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Pakistan Army testing MBT-3000 next moth ?

Didnt the HIT official menhtion T-80ud would be replaced by Alkhalid-2? Also, the UD is here to stay for foreseeable future as a very effective weapon system with proper upgrades in many areas.

T-80UD is comparable to Al-Khalid 2, no way one will replace the other.

The only thing Al-Khalid 2 will replace would be T-59.
Did u say pics of Ak 2? I thought no one knew how it looked like yet?

yes i did, it seems an enlarged AK with turret front/ sides thickened, longer chassis, side protection is clearly better than AK. There are many differences, but overall nothing drastic. I saw them back in 2011, the prototype was under construction. It is much better protected than current AKs. looks slightly like MBT 3000 frontally though.

T-80UD is comparable to Al-Khalid 2, no way one will replace the other.

The only thing Al-Khalid 2 will replace would be T-59.

Where on earth was i living all this time? :rofl:

Sorry, you are way off the mark sir
yes i did, it seems an enlarged AK with turret front/ sides thickened, longer chassis, side protection is clearly better than AK. There are many differences, but overall nothing drastic. I saw them back in 2011, the prototype was under construction. It is much better protected than current AKs. looks slightly like MBT 3000 frontally though.

Is the top part a little bigger or bulkier?
So Al-Khalid 2 will replace T-80UD rather than T-59? Ok.

No T-80 will not be replaced, it will be up-graded, the older tanks will be replaced, T-59's that will not be upgraded. T-69's.
No T-80 will not be replaced, it will be up-graded, the older tanks will be replaced, T-59's that will not be upgraded. T-69's.

It was sarcasm. I disagree with that statement.
So Al-Khalid 2 will replace T-80UD rather than T-59? Ok.

Nope, the thing is that UD was bought as a stopgap while alkhalid was under development, also, alkhalid has almost all systems better than UD, example is FCS, armour, more powerful gun, datalink, battle management system, thermal imagers, and the list goes on. However, our UDs are the most advanced T-80s (including Russian versions) ever built.

Thats why H. Khan's statement of ranking MBT 3000 as one generation ahead of AK is funny, as both tanks represent the third generation technology, even the Korean K-2 and Japanese Type-10 are classified as third generation so there goes his claim

Regarding T-80UD, Pakistan Army tested five different configurations of T-80UDs fpr three years, ranging from object. 478B to object 478BEH, all made in Ukraine with no Russian assistance, finally, BEH was inducted as T-80UD incorporating most systems from T-84 including gun FCS, composite armour etc.
What for? Purchasing another country's product is not exactly an achievement!

Sir atleast you are purchasing something, better than us actually..And its not like your country don't know how to make tanks, you have one of the best tanks in the world like Al Khalid, Al Khalid 1 and Al Khalid 2(Under Development) which is much more better than our's Arjun mk1 and mk2...So don't be tense and welcome the induction of your MBT 3000....:cheers:
H Khan, in his later posts, confirmed that Alkhalid 2 and MBT 3000 are different tanks, Alkhalid 2 being the indigenous improvement of HIT Alkhalid, MBT 3000 may be aimed at replacing obsolete Type-59/ 69s that are non-alzarrar upgraded.

Sounds reasonable. The modern fleet may well be based on three types.

1. AK, AK-1, AK-2 or Improved as Janes call it

2. MBT 3000 to replace bulk of T59s/ 69s

3. T-80UD upgraded, some upgrades like thermal imager etc, improved FCS, done already
yes i did, it seems an enlarged AK with turret front/ sides thickened, longer chassis, side protection is clearly better than AK. There are many differences, but overall nothing drastic. I saw them back in 2011, the prototype was under construction. It is much better protected than current AKs. looks slightly like MBT 3000 frontally though.

Where on earth was i living all this time? :rofl:

Sorry, you are way off the mark sir
Sir only 400 Type 59 are upgraded to Al Zarrar standard all others would be replaced by Al Khalid @WebMaster is right
H Khan, in his later posts, confirmed that Alkhalid 2 and MBT 3000 are different tanks, Alkhalid 2 being the indigenous improvement of HIT Alkhalid, MBT 3000 may be aimed at replacing obsolete Type-59/ 69s that are non-alzarrar upgraded.

Sounds reasonable. The modern fleet may well be based on three types.

1. AK, AK-1, AK-2 or Improved as Janes call it

2. MBT 3000 to replace bulk of T59s/ 69s

3. T-80UD upgraded, some upgrades like thermal imager etc, improved FCS, done already
Who on earth is H KHAN ?
too heavy for our field conditions, just like the abrams tank trials in the 80's it will probably be rejected.
Norinco MBT-3000 joins China’s export line-up.

CHRISTOPHER F FOSS - Land Consultant.

China North Industries Corporation’s(Norinco’s) MBT-3000 main battle tank (MBT) made its international debut at the Eurosatory defence exhibition in Paris in mid-June.

The MBT-3000, which has similar road wheels but a slightly different hull to the Type 98/ Type 99 MBT currently in People’s Liberation Army service, is the latest model tojoin Norinco’s streamlined MBTexport line. As well as the MBT-3000, Norinco now offers theMBT-2000, which has a combatweight of 48 tonnes, and the VT2, which has a combat weight of 42 tonnes.

Although it is not yet in series production, officials described the MBT-3000 as the most advanced MBT offered by Norinco on the export market to date. Norinco claims it is fully digitised, air conditioned and fitted with an over-pressure NBC system and an inertial navigation/global positioning system.

The MBT-3000 is armed with a 125 mm smoothbore gun fed by an automatic loader that holds 22 rounds of ready-use ammunition (projectile and charges) plus 18 rounds in reserve. It also has a roof-mounted remote-controlled 12.7 mm machine gun (MG) operated by the commander and a 7.62 mm co-axial MG.

Gun control equipment is electric and the fire control system includes stabilised day/ second-generation cooled thermal imager sights for the commander and gunner, including a laser rangefinder.

The tank commander is provided with a roof-mounted stabilised panoramic sight that allows a target to be acquired and then handed over to the gunner for engagement.

Norinco’s MBT-3000 made its international debut at Eurosatory. Norinco says the MBT-3000 is the most advanced MBT offered by the company on the export market to date.

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