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Pakistan and Israel

brother captain america, you dont have to reply to every thing said against jews. what Mughaljee has said was a totally wrong and by replying to his rant you are going no where either..

please keep this blood-line, gene pool crap to yourself (in order to claim racial supremacy or something).

be constructive and contribute something to this forum..

your response is as stupid as mughaljee's statement

stick to topic please.

Just thought the subject of IQ was interesting,,,average IQ of Israel is 94, that of Pakistan 81 to 85,,also some interesting studies of economics and IQ,, do you think there is any thing to it. Dont get so excited,,,
Just thought the subject of IQ was interesting,,,average IQ of Israel is 94, that of Pakistan 81 to 85,,also some interesting studies of economics and IQ,, do you think there is any thing to it. Dont get so excited,,,

your fellow zionists might get excited and find this IQ thing very interesting, sorry but most of us are not buying it...
and we are not interested in studies conducted to legitimize zionism (and ku klux klan etc)
The true ultimate purpose of the intervention was to help Arab countries reshape themselves in accordance with the Arab Human Development Report of 2002. This document, prepared by Arab experts and intellectuals, has pointed out three main reasons for the underdevelopment and backwardness of the region:

1: Lack of political freedom.

2: Discrimination and exclusion of women from public life.

3: Very low levels of education.

Unfortunately the report does not describe any real domestic political movements in Arab countries capable of realizing such an agenda. Such internal movements either simply do not exist, or, where they do exist, they do not possess enough influence to change the system. If no-one, not the present authorities, the intellectual elites, or even the militant Islamists are able to begin modernizing the Arab countries, then the stimulus has to come from the outside. Many Arab thinkers, including Fouad Ajami, Kanan Makiya, Fareed Zakaria, Khalid Kishtaini and others who are not prejudiced against the West, agree with this conclusion.

The first, perhaps minor, conclusion we may draw from the intervention in Iraq, is that to accomplish one’s tasks one needs to use a language one’s opponents can understand. Unfortunately some people only understand the language of force. Secondly, once again we see that peace comes with a price, and sometimes it is worth paying. ‘Peace at any price’ contradicts itself. For some, freedom is priceless and they are willing to prove it by their own sacrifices. In the end the actions of the American leadership prove that America is determined to continue the course of its foreign policy.

The European Courier | Benefits of War in Iraq

Freedom and Democracy comes a high price usually in blood and does not thrive well in countries that are poor illiterate and backward, it was thought perhaps Iraq had come far enought to understand that fact, I guess only time will tell.

jews of the world definitely and surely intelligent that is why they ruling america, europe and the worlddd... no doubt..

For Iraq war

Saddam was a crazy basterd,,,but he wasn't kiled by americans just because he killed Kurds,, he didnt even attacked america nor he had a WMDS...He was Slaughtered due to the facts that he wanted to trade their oil companies with all states in EURO which results america to be collapsed economicalyy..Remember trade in oil Is in $$
So it definitely matters for CIA and offcourse Zionists who ruled america for the past centuries...
Iranian govt doing great for their peolple you are living in world where CNN,BBC,Fox and other biased and calculated and Drivened by CIA media groups shows you,,,wake up...I dont know when these americans will awake,,time will near in th future...

the above is my previous post
The true ultimate purpose of the intervention was to help Arab countries reshape themselves in accordance with the Arab Human Development Report of 2002. This document, prepared by Arab experts and intellectuals, has pointed out three main reasons for the underdevelopment and backwardness of the region:

1: Lack of political freedom.

2: Discrimination and exclusion of women from public life.

3: Very low levels of education.

Unfortunately the report does not describe any real domestic political movements in Arab countries capable of realizing such an agenda. Such internal movements either simply do not exist, or, where they do exist, they do not possess enough influence to change the system. If no-one, not the present authorities, the intellectual elites, or even the militant Islamists are able to begin modernizing the Arab countries, then the stimulus has to come from the outside. Many Arab thinkers, including Fouad Ajami, Kanan Makiya, Fareed Zakaria, Khalid Kishtaini and others who are not prejudiced against the West, agree with this conclusion.

The first, perhaps minor, conclusion we may draw from the intervention in Iraq, is that to accomplish one’s tasks one needs to use a language one’s opponents can understand. Unfortunately some people only understand the language of force. Secondly, once again we see that peace comes with a price, and sometimes it is worth paying. ‘Peace at any price’ contradicts itself. For some, freedom is priceless and they are willing to prove it by their own sacrifices. In the end the actions of the American leadership prove that America is determined to continue the course of its foreign policy.

The European Courier | Benefits of War in Iraq

Freedom and Democracy comes a high price usually in blood and does not thrive well in countries that are poor illiterate and backward, it was thought perhaps Iraq had come far enought to understand that fact, I guess only time will tell.
1: Lack of political freedom.

2: Discrimination and exclusion of women from public life.

3: Very low levels of education.

Mr. Captain America,

With all due respect to Human Rights, do you not consider this to be applicable to the entire set of GCC countries? All are despotic, all have single party (I should say family) rule, the women are treated like objects, education levels are not publicly disclosed with extremely different interpretation of what exactly civil education means--- especially United States' darlings Saudi and Kuwait? Then on what grounds does the American government not attack these places, if it is indeed for the upholding of democratic principles and freeing people of totalitarian regimes?

