanating for a long time; more than 6 decades in fact.
But what has it led to?
To a steady "whittling down" of whatever exists and its progressive "emasculation" .......
Not at all a 'rosy picture'.
I know how much of hatred you have towards Pakistanis so don't bother refusing that i have seen that when you replied to me personally. Secondly, are you not aware that until and unless the major issues between Pakistan and India get resolved there can't be any long lasting peace? You are the one who talks about "who has the guts" and "geedar bhapki" i am not stooping that low. And maybe it suits you're purpose very well to sideline the point that you're leaders are obsessed with Pakistan much much more than any Pakistani and the same sentiment is reflected in most Indians as well so who moved away can be easily witnessed though only by a neutral person.

I just quoted your post to correct you on two things. Most Indian leaders aren't obsessed with Pakistan. They are more concerned with their local issues. Like Telangana issue.

Two, majority of Indians are more concerned about safety of their daughters or providing three square meals to their children. Internet warriors do not form even 2% of our population

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