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Pakistan and Israel

One outstanding issue is the Armageddon the great battle to be between good and evil. Maybe we should handle that first?

According to Dr. Israr a renowned Muslim scholar, the Zionists would like an early start to Armageddon. Is this true?

Well as far as I know the Zionists have no intention of starting an Armageddon.
I have no problem in admitting that Pakistan and Israel have no bilateral issues. In fact both the countries are the only ones ever created on the basis of religion.

Personally, having lived abroad for the most of the last 40 years and interacted with many Jews and their families; I don’t see any real impediment to Pakistan establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. When we have full diplomatic relations with India; a country that has split Pakistan in two and has occupied Kashmir by force since 1948; why not recognize Israel? Especially when Turkey, Egypt and Jordan have already done so.

However, majority of Pakistanis rightly or wrongly consider Pakistan a “Fortress of Islam” and support the Palestinian cause wholeheartedly. Thus until Palestine state is completely free and officially recognizes Israel, it would be a political suicide for any leader who attempts to do so.
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I have no problem in admitting that Pakistan and Israel have no bilateral issues. In fact both the countries are the only ones ever created on the basis of religion.

Personally, having lived abroad for the most of the last 40 years and interacted with many Jews and their families; I don’t see any real impediment to Pakistan establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. When we have full diplomatic relations with India; a country that has split Pakistan in two and has occupied Kashmir by force since 1948; why not recognize Israel? Especially when Turkey, Egypt and Jordan have already done so.

However, majority of Pakistanis rightly or wrongly consider Pakistan a “Fortress of Islam” and support the Palestinian cause wholeheartedly. Thus until Palestine state is completely free and officially recognizes Israel, it would be a political suicide for any leader who attempts to do so.

Well to be honest I have interacted with quite few people from Pakistan and they were ok I get and got along very well with them people.

Given the radicalised society in Pakistan and as you mention "Fortress of Islam etc.." thoughts there is no chance that there ever will be an bilateral relations or even trade relations. Honestly there is absolutely no benefit for either side to establish one.
I have no problem in admitting that Pakistan and Israel have no bilateral issues. In fact both the countries are the only ones ever created on the basis of religion.

Personally, having lived abroad for the most of the last 40 years and interacted with many Jews and their families; I don’t see any real impediment to Pakistan establishing diplomatic relations with Israel. When we have full diplomatic relations with India; a country that has split Pakistan in two and has occupied Kashmir by force since 1948; why not recognize Israel? Especially when Turkey, Egypt and Jordan have already done so.

However, majority of Pakistanis rightly or wrongly consider Pakistan a “Fortress of Islam” and support the Palestinian cause wholeheartedly. Thus until Palestine state is completely free and officially recognizes Israel, it would be a political suicide for any leader who attempts to do so.

I have also interacted with many Jews and they are viciously anti Muslim my friend... what are you on about?

Even if Palestine recognized Israel there is no way on earth that Pakistan will recognize Israel... Palestine my dear already recognizes Israel on many levels... they negotiate with them and do all sorts of trade with them... There is a greater reason for us not to recognize Israel rather than just Palestine... India has always existed and was not formed by stealing land from any community... this is why India has all the right to exist and shall exist (and in the future a land of great abundance, happiness and wealth compared to the poverty and misery its population lives under today inshaAllah)... as for Israel... European Jews stole that land from Muslims... We dont recognize theft as a legitimate means of ownership sir...
assalam alaikum,

Those ppl who alsways tell us Egypt, Jordan and turky have established relations with israel this relationship is between the Government level ( Egypt and Jordan). We meet many ppl of those countries they dont accept the relationship with israel and we all know how much these countries express their ppl's will.

I have also interacted with many Jews and they are viciously anti Muslim my friend... what are you on about?

Even if Palestine recognized Israel there is no way on earth that Pakistan will recognize Israel... Palestine my dear already recognizes Israel on many levels... they negotiate with them and do all sorts of trade with them... There is a greater reason for us not to recognize Israel rather than just Palestine... India has always existed and was not formed by stealing land from any community... this is why India has all the right to exist and shall exist (and in the future a land of great abundance, happiness and wealth compared to the poverty and misery its population lives under today inshaAllah)... as for Israel... European Jews stole that land from Muslims... We dont recognize theft as a legitimate means of ownership sir...

