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Pakistan Army commits treason in Presidents Office

Looks like the President is giving a parting shot before he leaves. I believe his tenure is ending soon.

Another day, another exposè of the establishment. Caught with their pants down again.

I am convinced the SC or other institutions would not do anything about it. But it will do a great good to the faltering reputation of the duffers.

President can first send it back to Parliament for an amendment in the law if he deems something wrong with it. Parliament can than make some changes and re-send to the President for the approval or just can send the law as it is like before. President than will have 10 days to sign. If he still doesn't sign in than law will become act of a parliament itself. Here since parliament has now been dissolved, bill cannot be amended or returned back to the President and if President says NO to any bill than it will remain as invalid until next parliament is formed and bill is re-processed.
Good summation.

The system of governance gets its strength from the confidence of its polity. Seems like the rug is being pulled from under the system and the only ones keeping afloat are the duffers.
He is more than fit, and I'm sure he will expose more in the coming hours if not days.

Your criticism should be directed more towards whisky and his fascist pals.
So far only the President has stated his version of events, in which he has not provided any proof, nor has he taken any action against his staff. Even in his allegations, there is no mention of the army brass as of yet. If that changes, I will criticise the others, but right now the onus is on the President to prove that these allegations are not just an afterthought to deflect the criticism he is getting from his own party.
That's where the crux of the problem lies. Whisky and generals are above the law hence are immune from any criticism.

Steps like what Alvi has taken today, from such an important position can only serve to do one thing and expose them and the rotten, corrupt system that blocks our progress. Additionally, let national and international media follow this big development.

But it's a tall order. The entire domestic media elite are in bed with the junta, directives have been received, and they are bashing Alvi away on Twitter.

So he's up against the junta, PDM puppets, corrupt media, compromised judiciary and khooni liberals.

It's a tough fight, but he has to stay strong and not resign.

So far only the President has stated his version of events, in which he has not provided any proof, nor has he taken any action against his staff. Even in his allegations, there is no mention of the army brass as of yet. If that changes, I will criticise the others, but right now the onus is on the President to prove that these allegations are not just an afterthought to deflect the criticism he is getting from his own party.

Reading between the lines of that tweet, the only ones who could push this through are the ones who are pulling all the strings to create the mayhem and destruction nationwide over the last 16 months in particular - namely the army brass.

It's a developing story and I'm sure more will follow to confirm the junta's role once more in another evil act.
Steps like what Alvi has taken today, from such an important position can only serve to do one thing and expose them and the rotten, corrupt system that blocks our progress. Additionally, let national and international media follow this big development.

But it's a tall order. The entire domestic media elite are in bed with the junta, directives have been received, and they are bashing Alvi away on Twitter.

So he's up against the junta, PDM puppets, corrupt media, compromised judiciary and khooni liberals.

It's a tough fight, but he has to stay strong and not resign.

The 240 million Awam hasn't realised their power, a force to reckon with.

The Mafia's get their strength from inciting fear, the fear factor in the masses.

That fear factor is less now, if not completely gone.

President Alvi has stirred a hornet nest, sure he must have threatened to keep mum.
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The 240 million Awam hasn't realised their power, a force to reckon with.

The Mafia's get their strength from inciting fear, the fear factor in the masses.

That fear factor is less now, if not completely gone.

My hope in the Awam is sadly limited, but optimism is more in what we say yesterday with a number of lawyer groups carrying out protests nationwide.

Given the tilt we're also seeing in some of the Bar Councils away from PDM positions, the hope is that that fear factor also removes itself from within the legal fraternity, and we once again have a lawyer movement like 2007 to challenge the dictatorship.

If they can lead from the front and stay united, then there is hope of change coming. As only that can transmit upwards to the higher courts / apex court and bring change to end the current undeclared martial law.
The Dictatorships' media touts have received the message and are saying on channels and Twitter that Alvi should resign. Such a ridiculous take and response to such a HUGE violation. And of course no criticism of whisky and his pals.

He needs to stay on the inside as long as he can to expose the ongoing brutalities externally.

The junta want him to resign as after Punjab, KP, GB, AJK, this is the final remnant of PTI still in high office.
My hope in the Awam is sadly limited, but optimism is more in what we say yesterday with a number of lawyer groups carrying out protests nationwide.

