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Pakistan Army tests Nasr, chief Bajwa says missile puts cold water on India's Cold Start

pakistan army had repeatedly made it cleat that we can defeat Indian army in conventional war too. its not about machine and quantity but about strategy and men too.
Every army says that. You ask Navy of Haiti, they are sure they will give a fight against US if ever attacked. But reality is different. You may not know, but Pak army definitely knows it. No need to explain further, it has already been discussed.
MAD for which 'both' the side were not ready .....
BTW there was no danger of INVASION to the USSR by any of its opponents from any side .... during the whole cold war it was the USSR which had the strategy of Territorial expansion not the US & or Western European countries

USSR feared USN as later was able to sea control which earlier lack that is why Tu-22s were equipped with AShM capable to carry TNWs.
Billions of money of debt ridden Pak economy wasted on this Nasr .
That too on the basis of some imaginary coldstart
USSR feared USN as later was able to sea control which earlier lack that is why Tu-22s were equipped with AShM capable to carry TNWs.
That was some what a transitional phase for immediate response one more thing which USSR did at that time was to emphasize on submarines with missiles launch capabilities ...
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First of all that is correct. Theoretically first use is a death sentence.

But you are then bound to assume that first use would be tactical and pressure tactic to force a surrender. Like the good old bulls eye.

We are discussing the use of a tactical nuke Nasr, so that would be the assumption right? I mean we are talking about "cold water on cold start" here, so a strategic nuke would not be the "punishment for the crime".
The idea of Nasr would be to deter a ground invasion that would disrupt supply chain of the army, no? A strategic nuke would end the war or both countries.

One must argue yes if you manage to isolate a country enough to create and weaken it institutionally and take advantage of the chaos or a civil war or some sort of genocide or something the world can shrug off the next day because Arsenal won the champions league or lady gaga marries the orange dude.

Not sure how you arrived there, ill let you explain before I comment on this point.

Nasr's induction is just a PR stunt when we talk strategy.

PR stunt how? Like betting high in poker when you have shit cards? So is it that one simply needs to call this bluff?

Pakistan's nuclear strategy is Undeclared to say the very least. Deterrence Cold Start Hot Start All Out. Anything can happen in theory and in numbers.

All plans and strategies of war have to be based on real time information, so I agree with this statement. But the same holds true for all parties involved no?

Wish peace and prepare for war. That's Pakistan.

India prepared for peace is wishing for war.

what brought you to this conclusion? Why would we wish for war with Pakistan? Shouldn't there be a logical end game to war? Isnt the purpose of war ultimately peace? What has India to gain by waging war on Pakistan? Does it help our economy? Does it give us political capital?
Clearly our agenda is peaceful existence. Our beef is with terrorism emanating from your soil. Now it maybe a matter of perspective, but other than to "force Pakistan's hand" on terrorism, there is little else to be achieved from war with you.
So I ask again, how did you arrive to the highlighted opinion?
We are discussing the use of a tactical nuke Nasr, so that would be the assumption right? I mean we are talking about "cold water on cold start" here, so a strategic nuke would not be the "punishment for the crime".
The idea of Nasr would be to deter a ground invasion that would disrupt supply chain of the army, no? A strategic nuke would end the war or both countries.

Not sure how you arrived there, ill let you explain before I comment on this point.

PR stunt how? Like betting high in poker when you have shit cards? So is it that one simply needs to call this bluff?

All plans and strategies of war have to be based on real time information, so I agree with this statement. But the same holds true for all parties involved no?

what brought you to this conclusion? Why would we wish for war with Pakistan? Shouldn't there be a logical end game to war? Isnt the purpose of war ultimately peace? What has India to gain by waging war on Pakistan? Does it help our economy? Does it give us political capital?
Clearly our agenda is peaceful existence. Our beef is with terrorism emanating from your soil. Now it maybe a matter of perspective, but other than to "force Pakistan's hand" on terrorism, there is little else to be achieved from war with you.
So I ask again, how did you arrive to the highlighted opinion?

Force Pakistan's hand is a very peaceful wish first of all.

Now what i have said with cold start it was once our concern. Post 2011 that chance is not coming for another 70 years atleast.

This NASR is just a weapon. Its use tactically is a choice and luxury just like any other weapon.

It's called nasr. Lol cheeky isn't it. Anyhow

As far as terrorism is concerned. Dude fashion changes. People move on. You are arriving too late for the party dressed as a clown. So it's all relative i guess i agree.

And in ten years time you will need a war so who knows what happens then. We can come back to this then.
Any attack on Indian Armed Forces anywhere in the world with Biological / Nuclear weapons, be it tactical or testical will result in comprehensive retaliation to annihilate the enemy country. This has been clarified many times. Please google.