Honorable Sir,

Obviously you and I move in different circles. I have my home in the UK and am a liberal whereas despite the fact that you live in the UK and enjoy the freedom and social security UK provides, appear to be partial towards extremists. However you have every right to your view point, I have no quarrel with that just that you won’t enjoy the same freedom in Taliban type state that you would like to impose on Pakistan.

As a student, one of my best friends was a Hungarian Jew. The person who hired me first in Esso (now Exxon) was an American Jew and my solicitor who did conveyance for my House purchase is also a Jew. My next door neighbor in New York, when I was working there in 1970, was also a Jew.

Never once did I find any hostility towards me because I was a Muslim. No doubt there are bigoted Jews as well, I would even venture to say that most Zionists are anti Muslim but all Jews are not Zionists just as all Muslims are not Taliban.

I have read one post where it is said that many Egyptians are against Israel. Correct, but many Egyptians are also for Israel and I personally know quite a few.

Until Anwar Sadaat signed peace agreement of Camp David in 1978; Egypt was spending major part of her income on Defense and was dependent upon Russian aid; not much different from Pakistan of today where without IMF hand out we can't survive. Peace with Israel changed all that.

Egypt got back all the land she had lost in 1967 adventure by Nasser. Suez Canal reopened and again became a great source of revenue. After a couple of years of ostracism, Egpyt was accepted back into the Arab fold and end of war with Israel also brought in huge increase in tourism.

Anwar Sadaat had the vision and the courage to do what was in the best interest of Egpyt for which Egypt is reaping rewards until today. It is a pity that your friends the Ikhwan killed him. Suppose you think that it was a noble act? The Jewish bigot who killed Yitzak Rabin for signing Norwegian accord with PLO is also considered a hero by the Likud bigots.

As a Pakistani, I try to see what is in the best interests of Pakistan. Recognizing Israel would bring no immediate benefit to Pakistan and I am not suggesting that Pakistan should open her doors to Israel tomorrow or next year. I am also a strong supporter of Palestinian cause and would wait until a free Palestinian state is formed. However, as a peace loving nation, eventually Pakistan should have relations with all of the nations of the world including Israel.

There is no dearth of bigots in the world, whether Muslim Jew, Christian, Hindu or Sikh. I am proud of the fact that I am not one them.
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It should now be clear to those who may have been on the side lines on the issue of diplomatic relations between Israel and Pakistan, that those who oppose this, offer no reasonable, logical argument to support their position - but perhaps this is because their position is not based on reasonable or logical arguments.

Bigotry disguised as a "religious" proposition seems founded upon the misuse of Quranic verses, that is to say by quoting them out of their context, to support a political position - seems to me designed to defame Islam and Muslims as bigotry and bigots.

We all, many thinking Israelis included, find the policies of the Israeli state, unsupportable, but we think the same about polices of the Indian state in Kashmir, and we maintain diplomatic relations with India to be able to advise, influence, pressure and partner with them in a better future - so why make a exception for the Israel? If we hope to help Palestinians and Israelis and ourselves, we must first have diplomatic relations so that we can at least talk and be heard, have a voice in each others deliberations. Is this not so?
why we need recognize them ?? we don't wana do that ,,, this is the a opinion of majority of Pakistan's ppl i don't know abt ur but with the ppl i meet they always hate them coz we are religious then any one think and ppl of pakistan thinks that its not a political issue it's a religion's issue for them

n i m also hate u isreal :)
n i know we cant remove u frm there coz it will be done by Jesus (Peace be upon him) till then we'll resistance :) sorry my Jewish frnd ...

ALLAH made us like it

just wait 4 ur masiha for us he will be a Anti-christ

we are waiting for true masiha {Jesus (P.B.O.H) }
the ppl i meet they always hate them coz we are religious

Interesting how "Hate" and "religious" seem to go together for you and the "people" you meet - anyway, Takfiri hate Muslims, doesn't mean takfiri are right. Perhaps we should think about the kind of values we associate with the "religious" - but of course it's a free world, hate any one you care to.:cheers:
How is Pakistan connected to the settlement expansion and building in the West Bank????'

Pakistan is champion of Islam's cause all over the world.

It has a constitutional duty to try and meddle everywhere muslims are part of a dispute for example Kashmir, Palestine, Chechnya, Afghanistan etc.
Honorable Sir,

Obviously you and I move in different circles. I have my home in the UK and am a liberal whereas despite the fact that you live in the UK and enjoy the freedom and social security UK provides, appear to be partial towards extremists. However you have every right to your view point, I have no quarrel with that just that you won’t enjoy the same freedom in Taliban type state that you would like to impose on Pakistan.

