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Pakistan And India-Water Disputes-News And Updates

lol.first you should be realistic making some hypothetical scenario doesn't help your advice.

Have you really read the above post of your Indian Brethren.

They are openly stating that any agreement doesn't mean anything to India.

I'm not talking about what an individual says. There is democracy and free speech in India, everybody has right to have opinion.

I'm saying govt to govt talks.
But at least you agree that India is Theft,Burgular and Stealer

Don't try to be a smart ***.

What i have said that the thief or the water terrorist is China.

But, still u think that we can help out our friend Pakistan in some way we will do it.

For it we can sit and talk.

Or u can rant endlessly while India progress.

Who will be the looser in that case.
Don't try to be a smart ***.

What i have said that the thief or the water terrorist is China.

But, still u think that we can help out our friend Pakistan in some way we will do it.

For it we can sit and talk.

Or u can rant endlessly while India progress.

Who will be the looser in that case.

Seriously i don't Understand what Indians are making up an issue of an Unknown dam that posses no threat.

First of all it is not obligatory for china to inform Pakistan.

China had not officially informed the government of Pakistan, as there was no treaty between China and Pakistan over shared waters

And as far as water stealing is concerned take this.

He said the dam at Senge-Ali was for the power generation purpose, which will have no impact over Indus River

My Advice to Indians at least read the full article before posting as it may contain things that Does not support India Propaganda.
Seriously i don't Understand what Indians are making up an issue of an Unknown dam that posses no threat.

First of all it is not obligatory for china to inform Pakistan.

And as far as water stealing is concerned take this.

My Advice to Indians at least read the full article before posting as it may contain things that Does not support India Propaganda.

I'm not talking about obligation but claiming to be a friend china should inform Pakistan.

Your government come to know about it by reading newspapers.

The chinese censorship and filtration has put information blockade otherwise u will know what harm will it cause it to u.
I'm not talking about obligation but claiming to be a friend china should inform Pakistan.

Your government come to know about it by reading newspapers.

The Chinese censorship and filtration has put information blockade otherwise u will know what harm will it cause it to u.

As Already mentioned.When the dam poses no threat unlike Indian dams so their is no point in telling.

Sir China has strategic relationship with us that is far above these types of pitty issues.
Lets have fun on this thread! I say let those Mirages pat those India dam :) or even better test of a cruise missile.
Lets have fun on this thread! I say let those Mirages pat those India dam :) or even better test of a cruise missile.

Sir it won't hurt India but will destroy us.Our Cities will be flooded and crops destroyed.

India can use this thing in war.We should had destroyed Indian Dams while they were still under construction.Now they have become weapons.
From where the hell China came in huh???

We are talking about water theft by INDIA

Well , we'll have to look at our population first. Its each country for itself. How can a country provide water to other countries when its own population is suffering?
pak-yes..yar just one dam won't hurt lol would it? atleast we'll get our 2-4% water back that is stolen!
hmmm, interesting but time waisting arguments by the indians in this thread.

Whether china tell Pakistan or not is not a problem for us. The problem for us is India's intentions. Ofcourse, india has to feed its nation with water. But, my dear Indian friends, will you please dare to explaine that HOW COULD YOU TAKE THAT LARGE QUANTITY OF WATER TO REST OF INDIA? by aeroplane??? or by pipeline?

Dam construction has usualy two purposes. One is to store water for near future use and the other is to produce electricity. As in the case of Pakistan. We are affectivily using dams for both purposes. But neither India nor China could do that. Both of you could use electricity, generated by these dams and thats it. You can't divert water to the rest of China or India, instead of its natural flow to Pakistan through Kashmir.

Now let talk another thing. We, Pakistan, has to deal with China and India. OK. As far as China is concern. China is NOT "only" dependent on dams for its electricity production. and, at the top of it, China is very very close, trustable and time tested friend of Pakistan. You Indians could never be able to understand this that China will die first before not helping to Pakistan. We had established our friendship in times when both of us were in deep trouble. Keeping the past record of China and the history or friendship between both countries. We can safely say that Pakistan has no problem with dam building on river indus by China. By the way, for your poor knowledge, Indus river does not have only one starting point. Though, it flows from Tibet but it has hundreds of other entry points(or whatever it called) for water. Now the picture is this... Let's consider India first than we will make the overall picture.

