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Pakistan army in action ( video)

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Oh, i didn't know that the mandate of the Army was to involve itself in Policing Duties. The purpose of the Army is to carry out offensive operations in War-zone, not perform jail guard duties in a Civilian Area, that is for the Police. Give Army the mandate to perform all these duties and the budge, they will gladly execute these objectives. Don't expect them to bail you out every-time the civilians and the politicians fu** up. The entire blame for this fiasco lies with the Police and the Civilian Institutions, and not the Army.

The entire blame is on army. The way terrorists traveled from FATA to DI Khan shows the power and freedom these terrorists enjoy in the region. What good have we achieved from the army operations against TTP. TTP still roams freely and executes jail breaks like Bannu and DI khan. The situation is still the same even after the military operations. The terrorists roam in huge groups and dozens of army check posts fail to intercept them anywhere.

So much for the professionalism of Pakistan army.

Chief Minster KPK , Pervaiz Khattak wants the militants to be respected and has given them right to free movement all over the provence where he is Chargé d'affaires

Yeah all blame is on KPK govt and no blame is on PA whose checkposts failed to intercept hundreds of terrorists. No blame is on the same PA who failed to come to check terrorists even after 4 hours. No blame is on the PA who has failed us too many times in past few years. A complete white elephant this military institution is for our country.
It's a VERY old video...

There are a couple other like this, there is also one in which an RPG hits just a foot above the reporter.

Let's not divert the topic, keep comments limited to the video.
Yea, a few year old video, here's another from about the same period showing PA Cobra gunships strafing and launching missile attacks against the insurgents.

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The entire blame is on army.


The way terrorists traveled from FATA to DI Khan shows the power and freedom these terrorists enjoy in the region.

Off course, the Civilian Governments including both Federal and Provincial Government have failed the people. They have failed to build proper institutions which can deliver governance in the region. The purpose of the Army is to go in an area, fight, clear it from insurgents and than move back. Their job is not to govern, they are not trained for this but unfortunately they have to because the civilians are nowhere to be seen.

What good have we achieved from the army operations against TTP.

TTP does not operate openly anymore, they have gone into hiding. Now they can only conduct their meetings and operations under secrecy, because they are always under threat of an Army Raid. But coming back to this point, the Army operation cleared SW and Swat of terrorists. But permanent peace could not be achieved, because Civilian Government was nowhere to be seen to create Civilian Institutions and impart Governance.

TTP still roams freely and executes jail breaks like Bannu and DI khan.

Failure of the Civilian Government to create Governance to check this activity.

The situation is still the same even after the military operations. The terrorists roam in huge groups and dozens of army check posts fail to intercept them anywhere.

Okay i am going to dumb it down for you and slowly try to explain it AGAIN.

Army goes in, they fight, clear terrorists from the area. After that, it is the Civilian Government that moves in, provides Governance and Law/Order to the people to fill that vacuum in. The Army is trained to fight, it is not trained to carry out Governance and Policing duties. Got what i am trying to say or do you want me to further dumb it down.

So much for the professionalism of Pakistan army.

You are just simply too thick headed to accept where the real blame lies. The Real Blame lies with the Provincial Home Ministry, that despite early intelligence warning they weren't able to Jack Sh**. Police Officers instead of fighting abandoned their posts and ran with their tail between their legs, Police Reinforcements arrived late deliberately because they didn't want to fight, so i get your point why Army is to blamed for this debacle :hitwall:.

Yeah all blame is on KPK govt and no blame is on PA whose checkposts failed to intercept hundreds of terrorists. No blame is on the same PA who failed to come to check terrorists even after 4 hours. No blame is on the PA who has failed us too many times in past few years. A complete white elephant this military institution is for our country.

I like how you side stepped this important question and continued to rant.

The question is, does the KPI Government still think that TTP should be given respect and are they our brothers? With this statement, it is quite obvious that the Provincial Government of KPK is not interested in confronting the TTP head on, instead it is chickening out.

For the record, i am a PTI supporter. Gave my blood, sweat and treasure for this party. Was present in almost every Jalsa, was a Tabdeeli Razakar and personally convinced more than a 100 people to vote in my constituency which resulted in the win of Shafqat Mahmood. But after this fiasco and the statement of our esteemed CM, i am slowly moving back towards PML-N.
But where was this "professional" army when 150 terrorists traveled from FATA into Di Khan and then traveled back to FATA with 250 prisoners.

