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Pakistan again test-fires Babur Missile with range 700km

why dont they ever show the missile hitting its intended target?
seriously it really pisses me off!
it seems as though "succesful test fired" only means succesful launch in Pakistan military!
except navy, they showed the ship being hit by multiple missiles...

No, we can't do that to show the world, the information is secret. We can't exposed how much we hit its accurate targets, enemy would gather information and details.

Hope this is clear. (Keep "pissing off" at yourself. Lol.)
Great going Pakistan, thumbs up for the engineers & scientists. The sooner we make Nasr,Babur and Ra'ad operational the greater will be our strength!
I think Babur is already operational....NASR would also have been quietly put into service and so is RAAD....there is never an official statement on Missile inductions, they are quietly taken in active inventory without a fuzz
I think Babur is already operational....NASR would also have been quietly put into service and so is RAAD....there is never an official statement on Missile inductions, they are quietly taken in active inventory without a fuzz
Sir can this Multi Tube Fire the Missile just like the MRLS Fire Rockets ?
Sir can this Multi Tube Fire the Missile just like the MRLS Fire Rockets ?
Well I am not sure that how quickly the three of the missiles carried on it, can be fired. But it do have its own advantages e.g.
1-A multitube carrier should be much more effective and economical than three single launch platforms.
2- The role is diversified to an extent that a shoot and scoot capability added would be enough to frustrate the adversary as it now has will have to bear the additional burden of building layers of mobile defense systems if it wants to enhance its survivability, that would put an additional strain on its resources.
a great achievement indeed...
instead ov making sea launched version, y dont v simply parky ths MLV on the helipad ov our F22 p frigates or on OHP.. just a thought :P
a great achievement indeed...
instead ov making sea launched version, y dont v simply parky ths MLV on the helipad ov our F22 p frigates or on OHP.. just a thought :P
for sea launch the simplest as u said can be done but remember militarys dont just work that way. first as u said to just put it there well to tell u the truth babur is not controlled from MLV its controlled from a different station an MLV just takes it to a position and sets it up last launch is done remotely(remember its nuclear capable) that system is huge and to set it up on a ship a lot of modifaction is needed cuz a ship the size of OHP needs to have full control over its weapons.
secondly a sea launched CM is different from a land launched one remember the terrain of sea is ever changing and land remains the same thus terrain mapping ang guiding systems have to be different.
thire having CM on a ship gives it huge advantage u can target an enemy vessel from beyond even the stand off range ( 700 km) but to target a ship u need different seekers similar to the ons in C-802, Exocet ,Harpoon. with the ability of in flight manuvers and a concreat datalink to the firing vessel for course correcion if needed.
so u can launch Babur with little modification from an Aircraft (even than it very hard work) but sea launch system is a bit too different.
Guys, this multi platform has given the strategic forces a true multi dimensional strike capability.
One launch pad, three weapons, with three different inputs to strike three different pre determined targets.
It's like an aircraft taking off from a PAF base and attacking three different targets in a single sortie.
Guys, this multi platform has given the strategic forces a true multi dimensional strike capability.
One launch pad, three weapons, with three different inputs to strike three different pre determined targets.
It's like an aircraft taking off from a PAF base and attacking three different targets in a single sortie.
i think if we make them supersonic then it can create much more problem for enemies plus there is a need to enhance its range
I think Babur is already operational....NASR would also have been quietly put into service and so is RAAD....there is never an official statement on Missile inductions, they are quietly taken in active inventory without a fuzz

Considering the fact that NASR appeared just some time back i don't see the possibility of it being operational as of yet....but its true for babur's early versions , while RAAD has still ambiguity ....keeping in view the lots of integration going on with jf-17 there is a strong possibility that it just has been or is currently being started to put in operational service
Considering the fact that NASR appeared just some time back i don't see the possibility of it being operational as of yet....but its true for babur's early versions , while RAAD has still ambiguity ....keeping in view the lots of integration going on with jf-17 there is a strong possibility that it just has been or is currently being started to put in operational service
This is not the new version but the same version with new launch platform. Though we do hear that Raa'd is the choice for JFT, but we must also remember that it was tested on a mirage platform meaning that mirage systems could be modified to mate with Raa'd. I dont see any reason to delay Raa'd induction for the sake for JFTs. While JFTs are not replacing Mirages, I think Mirages would have been modified to carry this as a stop gap. Well its been about 7 or 8 months or so when we heard about NASR but i do agree with you that it would not have been in active service with PA.
i think if we make them supersonic then it can create much more problem for enemies plus there is a need to enhance its range
If it were supersonic, then we could say bye bye to terrain matching.....everything has its advantages and disadvantages. No wonder west likes subsonic Crusie missiles. You can have supersonic cruise missiles for antiship role (as sea surface does offer the potential of ses skimming to a supersonic missile but that too has its own advantages and disadvantages as supersonic missile has to rise much earlier than a subsonic missile increasing its window of vulnerability vis-a-vis subsonic missile but has its advantages too.
for sea launch the simplest as u said can be done but remember militarys dont just work that way. first as u said to just put it there well to tell u the truth babur is not controlled from MLV its controlled from a different station an MLV just takes it to a position and sets it up last launch is done remotely(remember its nuclear capable) that system is huge and to set it up on a ship a lot of modifaction is needed cuz a ship the size of OHP needs to have full control over its weapons.
secondly a sea launched CM is different from a land launched one remember the terrain of sea is ever changing and land remains the same thus terrain mapping ang guiding systems have to be different.
thire having CM on a ship gives it huge advantage u can target an enemy vessel from beyond even the stand off range ( 700 km) but to target a ship u need different seekers similar to the ons in C-802, Exocet ,Harpoon. with the ability of in flight manuvers and a concreat datalink to the firing vessel for course correcion if needed.
so u can launch Babur with little modification from an Aircraft (even than it very hard work) but sea launch system is a bit too different.

thanks for explanation :)
Vertical ejection system has to apply on Nasr too, it takes too much time after ejection to curving for required level. Wasn't better if propulsion programmed after ejection & initial auto guidance?

Any military professional can put light over it?
I am not a military professional but there is a difference, NASR is a high speed missile unlike babur which is subsonic one so for babur it should not be much of the problem. Both are said to be highly maneuverable. I dont think that NASR too, will have the muti-speed stages. But anyways, vertical launch does give missile an omnidirectional capability i.e. Missile can be maneuvered in any direction and secondly its very difficult to locate the launch platform too as VLM would complicate the detection of launch platform as VLS does not follow the usual projectile trajectory which can be used to detect the probable location, add a scoot capability to that and the survivability rate should go further up.
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