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Pakistan Army commits treason in Presidents Office

LMAO... looks like incompetence was the necessary quality for being in Imran's party..
Country has been Hijacked by RETIRED-unretired Tola

Pakistani people should resist any act by Army under the Retired -Unretired Tola

And Junior Army Staff should not follow orders of RETIRED-Unretired Tola
Guess what -- it was the Military Secretary to the President, a Brigadier, who misinformed the President and disobeyed President's instructions to send back the BILLS unsigned !!

that is the problem with Pakistan - army is everywhere in all of the civilain institutions, corrupting them to the core and their ability to funtion. What business does a Bridgadier have in being part of the act of goverment ? None in a democractic civilised society.

This thing will get alot lot worse before it gets better. Army control has to crash and burn as a concept. I do think in the next decade, we will reach a tipping point, one that will force the army out permanently and then they will need to be held to account for their actions.

And - when it does, all placement of all military officiers in goverment institutions must be bought to and end and the duffers need to be sent back to the barracks.
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Guess what -- it was the Military Secretary to the President, a Brigadier, who misinformed the President and disobeyed President's instructions to send back the BILLS unsigned !!
What is the source of this ? Why will the President rely on his Military Secretary for advice on a legislative matter ? If this is true, why hasn't the President named the Brigadier?
I just checked your Art 75, and indeed it's not clear in the article, what happens if President chooses to sit on the bill in abeyance.
So there's a grey area there.
But it gets complicated when he says he wanted to render the bills ineffective, and was not allowed to by his staff.
Yes bro therefore its said that "common practice". Its not clear in the law. So it might go up to SC.
Than it was not an FIR mere piece of paper which served no value.
Whatever. Has the President made any effort to take action against those who allegedly disobeyed his order. If police thanedaar has refused to file an FIR, why doesn't he make the evidence public on Twitter? Where is the note he wrote to Parliament returning the Bills ?
that is the problem with Pakistan - army is everywhere in all of the civilain institutions, corrupting them to the core and their ability to funtion. What business does a Bridgadier have in being part of the act of goverment ? None is a democractic civilised society.

This thing will get alot lot worse before it gets better. Army control has to crash and burn as a concept. I do think in the next decade, we will reach a tipping point, one that will force the army out permanently and then they will need to be held to account for their actions.

And - when it does, all placement of all military officiers in goverment institutions must be bought to and end and the duffers need to be sent back to the barracks.

Agreed, it will get worse before it starts to get better.

A seven decade decadence, military hegemony, army rule and dictatorship trial's and tribulations will take some time to end, and course correct.

This is the beginning....
The Dictatorships' media touts have received the message and are saying on channels and Twitter that Alvi should resign. Such a ridiculous take and response to such a HUGE violation. And of course no criticism of whisky and his pals.

He needs to stay on the inside as long as he can to expose the ongoing brutalities externally.

The junta want him to resign as after Punjab, KP, GB, AJK, this is the final remnant of PTI still in high office.
What business does a Bridgadier have in being part of the act of goverment ? None is a democractic civilised society.
In most countries, a post like Military Secretary to the President will be a serving officer of the armed forces on deputation. His job is to advise the President on military matters. Why would a civilian joint secretary be better qualified than a Brigadier for that role ?
Apparently The president writes his objections down and then signs the bill and return it.

kia tamasha he yaar
If the dangerous duffers didn't course correct, retreat and change, there wouldn't be any country left for them to rule as happened in 71.

Will be left with some cantonments, GHQ, some DHAs.

And shouldn't they be ruling the army messes, GHQ, and leave the country for the civilians to find and fetch.
The Dictatorships' media touts have received the message and are saying on channels and Twitter that Alvi should resign. Such a ridiculous take and response to such a HUGE violation. And of course no criticism of whisky and his pals.

He needs to stay on the inside as long as he can to expose the ongoing brutalities externally.

The junta want him to resign as after Punjab, KP, GB, AJK, this is the final remnant of PTI still in high office.
He has made very serious allegations and has implied that he is completely powerless. He should either take legal action against those who are undermining his authority or else resign. If he cannot fulfill his constitutional role and is unwilling to take legal measures to protect the powers given to him by the Constitution, then he is not fit to continue in office.
He has made very serious allegations and has implied that he is completely powerless. He should either take legal action against those who are undermining his authority or else resign. If he cannot fulfill his constitutional role and is unwilling to take legal measures to protect the powers given to him by the Constitution, then he is not fit to continue in office.

He is more than fit, and I'm sure he will expose more in the coming hours if not days.

Your criticism should be directed more towards whisky and his fascist pals.
Ministry law and justice account suspended, umm what is going on??

He is more than fit, and I'm sure he will expose more in the coming hours if not days.

Your criticism should be directed more towards whisky and his fascist pals.
That's where the crux of the problem lies. Whisky and generals are above the law hence are immune from any criticism.
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