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Pakistan Army is world's most accomplished force: Gen Raheel

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan Army is world's most accomplished force: Gen Raheel

“We must continue to train hard in peace time to be able to take on multi-dimensional challenges in future conflicts,” said the army chief.- ISPR
RAWALPINDI: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif on Monday said the Pakistan Army was the “most accomplished” force the world now recognised after having “cleansed large remote areas of terrorists in the most treacherous terrain and in the most trying circumstances.”

Talking to officers and troops after witnessing the conclusion ceremony of the 4th Army Physical Agility and Combat Efficiency System (PACES) Championship at Kharian Cantonment, General Raheel termed the army’s performance in recent operations as “phenomenal.”

He also expressed satisfaction over objectives of new physical standards achieved through the new fitness regime.

“We must continue to train hard in peace time to be able to take on multi-dimensional challenges in future conflicts,” said the army chief.

Later, the COAS gave away trophies to the winning and runner-up teams and also distributed medals for individual performances.

A hundred “Fittest of the Fit” and five “Super Fit” soldiers of Pakistan Army were awarded certificates and insignias.

On his arrival at Kharian, the army chief was received by Corps Commander 1 Corps Lieutenant General Mian Muhammad Hilal.
there is no doubt that Pakistan army is one of the most battle trained army in the world .. and also combat ready ..:butcher:

By saying "one of the most" you are insulting pakistani army. Look Raheel sharif says that it is the most accomplished.
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lol.. a huge share of his country was captured by caveman with AK's and shalwar & kammis. Everything in his country including schools, militery headquaters, navel base,navy ships,air bases,airports,goverment offices, emabassies,buses,trains etc are constantly attacked by these cavemen.Nation become unstable to sn extent that everything is guarded by armed men.Now he is bombing them with f16 and heavy artilery. Bravoo...

Those caveman are offered strategic plans by Al-Qaeda and IMU; two highly capable terrorist groups. We had no army in western border regions for qabayli maliks had assured their defence to Jinnah, but qabayli maliks were no match for the IMU and Al-Qaeda guys, who made TTP.

No doubt Pakistani army is an effective fighting force, for it was British trained.
If pakistan army is so great then why US droning pakistan?
Excellent Question... the answer is we allow them to drone to help us..Thank you very much!

lol.. a huge share of his country was captured by caveman with AK's and shalwar & kammis. Everything in his country including schools, militery headquaters, navel base,navy ships,air bases,airports,goverment offices, emabassies,buses,trains etc are constantly attacked by these cavemen.Nation become unstable to sn extent that everything is guarded by armed men.Now he is bombing them with f16 and heavy artilery. Bravoo...
They are braver than any one in your recent and old history.. those who you calling cave man eliminating your agents in Afghanistan their moral values are higher they can use equipment better than your army and they work for Pakistan army .. those who are getting killed are outcast.. if you remember Kashmir they got it for Pak, and in lastly the are the ones who spread islam and many of your hindu brothers delighted by Islam..
There are still sensible people in hindu community, Please dont put them down by representing them.
I come from a soldiering family.

And I can tell you that the Indian Army does not agree with the General.

And its got nothing to do with numerical inferiority.
Do we asked Bhutan to send their soldiers ?

We are they need to flush terrorist which escaped into their territory .

At least there are no Red Corridors, where our army fears to enter. !!
lol our Army goes every where , we don't kill our civilians , and our civilians are not that beasts. We know where our enemy is and we act. yours.
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