Your govt knows this very well. Will you post INDIAN clarification , will use the tactical weapons and end up being annihilated ? Think about it. NASR use will be an excuse for us and NASR use will be best thing for India.
Force Pakistan's hand is a very peaceful wish first of all.

So then you concur with me, that we have no reason to go to war with Pakistan as we simply have nothing to gain from it! My objection was with the assumption that India is itching for war..which it is not! Ill accept this as a retraction from your earlier stance.

Now what i have said with cold start it was once our concern. Post 2011 that chance is not coming for another 70 years atleast.

It would be a fool who thinks that IA is not revamping its strategy based on real time information. Unfortunately, whether cold start is a real, current or outdated, point is, you guys are still worried about it and actively planning for it. Case in point, Nasr and its inflated importance to the Pakistani nation.
And as you said, cold start is not India's declared strategy for war, anything can happen. and for that you will need to be prepared.

This NASR is just a weapon. Its use tactically is a choice and luxury just like any other weapon.

Less luxury, more necessity. Because as mentioned earlier, if you have to use it, you've already lost the war.

It's called nasr. Lol cheeky isn't it. Anyhow

Not sure what it means, but would love to understand the pun.

As far as terrorism is concerned. Dude fashion changes. People move on. You are arriving too late for the party dressed as a clown. So it's all relative i guess i agree.

Funny! Its amusing that you see "terrorism" as a fad and that countries world over will just accept it like a daily occurrence. You might be a bit jaded from the decade of war and terrorism that your country is facing, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that western nations or even China (Pak's closest ally) would just yada yada terrorism the way you seem to brush it under the carpet.
But hey perspective is a funny thing!
So then you concur with me, that we have no reason to go to war with Pakistan as we simply have nothing to gain from it! My objection was with the assumption that India is itching for war..which it is not! Ill accept this as a retraction from your earlier stance.

It would be a fool who thinks that IA is not revamping its strategy based on real time information. Unfortunately, whether cold start is a real, current or outdated, point is, you guys are still worried about it and actively planning for it. Case in point, Nasr and its inflated importance to the Pakistani nation.
And as you said, cold start is not India's declared strategy for war, anything can happen. and for that you will need to be prepared.

Less luxury, more necessity. Because as mentioned earlier, if you have to use it, you've already lost the war.

Not sure what it means, but would love to understand the pun.

Funny! Its amusing that you see "terrorism" as a fad and that countries world over will just accept it like a daily occurrence. You might be a bit jaded from the decade of war and terrorism that your country is facing, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that western nations or even China (Pak's closest ally) would just yada yada terrorism the way you seem to brush it under the carpet.
But hey perspective is a funny thing!

Dude mathematical war happens every morning. I am just giving my opinion or different ideas.

Its all speculation. I am not giving you Pakistan's strategy for you.

But we make mention of cold start intentionally as a warning. Lol
let say india invades Pakistan, conventional forces fail and we use a small tactical nuke ~ <1km blast radius inside our own territory, will india be justified to go all out nuke over pakistan and in turn risking 1.5 billion Indian to nuclear weapons, as there is no way india can nullify pakistani triad of sea, air and land base nukes..
the answer is straight no.
I also think they won't, at the least history says so...
NASR is the main target of IA inducting QRSAM and now procuring Barak 8.

We will have mobile SAM accompanying T-90 formations as they rush from Lahore to Faisalabad. Pakistanis will actually have to detonate nuclear weapons on the ground in their own bases hoping radiation reaches the strike corps.
NASR is the main target of IA inducting QRSAM and now procuring Barak 8.

We will have mobile SAM accompanying T-90 formations as they rush from Lahore to Faisalabad. Pakistanis will actually have to detonate nuclear weapons on the ground in their own bases hoping radiation reaches the strike corps.

Nasr is maneuverable to dodge sams and what not...

U need to induct lasers...
Nasr is maneuverable to dodge sams and what not...

U need to induct lasers...
We already inducted stuff like Green Pine radar in 2000.

It's been 17 years of massive militarisation and modernisation.

What we have is enough to blow our NASR within seconds of launch followed up by area bombardment cleaning of the TEL site.

Our WLR's and others will mostly ensure the TEL is destroyed prior to launch.

Dozens of high res satellites will track such movements of the enemy.
NASR is the main target of IA inducting QRSAM and now procuring Barak 8.

We will have mobile SAM accompanying T-90 formations as they rush from Lahore to Faisalabad. Pakistanis will actually have to detonate nuclear weapons on the ground in their own bases hoping radiation reaches the strike corps.

are you drunk? hahaha
We already inducted stuff like Green Pine radar in 2000.

It's been 17 years of massive militarisation and modernisation.

What we have is enough to blow our NASR within seconds of launch followed up by area bombardment cleaning of the TEL site.

Our WLR's and others will mostly ensure the TEL is destroyed prior to launch.

Dozens of high res satellites will track such movements of the enemy.

Sleep... school tomorow
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