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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

Some Pakistani persons (I think these people are in the position to know better than you and me) think there is no issue regarding water with India, it is the fault of GoP to misguide people (for some reasons?)

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Some Pakistani persons (I think these people are in the position to know better than you and me) think there is no issue regarding water with India, it is the fault of GoP to misguide people (for some reasons?)

YouTube - 2502_UR_PKG_India Pakistan Water.MOV

Yes, there is no water issue at all.

As India is not using EVEN its allotted share of water under Indus treaty. And India's share of water is freely flowing to Pakistan.

It is best argument in pakistn to fool their people that's why pakistni government is doing this all and also fueling anti India sentiments so they get more money to buy weapons and no one will raise objection of their huge expenditure on army.
Pakistan needs to come up with some issue to keep tensions alive thats why the water issue comes up. If India was not sincere in the deal, it would have unilaterally walked of the treaty, better still not signed at all and dried up Pakistan long back. Even today if India wants it can just say Kashmir do, paani lo and turn the tap off even if it means war. But we are not doing anything of that sort.
Rejecting recent allegations by Pakistan of non-adherence to the Indus Water Treaty, India [ Images ] on Tuesday said it was yet another move to raise an 'anti-India' bogey to create 'popular resonance' to cover-up their internal domestic water woes and asked Islamabad [ Images ] to do better water management.

Pakistan is trying to deflect its own domestic water problem by raising the 'India bogey,' sources said adding that the attempt from that country is always to 'stall' or 'delay' any project undertaken by the Indian side.

There are 33 hydroelectric projects by India including Baglihar and Kishanganaga, which are run-of-river projects permissible under the treaty, the sources said.

The information about all these projects, based on their various stages, have been provided to Pakistan, they said.

"India has all along adhered to the provisions of the treaty. There has never been the slightest of tinkering from our side," sources said, adding that most of the issues raised by Pakistan have been those of technical nature and should be addressed by the mechanism of the Permanent Indus Commission.

The allegations by the adviser to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Education, Sardar Aseff Ali, that India 'steals' water has whipped public hysteria.

Even terror groups like the Lashkar-e-Tayiba [ Images ] and Jamaat-ud-Dawa have been trying to hype the issue by blaming India for growing scarcity of water in Pakistan and their leaders Hafiz Saeed [ Images ] and his deputy Abdur Rahman Makki were making public statements like 'Muslims dying of thirst would drink the blood of India.'

"We would ask them (the Pakistan government) to get their act together and do a better management of water. 38 million acre feet (MAF) water constitutes what is known as average escapage to sea," the sources said.
Pakistan's internal water management has got nothing to do with the fact that India is violating Indus water treaty. Which clearly mentions that from total of six rivers, Three western tributaries will go for Pakistan which are namely Indus, Chenab & Jehlum whereas the three eastern tributaries which include Ravi, Sutlej and Beas will provide water to India. And now India is building dams on western water tributaries of Pakistan flowing from Indian occupied Kashmir, which any one possessing a peanut sized brain can understand that its an open violation of Treaty.

Pointing on Pakistan's internal water management system won't provide any cover for stealing Pakistani water.

Pakistan doesnt want India to build dams on our water sources and once again, Whatever we do with our water either drink it or dump it into the sea and die of thirst is completely our internal matter and India shouldn't be concerned of that. :police:

And its not just the case with Pakistan, India has got serious water issues of same nature with Bangladesh and Nepal. So, now what Indian government wants to say is that all the countries are just making some sort of organised propaganda against india !!!
Rejecting recent allegations by Pakistan of non-adherence to the Indus Water Treaty, India [ Images ] on Tuesday said it was yet another move to raise an 'anti-India' bogey to create 'popular resonance' to cover-up their internal domestic water woes and asked Islamabad [ Images ] to do better water management.

Well atleast this shouldnt come out of the mouth of any Indian government person please.

We are already concerned about our own problems and we discuss them and find solutions to them and this issue is discussed a hundred times. I think the person concerned considers Pakistani & Indian media same just because they spell the same !!

Its funny to turn on an Indian news channel and one realizes that there is some Mighty Super Power Called Pakistan which has sieged on some war already torn small village called India . And on contrary if you watch a Pakistani news channel its like a Pure Democratic Country busy discussing its own internal problems regarding people and where you wont get a chance to think that some country Named India actually exists on the planet (except for a news stating some on going political activity or meeting).

If Pakistan makes some weapon no matter if buy a pack of bullets, Its given as Pakistan is not leaving any chance or opportunity to destroy India and fulfill its evil desires, and when India makes even some 3000km range missile its hardly given once in news bar at the bottom of the screen and that also not always.