The entire region from Morocco to Iran is ruled by totalitarian regimes with the exception of Israel being the only democracy as a political structure. According to your points stated here, you would need to invade all these countries to instill democracies, alleviate backward illiteracy (which exists despite tremendous wealth), uplift women's status to human levels etc.

If Iraq War has a justification based on the points above, then so does the entire region. It might seem impractical but it is as impractical as the whole point of Iraq war. While I don't believe United States invaded Iraq for oil, I do believe that there are military ambitions in the region as United States' strategic presence in Asia and Middle East is being eroded. There were virtually no insurgencies prior to the war.

Afghanistan war, yes it has relevance because of Taliban's soft corner for militant organizations worldwide in the country but Iraq never made sense.
jews of the world definitely and surely intelligent that is why they ruling america, europe and the worlddd... no doubt..

For Iraq war

Saddam was a crazy basterd,,,but he wasn't kiled by americans just because he killed Kurds,, he didnt even attacked america nor he had a WMDS...He was Slaughtered due to the facts that he wanted to trade their oil companies with all states in EURO which results america to be collapsed economicalyy..Remember trade in oil Is in $$
So it definitely matters for CIA and offcourse Zionists who ruled america for the past centuries...
Iranian govt doing great for their peolple you are living in world where CNN,BBC,Fox and other biased and calculated and Drivened by CIA media groups shows you,,,wake up...I dont know when these americans will awake,,time will near in th future...

the above is my previous post
If you take the Kurdish killings, then by now North Korea should be been invaded clean of all possible essence of Kim Jong Il. The infamous Camp 22 is enough reason for its regime to be toppled alongside the few North Koreans who manage to escape that prison-country.

And by the way, Saddam was hanged; not slaughtered. Oil is not a possible reason, but this has something to do with maintaining military presence in the region which is getting tough for Pentagon.
If you take the Kurdish killings, then by now North Korea should be been invaded clean of all possible essence of Kim Jong Il. The infamous Camp 22 is enough reason for its regime to be toppled alongside the few North Koreans who manage to escape that prison-country.

And by the way, Saddam was hanged; not slaughtered. Oil is not a possible reason, but this has something to do with maintaining military presence in the region which is getting tough for Pentagon.

Yes he was hanged...
Iraq war is for what???
Oil=no,,,trade in euro=no,,,?????
Everbody that you disagee with or has a differant opinion is not necessarly Jewish or from India.

Another interesting article on the subject.
VDARE.com: 09/26/07 - Indians Aren’t That Intelligent (On Average)
It is something that most members find it difficult to understand because of some sort of obsession. I was branded an Indian multiple times as well because of my name (which is Sanskrit owing to my religious beliefs). You'll get used to it. :lol:

And by the way, you'd be surprised about that study being pretty inaccurate. I have personally interacted with plenty of Indians from the Tamil community (they form the bulk of Indian immigrants to my country) and they are exceptionally brilliant in their fields of profession or education. From being some of the highest scoring in academics in Western world to conducting business with them, they are very prominent in taking up any good opportunity offered.

I recommend you to come to Switzerland and see for yourself.
Yes he was hanged...
Iraq war is for what???
Oil=no,,,trade in euro=no,,,?????
Strategic base in the middle east perhaps. That's the only other possibility since no conflict exists without seeing benefits-- mutual or singular.
Strategic base in the middle east perhaps. That's the only other possibility since no conflict exists without seeing benefits-- mutual or singular.

Atleast you agree that the war has no links with WMDs, LADEN and DEMOCRACY...
War is for strategic bases, OIL and Economy and greater ISRAEL..
Atleast you agree that the war has no links with WMDs, LADEN and DEMOCRACY...
War is for strategic bases, OIL and Economy and greater ISRAEL..

What greater Israel?...the Jewish population inside current Israel is falling rapidly is currently only at 80% with around 16% Muslim minority. With a "greater Israel" the Jewish population will become a minority.
Yes he was hanged...
Iraq war is for what???
Oil=no,,,trade in euro=no,,,?????

"Iraq holds more than 112 billion barrels of oil - the world's second largest proven reserves. Iraq also contains 110 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and is a focal point for regional and international security issues."
"Iraq holds more than 112 billion barrels of oil - the world's second largest proven reserves. Iraq also contains 110 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and is a focal point for regional and international security issues."

Thats my point
Thats my point

Amount of U.S. oil consumption that comes from U.S. production: 7.3 mbd, or 42 percent. We produce fifty percent more oil than Iraq and Kuwait, almost as much oil as Saudi Arabia and the Emirates

Amount of U.S. oil consumption that comes from the Middle East: 2 mbd -- 12 percent, only three percent from Iraq and Kuwait. The rest of our imported oil comes from places like Canada, Venezuela, Mexico, Nigeria, Algeria, Ecuador, and England.

Oil is a commodity like wheat, the USA does not need to go to war to get 13 percent of its oil from the middle east.

You people that think the USA went to war over oil in Iraq are just not right bright.

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