That is a failure of local and regional authorities, the police force and the provincial government are to blame.

Here is an example of where PA hard work and blood has been wasted and went in vain since all those dogs escaped.
You can't blame PA for that one, I feel for PA on that one.
the operation achieved its objective , the militants were defeated and were denied free movement and space from where they were launching attacks against the state , also the myth of the unfallable waziristan got shattered like glass

After the operations in swat and south waziristan terrorist activity around the country declined.

Most terrorist activity is now confined to parts of Pakhtunkwa since the population of KPK and the sitting government both sympathize with fata based terrorists.

I dont agree with you. Escape of taliban before commencing of operation into Afghanistan and north waziristan was tactical retreat rather than defeat, there was no way few thousands taliban could have faced 60 thousands pak soldiers helped by jets, artillery, gunship helicopters and tanks. Nowadays they have re-taken some areas of south waziristan and are bleeding pak army through raids. They are quite untouchable in their new stronghold north waziristan. And their attacks have not declined at all since 2009, they have simply focused more on attacking security forces and less on attacking civilians.
I dont agree with you. Escape of taliban before commencing of operation into Afghanistan and north waziristan was tactical retreat rather than defeat, there was no way few thousands taliban could have faced 60 thousands pak soldiers helped by jets, artillery, gunship helicopters and tanks. Nowadays they have re-taken some areas of south waziristan and are bleeding pak army through raids. They are quite untouchable in their new stronghold north waziristan. And their attacks have not declined at all since 2009, they have simply focused more on attacking security forces and less on attacking civilians.

This is why i am of the opinion that an operation in North Waziristan is inevitable for the Security of the Nation. APC needs to give the mandate to the Army to start an operation inside NW with full political backing.

Yeah right... Huh

Off course, the Civilian Governments including both Federal and Provincial Government have failed the people. They have failed to build proper institutions which can deliver governance in the region. The purpose of the Army is to go in an area, fight, clear it from insurgents and than move back. Their job is not to govern, they are not trained for this but unfortunately they have to because the civilians are nowhere to be seen.

There(army) job is to intercept terrorists convoys in FATA and come to the aid of civilian administration in emergency situations in which they failed miserably. Terrorists were massacring shia prisoners in DI Khanjail while our "brave" army was sleeping in the cantonment. The fact is cantonment of DI Khan was a just a few kilometers from the DI Khan jail and for some reason our "brave" army chose to not to disturb terrorists in their operation.

TTP does not operate openly anymore, they have gone into hiding.

Is this a joke or what? 150 armed militants attacked DI khan jail. Remain there for around 4 hours. Killed a few shias. Enjoyed a small party. And then left with 250 prisoners. And you they don't enjoy freedom and don't operate freely. The fact is they move around more comfortably than our army in FATA and sometimes in KPK.

Now they can only conduct their meetings and operations under secrecy, because they are always under threat of an Army Raid.

They can attack prisons right next to cantonment and here we have some delusional fan boys who think TTP can't operate in open. They did operated in open on that night when they attacked DI Khan jail. More freely and openly than our army can operate even in Lahore.

But coming back to this point, the Army operation cleared SW and Swat of terrorists.

The end result is zilch. Nothing.

But permanent peace could not be achieved, because Civilian Government was nowhere to be seen to create Civilian Institutions and impart Governance.

Permanent peace cannot be maintained because of the failures of army and ISI. If they were successful n eliminating TTP and its leadership, things would have been far better for us. Bu alas the top leadership of TTP is killed only in drone attacks not in PA or PAF raids.

Failure of the Civilian Government to create Governance to check this activity.

Yeah obviously. Army men present at check posts from SW to DI Khan don't need to check this activity. They were busy playing ludo at that time. Couldn't concentrate somewhere else.

Army goes in, they fight, clear terrorists from the area. After that, it is the Civilian Government that moves in, provides Governance and Law/Order to the people to fill that vacuum in. The Army is trained to fight, it is not trained to carry out Governance and Policing duties. Got what i am trying to say or do you want me to further dumb it down.

Already answered. It isn't about governance. It is about the abilities and competency of PA. Where were they when all this drama was happening in inside DI Khan jail? Why should we waste our money on an institution like PA who in return can't deliver anything to us. Even today someone like Maulana Fazl ur Rehmn has raised this question that where was PA when TTP was traveling from South Waziristan to DI Khan.

