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Pakistan army in action ( video)

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watch how faujis run from taliban with tails between their legs
is this the same video where convoy comes under mortar fire and sniper fire from the enemy? and than they run for cover. after consulting the HQ its decided to fall back.
you do know they were moving forward into their territory , even americans had to face suc times, and you do know they went back and captured the area....
The entire blame is on army. The way terrorists traveled from FATA to DI Khan shows the power and freedom these terrorists enjoy in the region. What good have we achieved from the army operations against TTP. TTP still roams freely and executes jail breaks like Bannu and DI khan. The situation is still the same even after the military operations. The terrorists roam in huge groups and dozens of army check posts fail to intercept them anywhere.

So much for the professionalism of Pakistan army.

Yeah all blame is on KPK govt and no blame is on PA whose checkposts failed to intercept hundreds of terrorists. No blame is on the same PA who failed to come to check terrorists even after 4 hours. No blame is on the PA who has failed us too many times in past few years. A complete white elephant this military institution is for our country.

You are a special type of dumb arent you.
First and foremost,Army does not have checkpoints in areas that it is not present in. There are a hundred ways to get to DI Khan and i dont think army is quite responsible for covering and installing checkpoints in the entire ******* Pakistan.
Not coming to your statement that military operations have achieved nothing,I think this statement calls for a major LOL. Yeh jo aap summers mein Swat jaa kar apni jeep ke saath pose maar ke, trousers uppar kar ke streams me khare ho kar, bagair dupatta liye DSLR photos le kar roz Facebook pe daalte ho na, military operation is to thank for this.
Please as you were so quick to mention, please tell me the presence of army in DI Khan.And before spewing dumb crap keep in ind that when i say presence i dont mean a setup, I am asking for the number of infantry battalions in DI Khan.
I am sure you would know the difference.
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But where was this "professional" army when 150 terrorists traveled from FATA into Di Khan and then traveled back to FATA with 250 prisoners.

the professional army and its agency gave clear warning to the civilian government to beef up security, but all of our civilians are incompetent like your self, so they did nothing but talk.
PA itself is responsible for the waste of its hardwork. If PA troops on those checkposts weren't sleeping that night, things would have been better. At least we might have something to cheer about. PA, PAF, PN are continuously embarrassing the nation which feeds them.

Prison security is not the job of the army, besides, intelligence and army are stretched enough as it is with the attacks on them and elsewhere. This was the job of local governments, police and prison security. Besides, they were warned by the army about the threat level, and also, none of those talibunnies would be there behind bars if it wasn't for the PA.

They bled for you, have a bit of gratitude.
i didnt know how good their guerrilla warfare training was.

One does not use tanks in Guerrilla warfare general. :)

Besides, they were shelling practically emptied out villages from a "safe" distance. Based on this strategy, clearly there is the least amount of intent to "engage" the enemy. Rather just operate from a distance.
Prison security is not the job of the army, besides, intelligence and army are stretched enough as it is with the attacks on them and elsewhere. This was the job of local governments, police and prison security. Besides, they were warned by the army about the threat level, and also, none of those talibunnies would be there behind bars if it wasn't for the PA.

They bled for you, have a bit of gratitude.

I think he is mentioning about the "ghost" check posts of army that were there on the night when the merry men's caravan went back to their abode. It is easy to escape the blame in the actualy jail break (with the advance intel available), however the enigma of the actual travel to and from from the prison remains (with advance intel - mind itttt).
Prison security is not the job of the army, besides, intelligence and army are stretched enough as it is with the attacks on them and elsewhere. This was the job of local governments, police and prison security. Besides, they were warned by the army about the threat level, and also, none of those talibunnies would be there behind bars if it wasn't for the PA.

They bled for you, have a bit of gratitude.

A simple question is, how come 150+ taliban were able to travel from deep inside FATA to DI Khan in a convoy with heavy weapons for several hours. We all know FATA is already highly militarized with several thousand troops already deployed there with a lot of check posts especially on the in and out routes.

What is more shocking, how were they able to go back to FATA safe and sound when they were accompanying about 250+ released prisoners with them and news of DI Khan attack were already spread throughout the country like fire in forest and calls for re-enforcement were already made (and supposedly all intel agencies and army got aware of this incident)?? Why army didn't perused them or tried to intercept them while they were trying to enter FATA or even inside FATA? FATA is a war zone under Army's control and army isn't under any political influence inside FATA.

I can't believe how a convoy of talibans with this massive massive magnitude went completely unseen at gazillions of checkposts and all that.. Distance from FATA to DI Khan is about 200km and it takes roughly about 4 hours 12 mins to travel this distance considering the roads infrastructure there.. Yet 150+ talibans were able to travel in, in a convoy and then were able to travel out again in a convoy of 150+ talibans and 250+ released prisoners..
And the next day, a team of Talibans dressed in Police uniforms rushed to Benazir International Airport for an alleged terrorist attack. They were stopped at entrance and weren't allowed to enter, then they(TTP terrorists) learned communication between airport forces and DG (which was supposed to be secured) and after learning that their planning is busted, they then disappeared with no harm done.. These 2 incidents took place on successive days, one completely maligned PTI KPK Govt and other showed the might and efficiency of PML-N.. Now the question is, do we have some sort of connection in these 2 incidents? Don't tell me TTP was at a picnic trip to Islo Airport.. :woot:
One does not use tanks in Guerrilla warfare general. :)

i dont see why not?
it all depends on the terrain i believe.
anyhow we are fighting in jungles but mountains.

Besides, they were shelling practically emptied out villages from a "safe" distance. Based on this strategy, clearly there is the least amount of intent to "engage" the enemy. Rather just operate from a distance.

lol, maybe you forgot to watch the first few mins of the videos. any videos of the indian army in action?
I dont agree with you. Escape of taliban before commencing of operation into Afghanistan and north waziristan was tactical retreat rather than defeat, there was no way few thousands taliban could have faced 60 thousands pak soldiers helped by jets, artillery, gunship helicopters and tanks. Nowadays they have re-taken some areas of south waziristan and are bleeding pak army through raids. They are quite untouchable in their new stronghold north waziristan. And their attacks have not declined at all since 2009, they have simply focused more on attacking security forces and less on attacking civilians.

untouchable taliban indeed , I wouldnt touch these ****** vermin with a stick :lol:

Muslim Khan ( captured and locked away for good )


Maulvi Omer ( captured and locked away for good )


Abdullah Jewshud ( comitted sucide , became haram and went to hell )


taliban getting their ***** whipped by Pakistan Army


pakistan army torture TTP taliban - YouTube
untouchable taliban indeed , I wouldnt touch these ****** vermin with a stick :lol:

Muslim Khan ( captured and locked away for good )


Maulvi Omer ( captured and locked away for good )


Abdullah Jewshud ( comitted sucide , became haram and went to hell )


taliban getting their ***** whipped by Pakistan Army

Pakistan army torturing pashtoons... Wake up... - YouTube

pakistan army torture TTP taliban - YouTube

mashallah, keep posting these, keep @Pak-one informed lol
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