As a student, one of my best friends was a Hungarian Jew. The person who hired me first in Esso (now Exxon) was an American Jew and my solicitor who did conveyance for my House purchase is also a Jew. My next door neighbor in New York, when I was working there in 1970, was also a Jew.

Never once did I find any hostility towards me because I was a Muslim. No doubt there are bigoted Jews as well, I would even venture to say that most Zionists are anti Muslim but all Jews are not Zionists just as all Muslims are not Taliban.

I have read one post where it is said that many Egyptians are against Israel. Correct, but many Egyptians are also for Israel and I personally know quite a few.

Until Anwar Sadaat signed peace agreement of Camp David in 1978; Egypt was spending major part of her income on Defense and was dependent upon Russian aid; not much different from Pakistan of today where without IMF hand out we can't survive. Peace with Israel changed all that.

Egypt got back all the land she had lost in 1967 adventure by Nasser. Suez Canal reopened and again became a great source of revenue. After a couple of years of ostracism, Egpyt was accepted back into the Arab fold and end of war with Israel also brought in huge increase in tourism.

Anwar Sadaat had the vision and the courage to do what was in the best interest of Egpyt for which Egypt is reaping rewards until today. It is a pity that your friends the Ikhwan killed him. Suppose you think that it was a noble act? The Jewish bigot who killed Yitzak Rabin for signing Norwegian accord with PLO is also considered a hero by the Likud bigots.

As a Pakistani, I try to see what is in the best interests of Pakistan. Recognizing Israel would bring no immediate benefit to Pakistan and I am not suggesting that Pakistan should open her doors to Israel tomorrow or next year. I am also a strong supporter of Palestinian cause and would wait until a free Palestinian state is formed. However, as a peace loving nation, eventually Pakistan should have relations with all of the nations of the world including Israel.

There is no dearth of bigots in the world, whether Muslim Jew, Christian, Hindu or Sikh. I am proud of the fact that I am not one them.

With all due respect to you sir... It is enough for a person to be a bigot when he starts labeling others partial to extremists on a mere differing viewpoint.

It is interesting however why you even consider Pakistan to recognize Israel... Some jews gave you a job...

You would be singing an entirely different tune if some gangsters came along and threw you out of your house and occupied it calling it their own home Mr Niaz!!!
It should now be clear to those who may have been on the side lines on the issue of diplomatic relations between Israel and Pakistan, that those who oppose this, offer no reasonable, logical argument to support their position - but perhaps this is because their position is not based on reasonable or logical arguments.

Bigotry disguised as a "religious" proposition seems founded upon the misuse of Quranic verses, that is to say by quoting them out of their context, to support a political position - seems to me designed to defame Islam and Muslims as bigotry and bigots.

We all, many thinking Israelis included, find the policies of the Israeli state, unsupportable, but we think the same about polices of the Indian state in Kashmir, and we maintain diplomatic relations with India to be able to advise, influence, pressure and partner with them in a better future - so why make a exception for the Israel? If we hope to help Palestinians and Israelis and ourselves, we must first have diplomatic relations so that we can at least talk and be heard, have a voice in each others deliberations. Is this not so?

Misuse of Quranic verses... lol

What are you... some sort of Alim e Deen now? Pray enlighten us about the "context" if you think you know better than those who do not support bending over the Zionist regime in occupied Palestine...

Actually you know what... Save it... I should nt be wasting my energy with someone who starts calling others bigots at the drop of the hat...

Interesting how "Hate" and "religious" seem to go together for you and the "people" you meet - anyway, Takfiri hate Muslims, doesn't mean takfiri are right. Perhaps we should think about the kind of values we associate with the "religious" - but of course it's a free world, hate any one you care to.:cheers:

so u have to ask with the ppl you meet what their opinion abt isreal and r u going to recognize ISRAEL ?? wht the benefit in that ???

Pakistan 1st P.M deny to recognize ISRAEL so do i


i always hate them :bounce: yeh meri ZID hai :D as a True Muslim and Pakistani

coz they Zionist are killing my people, my brothers, my sisters, my children they bond my 3rd largest MASJID

we'll never allow to demolish my MASJID

r u getting me Zionistssssssssss
i m a Common man of Pakistani Muslim we are ready to give our blood for them for my MASJID ,,,, is'nt u ????


<(_|_)| AKBAR
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