India, on the other hand, is the one who was major cause of our deep troubles, when we shake hands with China. India and Indian leaders were those, who predicted quick fall of Pakistan. India running terrorists camp parallel to the whole international border, in afghanistan, providing arms and amunition to the terrorists in Paksitan, suppporting and fueling terrorists orgs in Balochistan and whats not. Keeping its past record in mind. One can not and must not trust this untrustable country. The only purpose India has in mind of all such dam construction is to stop water from flowing to Pakistan and when appropriate release all water at once to creat flood in Pakistan.

So the picture is, that we can always REQUEST Chinese to store or stop water, whenever needed. But we will never be able to do the same in the case of India.


Any doubt?
hmmm, interesting but time waisting arguments by the indians in this thread.

Whether china tell Pakistan or not is not a problem for us. The problem for us is India's intentions. Ofcourse, india has to feed its nation with water. But, my dear Indian friends, will you please dare to explaine that HOW COULD YOU TAKE THAT LARGE QUANTITY OF WATER TO REST OF INDIA? by aeroplane??? or by pipeline?Dam construction has usualy two purposes. One is to store water for near future use and the other is to produce electricity. As in the case of Pakistan. We are affectivily using dams for both purposes. But neither India nor China could do that. Both of you could use electricity, generated by these dams and thats it. You can't divert water to the rest of China or India, instead of its natural flow to Pakistan through Kashmir.

Now let talk another thing. We, Pakistan, has to deal with China and India. OK. As far as China is concern. China is NOT "only" dependent on dams for its electricity production. and, at the top of it, China is very very close, trustable and time tested friend of Pakistan. You Indians could never be able to understand this that China will die first before not helping to Pakistan. We had established our friendship in times when both of us were in deep trouble. Keeping the past record of China and the history or friendship between both countries. We can safely say that Pakistan has no problem with dam building on river indus by China. By the way, for your poor knowledge, Indus river does not have only one starting point. Though, it flows from Tibet but it has hundreds of other entry points(or whatever it called) for water. Now the picture is this... Let's consider India first than we will make the overall picture.

India, on the other hand, is the one who was major cause of our deep troubles, when we shake hands with China. India and Indian leaders were those, who predicted quick fall of Pakistan. India running terrorists camp parallel to the whole international border, in afghanistan, providing arms and amunition to the terrorists in Paksitan, suppporting and fueling terrorists orgs in Balochistan and whats not. Keeping its past record in mind. One can not and must not trust this untrustable country. The only purpose India has in mind of all such dam construction is to stop water from flowing to Pakistan and when appropriate release all water at once to creat flood in Pakistan.

So the picture is, that we can always REQUEST Chinese to store or stop water, whenever needed. But we will never be able to do the same in the case of India.


Any doubt?

how old are you boy???

Read the bolden sentence of your post. Exactly we also want to know how India runs away with stolen water....The force of water is used in Hydel-power projects ...But after that what happens to that water? Does it vanish????

Dam are constructed to check the flow of water temporarily but unless you have the reservoir you cant store it. Here you are claiming India is storing this water years after year (as if it has no cost). Is there such reservoir exists in world which has such capacity. Instead of writing such long crap you can use the time in google earth in search of such reservoir...

Instead of posting your own theory collect reliable data on how cultivation has been affected so far or drop in agricultural production etc. only then some logical discussion is possible.
About India supporting terrorists....Dono kan hi kata hua kya? Kuch to sharam koro....
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* Palwasha Khan calls for revision of Indus Water Treaty
* Sherpao says India building dams on Chenab, Jhelum to destabilise Pakistan

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Members of the National Assembly on Tuesday criticised India for usurping Pakistan’s share of water and urged the government to link all peace initiatives between the two countries to a proper water-sharing formula.

“India’s usurping of Pakistan’s share of water may result in a confrontation. Experts foresee wars over the water issue in the future and any war in this region will be no less than a nuclear war,” said Palwasha Khan, opening discussion on an adjournment motion.

“Around 10 million acres of fertile Pakistani land is going barren as part of an international conspiracy against Pakistan,” she said.

“The international community is concerned about our security but why are they silent over our hegemonic neighbour’s water terrorism?” Palwasha questioned.

Revision: Urging revision of the Indus Water Treaty, she said the situation was totally different today in terms of climatic changes from what it was in the 1960s.

“This treaty should be modified to get more water for Pakistan. Climate change is posing a serious threat to Pakistan which is surrounded by major polluters such as India,” she added.

