Its basically the failure of PAC along with PAF and PN too that they have not directed their interest on table. They had a good chance to do a JV with Chinese on two type of Transport plane one like C-130J-30 and other CN-295 class one but with some improvements like Composite airframe along with poerfull engine with 7 blades as well. If not wrong then we need:
21 Y-9 Class
15 CN-295 Class
7 Y-9 Attack Class
7 CN-295 Attack Class
11 AEW&C Platform
11 Y-9 Class
15 CN-295 Class(7 for PN and 4 for SSGN and 4 for MSA)
3-5 AEW&C Platform
Although there will be civilan demand from airlines as well as from other countries military too.
Your immaturity shows in every one of your posts.