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General Raheel Sharif gets promoted to COAS

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Political Appointment by Nawaz Sharif. I would have preferred General Tariq Khan but Nawaz is obviously looking for a guy he likes and trusts.


Catch of the moment.... General Kiyani standing next to photo of great Quaid, but it seems its his own photo, may be few years down the lane. :)
Producers out there shall seriously consider him for the role of Mr. Jinnah.
somebody who would force us to change our alphabet?
force us to wear western clothing?
force us to act western?
destroy our culture?
destroy our religious identity?.

If you dont want to evolve! fine.

Its nothing to do with being "western". Its human behavior, They are just simply more evolve if you dont want to fair enough. your life your choice, dont force it on others.

You can apply what you think is "right" to your family.

i have to disagree with you

i hate to say it but mushi was the worst commando ever

Ofcourse, an expert like you have said it, so it must be so true. Please keep on giving statements like these and we will all believe them as facts.
Proof? What Proof?

At least, Nawaz Sharif will have good training about the ceremonial and formal practices of appointing a 4 star general. Not the way he appointe Mr. General Zia-ud-Butt from 2 star general, direct to 4 star, while existing CoAS was in air.
and above that its shame that nawaz sharif didnt rotate the CJCSC position to PAF or NAVY...

broke all standards of merit and law.

Unfortunately , Chief of Army Staff appointments are never made on merit and are mostly based on Political considerations. Nawaz Sharif has a history of making these appointments based on Political considerations. He appointed Musharraf bypassing a brilliant General named Ali Kuli Khan just because General Ali Kuli Khan was Asghar Khan's son in law. Then he made the dumbest mistake of trying to promote a two star General from Corps of Engineers as Army Chief ( a non-combatant ) just because he was Kashmiri and a distant relative.

The Sharif Brothers sometimes remind me of the movie " Dumb and Dumber ".
lets see he has how many% of his brother braveness

His brother was also hot headed... at least he was when he was Major and killed Indian Major, by his bare hands. In front of his Sikh regiment.
If you dont want to evolve! fine.

Its nothing to do with being "western". Its human behavior, They are just simply more evolve if you dont want to fair enough. your life your choice, dont force it on others.

You can apply what you think is "right" to your family.


i don't force nothing on others, in fact it was the person who we are talking about that enforced a way of life on a whole nation and that was ataturk. so watch your mouth bud.

being western is going backwards i think. western people are no different from animals. the most inhumane acts on earth were all committed by westerners.
We don't need Islamist officers, base commanders, that left PAF security for Allah, blind believe on Allah, and in believe that Allah will do better and :blah::blah: and praying in Mosque, while Taliban damaging One billion dollar worth of AWACS, and sukkur ISI office incident when they were busy is aftaar and left all lives at stake..... Incident happened and Mindset responsible for huge loss..
Professional People always believes in own abilities..

jesus christ lmfao lol.
the attacks on the those aircrafts occurred because of incompetence of people. being muslims had nothing to do with it. we pray to god to help us and guide us. but allah says that if we don't help our selfs then no one can help us ok? do twist and make bs just prove a false point of yours. idiots might applaud you for this pathetic statement but a person with a real mind will call you idiot.

There is no harm to accept advancements made for comforts.. Otherwise my advice for you, throw your wireless keyboard because this is invention of Israel,Also Throw your Always Ultra and pink pamper.... Don't use jeans in office And disconnect the internet.

nobody said there is harm in advancement, do you know how to read my friend?
you said we need somebody like ataturk, and i said we don't.
we don't need a ataturk to make advancement, you know why? because 100 years later turkey is still not a first world or developed lol.
so selling our culture away isn't going to do anything.
i never said that we shouldn't use advancements made by western civilization, all i said is that we don't need a ataturk, we don't need tp destroy pakistani culture and turn it into western culture to make advancement. turkey is a good example to look at. they are still not developed 100 years later and the most progress they made ever! was under an islamist government under erodgan lol.

You forgot role of Russian in 1971? Russia is still arming India against Pakistan from first day.
We, U.S.A and with our allies, we taught them big lesson and their plan was towards Pakistan after control of Afghan, from two sides.
We paid far less price in the form of Taliban and Pakistan is alive in Map due to soviet's defeat...

And my suggestion for you , don't post offtopic. There are already many threads running on your subject... You can post there.

well russia helped their ally.
our ally abandoned us many times lol.
lets hope we can make it work this time lol.
but we need to become allies with russia as well, we need good relationships with them.
russia is a future world power and i know lots of russians and they are very good and humble people.

you are all over the place in your arguments.
It is quite possible this man is PENTAGON'S Choice , eh ?


