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Pakistan Army - All is not well

AM, Kasab was just convicted of terrorism in a trial which even impressed Arab News. And Kasab's trail goes right back to some sort of organization in Pakistan. So you can't justify dismissing the "Indian brainwashed garbage of ISI and terrorism" any more, since the foundation of it, if not probable, nonetheless appears likely.

what the heck kasab got to do with your countrys affairs, oh wait , some jews were killed that day too, guess thats pricking you Solomon2...
Plus in the South-Asia you have to live with this fact that both counteries Intel agencies have hostilities towards each other be it the ISI or RAW both dont let go an opertunity..you simply cannot find truth in the midst of ful fledge Information War and Media trial.. !!!
Are youj saying Riaz and webby have no other jobs then blogging??? I hope i do not find you banned tomorrow ...lol :D

^^^ LOL.....Im counting the seconds.....

Well I hope they do....

Not sure if advertising on PDF/ donations from members is gonna earn them a living....At least not according to Quantcast....:disagree:

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All is well,
Pakistan army is trying its best to handle the terrorism issues on the border areas.
The force is fully capable of handling small issues like that.
All the best to pak army!
....I hope you realize that most members here (except maybe some Chinese :D) have legitimate jobs other than blogging.....

In fact....why are you wasting your time here then since you should be leaving the "blogging" to professionals like Riaz.....LOL!!

By your logic, you should be telling your beloved Think Tank members such as the respected FATMAN, Mr.MuradK to stick to their respective areas of expertise.....and leave blogging to webby and Riaz.....

Ajai Shukla much like FATMAN etc has a military background and more sound knowledge on Defence related issues that most members here.....
Dont just discount the words of someone based on ones nationality....

When one converses with ex-Pak Army personel on the net or in real life you can see that they are much more informed and much more polished compared to the indians.

The members that contribute here on this forum never do childish things like indian army personel , or go whine infront of the westerners about how bad the Pakistanis are, indian have been doing here on this forum and on WAB also .. thats just lame and make the indian army look like an army of whiners ( which it is :P )

The low calibre of indian Army is for all to see , if this joker shukla had any ounce of sense he would have avoided using headings that include words like 'aal'

People like this shukla and bharat verma seem very very furstrated against Pakistan Army , this is quite obvious

They coudnt do anyhitng against PA on ground so they blurt out their rubbish on the net.

tch tch pathetic loosers
I agree - Look at our Ex Military's..Muradk, Fatman2, X-man none of them give bad name to Indians but Indians on WAB and other forums here i am not talking about average indian but indian army officers post their fairy tales of invading Pakistan and how dirty Pakistanis are etc.Begging Americans to attack Pakistan.Look at that looser Ray half of his posts on Wab is about pakistan and how bad the Pakistanis are.******** Loosers.Could not do **** after Parliament, Could not do anything after blasts, could not do **** after mumbai could not anything after pune and the jingos here are talking about war.yeah righh you're gonna fight your wars from call center.Hi, This is Peter I am fighting Against Pakistan Army and Pakistan.
what the heck kasab got to do with your countrys affairs, oh wait , some jews were killed that day too, guess thats pricking you Solomon2.
I do know people who knew two of the Mumbai victims.

I see you have no sympathy for me, nor empathy for any of those murdered that day. Thank you very much, and I hope I won't find many people like you if I ever happen to visit Pakistan.
I agree - Look at our Ex Military's..Muradk, Fatman2, X-man none of them give bad name to Indians but Indians on WAB and other forums here i am not talking about average indian but indian army officers post their fairy tales of invading Pakistan and how dirty Pakistanis are etc.Begging Americans to attack Pakistan.Look at that looser Ray half of his posts on Wab is about pakistan and how bad the Pakistanis are.******** Loosers.Could not do **** after Parliament, Could not do anything after blasts, could not do **** after mumbai could not anything after pune and the jingos here are talking about war.yeah righh you're gonna fight your wars from call center.Hi, This is Peter I am fighting Against Pakistan Army and Pakistan.

I concur with every word you say here , lets just leave it here , thanks
Strategic Depth does not only have military terms....However this phenomenon is not only suffred by so called ISI obsessed Indians but is a common theory relevant inside Pakistan as well... Have a look at this article

DAWN.COM | Columnists | Defining ?strategic depth?

That article is part of a sticky thread discussed here:


And I agree with you that many Pakistani commentators, liberals primarily, cling to a flawed interpretation and view of 'Strategic Depth'. I have been critical of commentary by people like Kamran Shafi and NF Paracha because their opinions on the PA are similarly unsubstantiated. IMO, part of the reason they promote such views is because of their dislike for the role the PA has played in Pakistan, in terms of the various coups etc.
I would again advice you to read this article...Here the author has given an unbiased opinion...

http://www.opendemocracy.net/opensecurity/aziz-hakimi/afpakwhatstrategicdepth (Just add "-" in every word otherwise link wont work...PDF is not allowing me to use af - pak without spaces)
I'll read through it ( I may have already) but I have yet to find an analysis that properly addresses 'Strategic Depth' as defined by Kamran Shafi and various Indian and Western commentators.

The most plausible explanation of Strategic Depth, that can be substantiated to some degree, remains the one I outlined.