You are just simply too thick headed to accept where the real blame lies.

The real blame lies with the PA who have failed to protect people of Pakistan from the menace they created.

Police Officers instead of fighting abandoned their posts and ran with their tail between their legs, Police Reinforcements arrived late deliberately because they didn't want to fight, so i get your point why Army is to blamed for this debacle

The police followed the tradition set by military. When we have army who closes its eyes when terrorists travel in front of them. When we have soldiers surrendering to TTP only to be beheaded by them later. I really don't blame police. If army would have intercepted terrorists coming from South Waziristan, this whole drama would have been avoided. But again for some reason that we don't know army choose to remain ignorant of the events happening inside DI Khan jail. Around 60 blasts happened in Di Khan jail that night, and our Pak fauj was nowhere to be seen. Don't know why Pak army doesn't learn a few lessons from its counterparts in India.

The question is, does the KPI Government still think that TTP should be given respect and are they our brothers? With this statement, it is quite obvious that the Provincial Government of KPK is not interested in confronting the TTP head on, instead it is chickening out.

It isn't about PTI. The situation was the same even before. First it was bannu. Now it is DI Khan. Later it might be Peshawar. And I am pretty sure that TTP would be completely successful at that time too while you PA fan boys would be busy crticizing the civilians.

For the record, i am a PTI supporter. Gave my blood, sweat and treasure for this party. Was present in almost every Jalsa, was a Tabdeeli Razakar and personally convinced more than a 100 people to vote in my constituency which resulted in the win of Shafqat Mahmood.


But after this fiasco and the statement of our esteemed CM, i am slowly moving back towards PML-N.

Your choice. The same PML(N) which wants to put whole PA into trial in front of Indians for Kargil.

That is a failure of local and regional authorities, the police force and the provincial government are to blame.

Here is an example of where PA hard work and blood has been wasted and went in vain since all those dogs escaped.
You can't blame PA for that one, I feel for PA on that one.

PA itself is responsible for the waste of its hardwork. If PA troops on those checkposts weren't sleeping that night, things would have been better. At least we might have something to cheer about. PA, PAF, PN are continuously embarrassing the nation which feeds them.
The reporter in a bright red shirt...how wonderful of him to paint himself as a target a risk other soldiers nearby
no he isn't...an Indian would never be allowed there

Sure rohit gandi based in delhi sounds like a guy from lahore.. :lol:


Rohit Gandhi is a New Delhi-based television journalist and correspondent who has
done extensive reporting for U.S. and Canadian programs.
From 2000-2006 he was producing for CNN out of South Asia and several war-torn countries and disaster-hit nations. After
that he spent years at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Beijing and New Delhi.
With 17 years of experience in broadcast journalism and documentary fi lmmaking, he has
worked in China, India, Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Spain, Canada, the
US, Korea, Spain, Burma Tajikistan, Russia, Jordan, Afghanistan and many others. He is
the recipient of the DuPont award, Edward R.Murrow award, the Golden Cine Eagle and the
Gracie awards.


The video is more than half a decade old..
This is why i am of the opinion that an operation in North Waziristan is inevitable for the Security of the Nation. APC needs to give the mandate to the Army to start an operation inside NW with full political backing.

There are alot of rumors going on regarding the NW op...lets see.
I dont agree with you. Escape of taliban before commencing of operation into Afghanistan and north waziristan was tactical retreat rather than defeat, there was no way few thousands taliban could have faced 60 thousands pak soldiers helped by jets, artillery, gunship helicopters and tanks. Nowadays they have re-taken some areas of south waziristan and are bleeding pak army through raids. They are quite untouchable in their new stronghold north waziristan. And their attacks have not declined at all since 2009, they have simply focused more on attacking security forces and less on attacking civilians.

all did not esapce, thousands got killed and dont spread BS that the defeated taliban have been able to make any sort of come back in areas they were kicked out from

those who tucked their tails between their legs and ran away in the face of operation Rah-e-Rast and Rah-e-Nijat have made no attempt to retake Swat or South Waziristan , thats because they were thoroughly beaten and they know that they will be killed on sight on the spot if they show their ugly faces in areas where Pakistan Army has established peace.
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