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Pakistan addicted to using militants against India: Pentagon

Defence.pk is a media website, if I declare tomorrow that Manas is a terrorist, should someone come and shoot you?

Bharatis are what you call 'bholas'. They think they are some logic professors but if you really look at them, their arguments more often than not are pathetic and can easily be rebutted.
Your judiciary goes around catching terrorists?

Your statement itself is faulty, when did we establish army is the sponsor of terrorists?

That's the problem with you guys, no respect for the law, you talk as if you have a problem with terrorists, but are the biggest terror sponsors when you throw rule of law out the window.

If you advocate killing of people through drones without due process and trial then there is no difference in justification of those people going to Mumbai and killing people as they deemed them unfit to live.

Your opening the window towards actions like throwing due process out for one set of people will leave terrorism as the only logical recourse - if the grand scheme of things were anything to go by, with this statement alone, you should be questioned why did you part-take in the killing of 170 people in Mumbai?

But of course, you never think in those terms - in fact you just never think.

How many people killed by Pakistani Air force bombings in FATA and Waziristans were tried in the courts of Pakistan? Does that make PAF and Pakistani defence establishment a terrorist organization?

Bharatis are what you call 'bholas'. They think they are some logic professors but if you really look at them, their arguments more often than not are pathetic and can easily be rebutted.

Did not see a rebuttal in your post sir.. Only a generic insult to India and Indians..
How many people killed by Pakistani Air force bombings in FATA and Waziristans were tried in the courts of Pakistan? Does that make PAF and Pakistani defence establishment a terrorist organization?

Did not see a rebuttal in your post sir.. Only a generic insult to India and Indians..

Bit off topic... Sorry mods.

Welcome, you are back with new ID.. Gosh!
"Quite frankly, at the end of the day the (US) President is going to do what he has to do, unilaterally . He will always protect that prerogative to protect the security of the American people and our interests," Assistant Secretary of Defence for Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict, Michael Sheehan said.
Ah! That's what this WOT is all about! To protect the security of the American people and their interests! Fine!

So how about the security of the Pakistani people and their national interests? Well, that be damned! It's America all the way. Lesser souls don't count. They are expendable!

But then Pakistan is equally to blame, by pandering to American wishes and diktats. Ayub to Kayani - they and all chiefs in between have been bending over backwards to fulfill American wishes and desires. It's the money that makes the mare go, what?
Defence.pk is a media website, if I declare tomorrow that Manas is a terrorist, should someone come and shoot you?

If India is half a constitutional country it will follow the norm of every man is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. You will be tried, evidence will be presented against you and then either a judge, a panel of judges or a competent jury will find you guilty or not guilty and then your sentencing will be carried out.

That is the process in Pakistan. Have you done that before making such statements?

Head - bang - wall.

Does that demand that we throw out "Innocent until proven guilty" ?

Neither I or the American are talking about persecution of Pakistanis engaged in cross border terrorism .Thats a long off shot .

This thread is about nth assertion from India and by the rest of the International community of that fact the Pakistan is sponsor of terrorism. Terrorism is a state policy of Pakistan for long.
How many people killed by Pakistani Air force bombings in FATA and Waziristans were tried in the courts of Pakistan? Does that make PAF and Pakistani defence establishment a terrorist organization?

There was only one instance of misguided munition causing civilian casualties in Khyber Agency when members of the Kookikhel tribe started to sift through rubble following an air raid. They were looking for shell casings as souvenirs but on the follow up pass, the pilot dropped another bomb taking them to be terrorists who were looking for survivors. The CoAS personally went and asked for mercy from the tribal elders and the pilot was grounded until further notice.
That was friendly-fire, it's not a justiciable crime unless charges are pressed by the affected party which in this case weren't.
Your argument is void.

Neither I or the American are talking about persecution of Pakistanis engaged in cross border terrorism .Thats a long off shot .

This thread is about nth assertion from India and by the rest of the International community of that fact that Pakistan is sponsor of terrorism. Terrorism is a state policy of Pakistan for long.

Proof Please ?
How many people killed by Pakistani Air force bombings in FATA and Waziristans were tried in the courts of Pakistan? Does that make PAF and Pakistani defence establishment a terrorist organization?

Did not see a rebuttal in your post sir.. Only a generic insult to India and Indians..

How many people got killed in Afghanistan and Iraq by US led forces... Now does that make them terrorists?

What ? I did not understand.

You know that what I am trying to put up... Forget it. Just make sure you don't declare mods biased.
How many people got killed in Afghanistan and Iraq by US led forces... Now does that make them terrorists?

I think you misunderstood me. You are actually extending my point only. In a war zone (like in Afghanistan and in Waziristan, FATA etc), its 2 armies fighting even if one of them is irregular army. In war there are no court cases and trials. Innocent till proven guilty does not work. If you are in the target area and are seen as a credible threat, you are toast. Sometimes innocents get killed in the process, whether its Pakistan or Afghanistan. Thats why terms like Collateral damage and friendly fire exist..

Using the argument of innocent till proven guilty for blaming NATO in Afghanistan and doing just the opposite in Pakistan where PA is involved in a similar war as NATO in Afghanistan is just not right.. Am I wrong?
Proof Please ?

The whole worlds knows it.your own people admit the same. Now if you find denial as smartness as i said before pakistan carry on with the policy...it going to hurt Pakistan more than anyone else.
How many people got killed in Afghanistan and Iraq by US led forces... Now does that make them terrorists?

You know that what I am trying to put up... Forget it. Just make sure you don't declare mods biased.

stupid argument. doesn't even warrant an explanation for my assertion.
Pakistan army is fighting againts elements which are backed by external powers US,Israel and our neighbors on both sides on the other hand american are fighting against a nation who is trying to maintain their sovereignity..

Osama's involvement in 9/11 has not been yet proven according to standards of any law of this world...
All we know is the propaganda of US government and thus the basics of american presence is nothing but to gain strategic depth against russia and china..

Can anybody here enlighten us why russian wanted afghnaistan???
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