Sorry but seems like you are asking for a lot...I do not have the luxuary to provide you credible proofs ...and can provide supporting articles based on which i am sharing my POV...
Then please refrain from similar comments in the future.
That's the problem and causing all these "OTHER" reasons to pop up...
I was merely pointing out to you that your argument of inaccessibility to Afghanistan applies just as well to Pakistan - the point being that Pakistan had no pressing need for Afghan territory to set up training camps, and therefore the Indian argument that it supported the Taliban to set up training camps in Afghanistan is invalid.
what the heck kasab got to do with your countrys affairs, oh wait , some jews were killed that day too, guess thats pricking you Solomon2...
Plus in the South-Asia you have to live with this fact that both counteries Intel agencies have hostilities towards each other be it the ISI or RAW both dont let go an opertunity..you simply cannot find truth in the midst of ful fledge Information War and Media trial.. !!!

It is an open forum and anyone can reply. Please do not attack members because they voice opinions on a particular subject.

And the manner in which you raised the deaths of Jews in the Mumbai attacks was poor to say the least. Please show some sensitivity next time.
I agree - Look at our Ex Military's..Muradk, Fatman2, X-man none of them give bad name to Indians but Indians on WAB and other forums here i am not talking about average indian but indian army officers post their fairy tales of invading Pakistan and how dirty Pakistanis are etc.Begging Americans to attack Pakistan.Look at that looser Ray half of his posts on Wab is about pakistan and how bad the Pakistanis are.******** Loosers.Could not do **** after Parliament, Could not do anything after blasts, could not do **** after mumbai could not anything after pune and the jingos here are talking about war.yeah righh you're gonna fight your wars from call center.Hi, This is Peter I am fighting Against Pakistan Army and Pakistan.

1. What is WAB?
2. I have seen only one Indian Military professional (Deltacamlately) and he speaks with a very distinguished/respectful tone....Please point out other military men of Indo background on this forum....

3. The rest of your post is nothing more than a flame bait......
Being a guest here...Ill hold myself back from a reply.....but there really was not need for it....
1. What is WAB?
2. I have seen only one Indian Military professional (Deltacamlately) and he speaks with a very distinguished/respectful tone....Please point out other military men of Indo background on this forum....

3. The rest of your post is nothing more than a flame bait......
Being a guest here...Ill hold myself back from a reply.....but there really was not need for it....

WAB is another forum, and Patriot's observations about the conduct of Indian Military men on other fora is accurate.

Though it is also true that on this forum at least DCL has maintained a respectful tone, otherwise he would be banned like Ray/Salim.
Just a minor correction, if indeed it is a correction.

AFAIK, Ajai Shukla is a former IA Colonel.

So no, he isn't blogging as a IA officer.

In other words the Indian Army is not so liberal as some Indian forummers claim.

On the other hand he isn't 'wasting his time' blogging, instead of strategizing, as some Pakistani forummers think, because he is a journalist.

So treat him as one. Albeit someone with more specialist knowledge than the run of the mill journo.
I do know people who knew two of the Mumbai victims.

I see you have no sympathy for me, nor empathy for any of those murdered that day. Thank you very much, and I hope I won't find many people like you if I ever happen to visit Pakistan.


Any innocent life lost is something tragic and most regrettable.
There is genuine sympathy for the innocents but human mind always comes up with many thoughts and arguments.

The us versus them argument usually prompts one into thinking that their innocent is not the same as our innocent.
To some extent this is true since an Israeli citizen killed as opposed to a Palestinian citizen killed will not at all invoke the same sentiments from across the globe, leaving the two main parties aside.
It is because once you are detached from some party, the chances are that you shall not feel much sympathy for their loss, especially if an established prejudice already exists against the victims in your heart.
This is why we see so much hate in this world.

However i have seen that once you know a person regardless of a difference in religion, nationality, creed etc. their untimely death will be a tragedy in your mind.

The reality is that any innocent life lost in any part of the world is the same loss really.
Just a different name, ethnicity and religion but a human being nonetheless sent into this world by Allah.

I am sure H2O3C4Nitrogen did not mean any offense to Jews, i think he can better explain himself to you via PM.

His main argument is that India will do unto Pakistanis what it can never do unto its own and vice versa...so to demonize ISI and RAW has been the norm of this region.

You assess the situation and tell me what kind of a stupid agency you think ISI to be, if it plans such an outrageous attack at a time when Pakistan is in a critical battle with the terrorist horde?
We already are the much smaller army, however after the FATA and Swat operations the disparity on eastern front is even more evident.
The attack gained naught for Pakistan in any way possible, it made us further insecure and at risk.

Makes no sense for ISI to plan such an operation using people from Pakistan, it was downright stupid and bizarre to say the least, this was not the work of a covert agency but a deliberate effort to fuel the fires of war.
When there are so many rebel and militant groups in India, why would ISI not act through them even if we consider that there was anything to gain by such terrorist attacks (which i consider rubbish)?
I see no logic to implicate ISI in this attack, except the traditional mistrust and enmity playing its part.

What I see is a clever ploy by Al Qaeda and its allies to ensure that Pakistan Army is diverted and even a war is started which shall be heaven sent to these extremists as an Indo Pak war will give them much more space and chances of infiltrating the entire subcontinent.
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