And I appreciate Amitabh Bachan who made a movie like Rann to show the real face of how Indian news media works.
when india wants, it stops the water, to destroy crops by water shortage, and some times when there is an excellent harvested crop ready , india increases the water flow to destroy these crops by flood, this is what some pakistanis told me about their problems.
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when india wants, it stops the water, to destroy crops by water shortage, and some times when there is an excellent harvested crop ready , india increases the water flow to destroy these crops by flood, this is what some pakistanis told me about their problems.

That is the problem.

Why not use the data and rip apart this conspiracy using mechanisms made available in the IWT. Surely if this was such an open and shut case this would have submitted for arbitration a long time back.
Water-logging, salinity threaten to destroy chief minister's home district

Mahadev Kirshan

The northern or upper districts of Sindh, including Ghotki, Kahirpur, Larkana, Jacobabad and Shikarpur were once hubs of agricultural products and cash crops, such as cotton, rice and fruits. The date palm of district Khairpur, the rice production of Larkana, Jacobabad and Shikarpur, and the cotton production of district Ghotki, once contributed a major portion of national agriculture production. For the past few decades, however, the reducing water flows in the Indus River, and the increasing prices of agriculture input, such as seed, fertilizers and fuel, have badly affected these agriculture-rich districts of Sindh.

Beside water scarcity for irrigation, water-logging and salinity have emerged as ìtwin menacesî in these districts, and have damaged millions of hectares of farmland in the past few decades. Incidentally, Khairpur Mirs, the home district of Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah, is the worst-affected of the lot.

This former princely state of the Talpur Mirs (the Ameers of the state) is now a picture of massive destruction, wrought by water-logging and salinity.

Khairpur Mirs was once peaceful with vast, scattered farmlands. The rich agricultural land and weather pattern made bananas and date palms grow in the same field. Quality date palms from this district are still exported to major markets such as Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Denmark, Nepal, Germany, South Africa, US, Australia and Canada. Official data reveals that Khairpur Mirs exported dates worth US$38.8 million in 2008. In recent years, however, salinity has started flooding these vast scattered date-palm orchards.

The local residents fear that if the situation continues, the date-palm orchards will be completely destroyed. The ratio of salinity flooding to soil surface doubles in the winter.

Water-logging and salinity, however, is not a new phenomenon in Pakistan. It began in the British era, after the then government constructed controlled irrigation systems in the Indus plain, and the groundwater table started to rise steadily.

In the 1950s, when water-logging and salinity were reported for the first time in some districts of Punjab, the government took serious notice. In the early 1960s, the Salinity Control and Reclamation Project (SCARP) was initiated under WAPDA with the help of the World Bank. Under the SCARP project, the federal government started installing SCARP public tubewell services in different districts of Sindh and Punjab to suction salinity and drain out saline water from these tubewells. Surface drain disposal systems and outfall drains were introduced.

With the passage of time, however, the governmentís lack of interest and bureaucratic corruption has proved that these tubewells and surface drain disposal systems as a failed project. The evacuation of these surface drains was not continued for decades; thus, heavy weed infestation has completely choked these outfall drains, especially in district Khairpur Mirs. Instead of draining out salinity, these choked drains have started flooding lush green agricultural fields and vast date-palm orchards.

Besides choked drains, the tubewells have also become ineffective and individuals have assumed ownership of some of these tubewells. They, however, were unable to keep them functional. Eventually, a majority of SCARP public tubewell services went out of order, and at many places, water suction pumps were stolen.

With the passage of time, the salinity did not remain limited to farmlands, and started pouring into villages. According to local residents, tens of hundreds small villages in district Khairpur Mirs have become stranded underneath saline water, but the government has taken no notice whatsoever.

Tens of thousands residents of these salinity-hit villages have migrated to safer places, while the twin menaces -- water-logging and salinity -- have left them with no other option.

Over the past few years, residents of the salinity-hit villages began protesting over the worsening situation; after these protests, SCARP authorities sometimes sent evacuators, but this was rare.

In the summer, the ratio of salinity reduces, but the saline water, after drying up from the land, leaves behind large deposits of salt and minerals on the soil surface. This does not allow crops to grow on these lands.

The increasing water-logging and salinity in the district has thus not only affected date-palm orchards and villages, but underground water sources, such as hand pumps and wells, that were supposed to be sources of drinking water for human consumption, have also become polluted with saline water.

The residents of Khairpur Mirs now demand that the government take notice of this worsening situation and restore the SCARP public tubewell services. They demand immediate relief and the evacuation of surface drain disposal systems.

– The writer is a social activist based in Karachi.
"We would ask them (the Pakistan government) to get their act together and do a better management of water. 38 million acre feet (MAF) water constitutes what is known as average escapage to sea," the sources said.
OMG 38 millin acre feet?:coffee::coffee:
Pakistan is not utilizing their resources perfectly but blaming India! Indian sub-continent will remain poor if we do like that....
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look what your sources say....u are responsible for your own new mess "the so called water crisis".