Given the tilt we're also seeing in some of the Bar Councils away from PDM positions, the hope is that that fear factor also removes itself from within the legal fraternity, and we once again have a lawyer movement like 2007 to challenge the dictatorship.

If they can lead from the front and stay united, then there is hope of change coming. As only that can transmit upwards to the higher courts / apex court and bring change to end the current undeclared martial law.

Hope is the most precious thing and doesn't takes much to have it, once the hope is gone, everything will go haywire.

The Mafia's want us to loose hope.

As said when a nation looses hope, everything is lost.

Bit off topic, but think that the financial crunch, the money flow drying up from other countries, end of CSF funds, aid and dole outs to the military in particular is hurting them badly.

The real estate business is almost dead, from where the duffers was getting most of the income, people have curtailed buying that must have hurt the Fauji foundation income.

The kisans have curtailed the fertilizer purchase, must be hurting the FFCs, all other businesses are down.

And the reason they always talk about economy, knowing nothing about it, the technocratic set-up is a case in point.

I am sure the financial woes of the military is much worse.
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Exactly, the twisted justification being used for him to resign is more desperation than anything else.

The ones that want the president to resign are boot lickers because he has exposed thier lies and treachery, President staff should be the ones facing the axe.
Hope is the most precious thing and doesn't takes much to have it, once the hope is gone, everything will go haywire.

The Mafia's want us to loose hope.

As said when a nation looses hope, everything is lost.

Bit off topic, but think that the financial crunch, the money flow drying up from other countries, end of CSF funds, aid and dole outs to the military in particular is hurting them badly.

The real estate business is almost dead, from where the duffers was getting most of the income, people have curtailed buying that must have hurt the Fauji foundation income.

The kisans have curtailed the fertilizer purchase, must be hurting the FFCs, all other businesses are down.

And the reason they always talks about economy, knowing nothing about it, the technocratic set-up is a case in point.

I am sure the financial woes of the military is much worse.

I still see some hope, that was evident with people still waving and holding PTI flags on 14th August and the flash protests that sprung up. The fear is being pushed back as many examples show, despite the military brutality.

But yes, the military is financially squeezed like never before. It can't continue its excesses and defence spending in the wake of a collapsing economy, increased debt repayments, and crumbling health, energy and other public sectors. Something has to give.

All the while the hatred towards them from the public is the highest in history. It's an unsustainable position for them.

As God is my witness, I did not sign Official Secrets Amendment Bill 2023 & Pakistan Army Amendment Bill 2023 as I disagreed with these laws. I asked my staff to return the bills unsigned within stipulated time to make them ineffective. I confirmed from them many times that whether they have been returned & was assured that they were. However I have found out today that my staff undermined my will and command. As Allah knows all, He will forgive IA. But I ask forgiveness from those who will be effected.


Unprecedented! Now there is no respect for President office as well. GHQ should come out open now and impose martial law officially
Lol 😂😂
Banana Republic of Pakistan

Now now
Arif alvi, I recommend you send your family to America (not Canada)

As Canada is within markhor reach they way we were able to settle that balochistan girl(which we in PDF called a drank ****)

So how will they get rid of the president 😕

Anyone with creative ideas 💡💡💡??

Those pu$$ies sitting in GHQ will never impose martial law officially, because they are scared of sanctions and the international backlash. President has played his hand, let's see how the bad company responds to it.
Well they don't need to..martial law was put in the past because of public support

This is Better approach, most of third world coup use this technique

I.e no martial law and general self decakre himself as president and go on

Now how will they get rid of him. A president has to be elected so he isn't going anywhere..

Well they just let him jump and then later arrest him in official secret act that why did he disclose documents were forged


This is now getting ludicrous
🍿 😂 📽️ 🎥
Enjoy the show 🍿
So how will they get rid of the president 😕

Anyone with creative ideas 💡💡💡??
heart attack. it has been done before.
1- can't fire him, can't arrest him
2- only option is to call back up Ahsan ul Ahsan/TTP

so they will probably either just say alvi has lost his mind or blow him up via TTP

heart attack. it has been done before.
Hmm or may be just call in some favor with Ahsan ul Ahsan

Markhor can reach anywhere

This makes no sense at all. No bill can become a law without President's assent.
It actually does, it seems they used the provisions very cleverly

It's a deemed assent now, as the bills haven't been returned back with objection, within the stipulated time of 10 days

https://senate.gov.pk/en/messence.p...uses pass,make recommendations within 14 days.
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