MNA Aftab Ahmad
Khan Sherpao said India
wanted to use water to destabilise Pakistan’s economy by building dams on rivers Chenab and Jhelum in Indian-held Kashmir.

“If this situation persists, God forbid, Pakistan will turn into a water-starved country in the next 10 to 15 years,” Sherpao said on a point of order. Rejecting US claims that India did not harbour any grudges against Pakistan, he said India wanted to hurt Pakistan through water, as it could not do so through weapons.

He said it would be injustice to the country if the water issue was ignored, adding that the issue had not been given due consideration by successive governments.

He said Pakistan’s economy primarily relied on agriculture, as its industry was not much developed, adding India was building dams under a well-planned strategy to deal ‘a major blow’ to Pakistan.

He called for passing a resolution in the House to tell the world how important water was for Pakistan and how India was using it illegally in violation of all agreements and international laws.

Sherpao said India was not only building dams on Pakistan’s western rivers, but was also assisting Afghanistan in building dams on rivers Kabul and Kunar that fed water to northern Pakistan.
Pakistan unlikely to make headway on water issue with India
NEW DELHI, February 24, 2010

India believes that Pakistan’s bid to hoist the water issue on the bilateral agenda would be misplaced because the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) has stood the test of time in resolving differences. IWT Commissioners have met over a 100 times since the treaty was signed half a century ago to exchange information and iron out irritants, which means that the mechanism has been working well.

In fact, Islamabad’s desire to bring the water issue on the table on the eve of this week’s foreign secretary talks is a change from its stand in 2002, when the “Pakistan Water Sector Strategy” argued for thwarting any “attempt by India” to scrap the treaty. It anticipated an adverse impact on the river water flows if the treaty was scrapped and argued for building storage capacities to meet requirements in times of shortages, which Pakistan has failed to do adequately.

Experts say that instead of accusing India of reneging on the IWT provisions, Pakistan should pay attention to building storage capacities because climate change is impacting the quantum of water in the six rivers that flow from India to Pakistan.

Under the IWT, Pakistan has the right to utilise the upper three “western” rivers — Indus, Jhelum and Chenab — and India has the right to use the water of three “eastern” rivers — Ravi, Sutlej and Beas — as it thinks fit.

Under the treaty, India is allowed to store 3.6 million acreage feet (MAF) of water of the western rivers, but it has not built any such facility so far, allowing unimpeded flows into Pakistan. Since the water level in the Chenab varies wildly during winter and summer, a better strategy would be for both countries to build a joint storage project which would serve the farmers of both countries during the lean periods, some experts aver.

Silting at dams

Pakistan’s water woes are compounded by silting at the Tarbela and Mangla dams, with an internal official assessment admitting that it has lost 32 per cent of its storage capacity due to the problem.

Islamabad should also not doubt India’s plan to put up projects that do not impede water flows on the western rivers, because Article III of the IWT allows it the use of western river waters for domestic, non-consumptive and agriculture purposes, besides the generation of electricity.

Within Pakistan itself, there is a debate about the need for the government to improve its management of water.

While framing the IWT, the irrigable area of India and Pakistan was assessed at 26 million acres and 39 million acres respectively, while the waters available to them are 32.8 MAF and 135.6 MAF respectively. This means that only about 1.26 feet of water is available to India for its agriculture on eastern rivers, while about 3.5 feet of water is available to Pakistan for its agriculture.

Unused water

Pakistan has a large surplus of unused water. Its documents show about 30 MAF as “available surplus” with a very high escapage to the sea.

Pakistan’s irrigation efficiency is also understood to be low, at an estimated 40 per cent. Virtually all of the municipal and industrial wastewater is returned to the rivers, nullahs and streams untreated, which results in deterioration of water quality.

The Pakistan document also suggests that canal capacities are not sufficient to provide the share of each province as per their allocation. The inefficient system aggravates the problems.

As a result of the IWT, Pakistan was assisted by India financially (£62.06 million) and by the IBRD fund to build replacement works, including link canals for transferring waters of the western rivers to eastern rivers. This network of link canals could be used by Pakistan to properly distribute the water.

The Hindu : News / National : Pakistan unlikely to make headway on water issue with India
The pressure to remove the representative of the Ministry of Interior and Minsitry of Water and Power has been shocking and disappointing to say the least. Not a good start to the peace talks.
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