In March 2013, then Lt-Gen Raheel Sharif was in US -- hosted by Lt-Gen David Halverson of US Army Training Command


In March 2013, then Lt-Gen Raheel Sharif was in US -- hosted by Lt-Gen David Halverson of US Army Training Command


ISLAMABAD: The guessing game is over. The prime minister has put an end to months of speculation about who will get the most coveted and possibly the most powerful position in the country. General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani will hand the baton to his successor General Raheel Sharif, who will become Pakistan’s 15th Army chief as of Friday (tomorrow).

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif finally made one of the most crucial decisions of his tenure on Wednesday as he picked Gen Raheel as Chief of the Army Staff and Gen Rashad Mahmood as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee.

An official statement was issued that promoted both the military commanders to the rank of four-star generals from three-star lieutenant-generals. Generals Raheel and Mahmood will formally take charge of their new assignments on November 29 as, the day outgoing army chief General Kayani retires after serving six years as head of the institution.

However, contrary to pre-election promises, PM Nawaz did not strictly follow the principle of seniority as General Raheel was third in line of promotion. The announcement means that Lt Gen Haroon Aslam, the chief of logistics who was the senior-most general after Kayani, was superseded and hence will now resign.

Sources told The Express Tribune that during the pre-appointment consultations, Kayani had suggested the prime minister pick General Rashad Mahmood as his successor as well as keep the post of CJCSC with the army (by giving it to Lt-Gen Aslam).

While the prime minister accepted his demand by selecting Gen Mahmood as CJCSC, which is mostly a ceremonial post, he ignored his nominee proposition for the position of army chief.

Before the formal announcement, Nawaz Sharif held separate meetings with the new COAS and CJCSC designates at the Prime Minister House.

The new army chief has to deal with many challenges, including the fight against militancy, the crucial transition in Afghanistan, and ensuring a smooth civil-military relationship.

Gen Raheel: from a family of soldiers

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the new Chief of Army Staff hails from a “martial stock” as his father also served as an army major, while his elder brother Major Shabbir Sharif was awarded the highest military award, Nishan-e-Haider, for his bravery in the 1971 war with India.

Gen Raheel Sharif was born in Quetta on June 16, 1956, to Major and Mrs Muhammad Sharif. He is alumnus of Govt College, Lahore, and Pakistan Military Academy (PMA) from where he graduated from the 54th PMA Long Course.

He was commissioned in October 1976 in the battle-hardened and renowned 6th Battalion, the Frontier Force Regiment – the same battalion in which his elder brother had embraced martyrdom.

As a young officer, he performed his duties in Gilgit in an Infantry Brigade and also served as Adjutant of Pakistan Military Academy. He did the Company Commander Course from Germany and subsequently served in the prestigious School of Infantry and Tactics as an instructor.

He attended the Command and Staff College, Canada, graduating with distinction. He carries a vast experience of command, staff and instructional appointments.

He served as the brigade major of an infantry brigade and has commanded two infantry units: 6 Frontier Force Regiment at Kashmir along the Line of Control and 26 Frontier Force Regiment along the Sialkot border.

Gen Raheel remained on the faculty of the Command and Staff College, Quetta, and attended Armed Forces War Course at National Defence University, Islamabad, in 1998. As brigadier, he commanded two infantry brigades, including an Independent Infantry Brigade Group.

The general has had the honour of being the chief of staff of two Corps – the 30 Corps and the 12 Corps. He is also a graduate of the prestigious Royal College of Defence Studies, United Kingdom.

He has been the general officer commanding (GOC) of an infantry division and the Commandant of the PMA. As a lieutenant-general, he served as Corps Commander, XXXI Corps, for two years before taking over as inspector general, training and evaluation, overseeing the training of Pakistan Army.

He is an avid reader and enjoys hunting and swimming, according to the ISPR.

Gen Mahmood: The spy general and instructor

The CJCSC-designate was commissioned in May 1975 in the Baloch Regiment. He has attended the Company Commander Course from France and graduated from Command and Staff College, Canada, and National Defence College, Islamabad.

He has as varied experience of command, staff and instructional appointments as well. His major appointments include platoon commander, Pakistan Military Academy; brigade major, Infantry Brigade, and instructor at Command & Staff College and National Defence College.

He has remained Chief of Staff, Bahawalpur Corps, and military secretary to the president during Nawaz Sharif’s second government.

Gen Mahmood has commanded two infantry battalions, two infantry brigades and the United Nations contingent at Congo, and Infantry Division at Jhelum. He was director-general ‘C’ (counter-terrorism) at Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) Directorate, Islamabad, and Commander of the Lahore Corps.

Later, he took over as chief of general staff in January this year.

He has been conferred with Hilal-e-Imtiaz (Military).

New GHQ boss: Four stars and top slot for Raheel – The Express Tribune
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