DAWN.COM | Editorial | The looming water crisis

heed the call of intelligent people in your own country instead of halfaz shaeed.
do some case study, if you found india is violating any international level water treaty then drag it to proper international forum else work on your own mess like terrorism or else sit quite if you cann't stop ranting about india for your own mess.
Pakistan is not utilizing their resources perfectly but blaming India! Indian sub-continent will remain poor if we do like that....
YouTube - 2502_UR_PKG_India Pakistan Water.MOV

You don't seem to understand the point.

The Indus System of Rivers comprises three Western Rivers the Indus, the Jhelum and Chenab and three Eastern Rivers - the Sutlej, the Beas and the Ravi; and with minor exceptions, the treaty gives India exclusive use of all of the waters of the Eastern Rivers and their tributaries before the point where the rivers enter Pakistan. Similarly, Pakistan has exclusive use of the Western Rivers.

India has repeatedly blocked the flow of the Western Rivers in to Pakistan. That is a clear violation of the Indus Water Treaty.

I don't think this is a very complex point to understand, but correct me if I'm wrong.

If India "do like that" which it does, Indo-Pak relations won't be getting better any time soon.
KAshmir Times reporting the news as well. Unfortunately, the people of J&K have to suffer from the IWT because the western rivers are to be used by Pakistan and J&K are unable to utilize fully these waters for their own benefit.

Source: Untitled Document

Water not an issue at all: India
Iftikhar Gilani
NEW DELHI, mar 9: India on Tuesday dismissed Pakistan’s concerns over flow of water and attributed its woes to “mismanagement of water resources and an attempt to divert attention from growing discontent in Sindh and Balochistan over denial of their share of Indus waters.” Pledging commitment to Indus Water Treaty (IWT) in letter and spirit, senior Indian officials here blamed Pakistan for making water a “populist issue” and expressed concern for handing this issue over to Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) for raising anti-Indian sentiments.
They described propaganda unleashed by both Pakistan’s political class as well as jihadi elements against India’s “machinations to rob the neighbouring country from its share or water” a source of concern as well as figment of imagination. They denied plans to build any storage projects on the western rivers, Indus, Jhelum and Chenab which account for an average water flow of 135 million acre feet (MAF). But revealed that surveys were being conducted to explore possibility of small conservation storage projects on Chenab.
They believed that Pakistan was concealing crucial facts from its public. According to officials, out of 135 MAF flowing through western rivers, India has right to utilise 3.6 MAF for storage projects. Even for irrigation purposes, India has used under 0.8 MAF as against 1.3 MAF allowed in the IWT. In other words, of the crop area of 13,43,477 acres that India is allowed to irrigate using waters of western rivers, it has far been irrigating only 7,92,426 acres.
Officials further said India had provided 62 million pounds to Pakistan under the treaty to construct ‘replacement’ canals as compensation for surrendering eastern rivers for India. But, India has not been able to harness the entire potential of eastern rivers laving 3 MAF water flowing to Pakistan.
Coupled with mismanagement of water resources, Pakistan’s woes are compounded by rising silt levels in Indus waters, deforestation and rising temperatures. That means Indus waters were not reaching whole length of the canals in Pakistan and the country may experience a deficit of 30 per cent of water by 2025. Further due to silting at the Tarbela and Mangla dams Pakistan has lost 32 per cent of its storage capacity.
Officials said at the time of enacting of IWT, India and Pakistan had irrigable areas at 26 million acres and 39 million acres respectively under these six rivers. The water made available to Pakistan was 135.6 MAF and to India 32.8 MAF. This means for India only 1.26 feet of water is available for its agriculture and for Pakistan’s agriculture it is 3.5 feet.
Quoting Pakistan’s own documents, Indian officials said about 30 MAF water was “available surplus” to Pakistan with a very high escapage to the sea. They believe that Pakistan’s irrigation efficiency is also low, at an estimated 40 per cent.
Further the river flow from India to Pakistan has almost halved between 1999 and 2009 due to reduced rainfall and snow melt.
There are 33 hydroelectric projects by India including Baglihar and Kishanganaga, which are run-of-river projects permissible under the treaty, the sources said. The information about all these projects, based on their various stages, have been provided to Pakistan, they said.
"India has all along adhered to the provisions of the treaty. There has never been the slightest of tinkering from our side," officials said, adding that most of the issues raised by Pakistan have been those of technical nature and should be addressed by the mechanism of the Permanent Indus Commission.
The allegations by the Adviser to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Education, Sardar Aseff Ali, that India "steals" water has whipped public hysteria.
"We would ask them (the Pakistan government) to get their act together and do a better management of water. 38 million acre feet (MAF) water constitutes what is known as average escapage to sea," the officials said.
yeah i wonder why they didnt "rubbish" it when our delegation was there
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