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Pakistan addicted to using militants against India: Pentagon

There was only one instance of misguided munition causing civilian casualties in Khyber Agency when members of the Kookikhel tribe started to sift through rubble following an air raid. They were looking for shell casings as souvenirs but on the follow up pass, the pilot dropped another bomb taking them to be terrorists who were looking for survivors. The CoAS personally went and asked for mercy from the tribal elders and the pilot was grounded until further notice.
That was friendly-fire, it's not a justiciable crime unless charges are pressed by the affected party which in this case weren't.
Your argument is void.

You are not understanding .. See the headlines below

Jets kill 17 militants in Orakzai | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

How do you know that none of the 17 were innocent.. Were they declared guilty by any Pakistani court.. What happened to Innocent till proven guilty concept here?
Pakistan army is fighting againts elements which are backed by external powers US,Israel and our neighbors on both sides on the other hand american are fighting against a nation who is trying to maintain their sovereignity..

Osama's involvement in 9/11 has not been yet proven according to standards of any law of this world...
All we know is the propaganda of US government and thus the basics of american presence is nothing but to gain strategic depth against russia and china..

Can anybody here enlighten us why russian wanted afghnaistan???

Try thinking outside of Hamid gul's world view if you are not doing this on purpose.
You are not understanding .. See the headlines below

Jets kill 17 militants in Orakzai | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

How do you know that none of the 17 were innocent.. Were they declared guilty by any Pakistani court.. What happened to Innocent till proven guilty concept here?

Its true one can never make sure there wont be any civilian casualities by airstrikes but the ground reality is lot more complex than sitting at home and analyse other countries issues and give verdicts...

Pakistan is fighting against a bunch of powers the one's which are really crook in nature,evil in intentions,advance in technology and rich in resources therefore I feel when civilians are martyred thats the price we being pakistani has to pay for letting such corrupt leaders rule us for decades...

Pakistan army should get rid of militants and let afghans choose their own leaders and let them live on their own...
Americans and many of their allies who are brewing trouble in pakistan as well just want to hold on vast resources of afghanistan without giving them anything or giving them pennies like european are doing in nigeria and other oil rich african nations...
Try thinking outside of Hamid gul's world view if you are not doing this on purpose.

This is no hamid gul its the fact dear...Just consider for a while you are tracking a man for a decade who heads the words biggest terrorist organisation and then there he is standing infront of you hands up and you shoot him...without makin him tell you all the secrets...without makin him go to trial and let the world see ....

it can only be done when you are afraid that the man can let go off secrets you dun wanna public know...or on the otherhand the killing story was only the story...why no pictures nothing????

these so called pakistani taliban are against us openly for last 7 years...and in doing so they have spent millions of dollars who is giving them the money they dun have any source except outside powers who wanna destabilize pakistan...
This is no hamid gul its the fact dear...Just consider for a while you are tracking a man for a decade who heads the words biggest terrorist organisation and then there he is standing infront of you hands up and you shoot him...without makin him tell you all the secrets...without makin him go to trial and let the world see ....

it can only be done when you are afraid that the man can let go off secrets you dun wanna public know...or on the otherhand the killing story was only the story...why no pictures nothing????

these so called pakistani taliban are against us openly for last 7 years...and in doing so they have spent millions of dollars who is giving them the money they dun have any source except outside powers who wanna destabilize pakistan...

As i said, try thinking outside of Hamid gul's world view if you are not doing this on purpose.
How do you feel about the rest of the planet - even other Muslims - regarding Pakistanis as sneaky lawless violent scum as a result of such an attitude?

How do you feel being an american and living with the knowledge that your country is the only one in the world that has gone to war with over more than a dozen nations after world war 2...the only country that has unleashed nuclear bomb twice...the only country that has killed millions of innocents by first initiating iran-iraq war by giving sadam go ahead , then in gulf war,then in afghanistan and the list goes on....and yup all the while facilitating killings of thousands of muslims in palestine by covering isra-hell in everything....

Can you tell me solomon why it always has to be a muslim country bosnia,kashmir,palestine,libya,syria,iraq,afghanistan........

I really wanna know why if anybody can tell me...
How do you feel being an american and living with the knowledge that your country is the only one in the world that has gone to war with over more than a dozen nations after world war 2...the only country that has unleashed nuclear bomb twice...the only country that has killed millions of innocents by first initiating iran-iraq war by giving sadam go ahead , then in gulf war,then in afghanistan and the list goes on....and yup all the while facilitating killings of thousands of muslims in palestine...

Can you tell me solomon why it always has to be a muslim country bosnia,kashmir,palestine,libya,syria,iraq,afghanistan........

I really wanna know why if anybody can tell me...

You should stop acting like a Pacifist. it doesn't suit Pakistanis.

Thank you.
Can you tell me solomon why it always has to be a muslim country bosnia,kashmir,palestine,libya,syria,iraq,afghanistan........

Dude.. Kashmir is not a country .... Its a disputed region which is split between India and Pakistan and has a worse chance than a snowball in hell of becoming an independent country ever. Even the UNSC resolution (which is dead ) on Kashmir talks about it either joining India or Pakistan
You should stop acting like a Pacifist. it doesn't suit Pakistanis.

Thank you.

I just dont understand this as well why people are so jealous of Pakistani's....when we show you people the mirror you start saying mirror is wrong....

We know better what suits us ...and what we should say and how should we be painted ...considering the lame scenarios which are being created to get things in your own way the learnt people in Pakistan have decided on many matters and soon there are gonna be some visible changes not only in this region but overall in the world...

Dude.. Kashmir is not a country .... Its a disputed region which is split between India and Pakistan and has a worse chance than a snowball in hell of becoming an independent country ever. Even the UNSC resolution (which is dead ) on Kashmir talks about it either joining India or Pakistan

In any case thats a state where muslims are living and that was the point...beside pakistan is not adamant at makin kashmir a part of pakistan if kashmiries choose to be independent we have no objection on that ..all we want is an end to their miseries...
How do you feel being an american and living with the knowledge that your country is the only one in the world that has gone to war with over more than a dozen nations after world war 2...
We're stuck being the world's policeman, it seems.

the only country that has unleashed nuclear bomb twice
Context is everything.

...the only country that has killed millions of innocents by first initiating iran-iraq war by giving sadam go ahead -
No credibility without sources, please.

Can you tell me solomon why it always has to be a muslim country bosnia,kashmir,palestine,libya,syria,iraq,afghanistan...
Just guessing but I think it's because that while Islam may not be any more militant and tyrannical a religion than some others, Muslims, unlike Christians, have not developed theological defences against tyranny that empower democratic liberals to pick up the sword and fight for what is morally right for their community, rather than their immediate self-interest. Thus corruption is everywhere and even Pakistan's educational system has been distorted; your thinking is not logical, your "facts" often baseless, and neither your teachers nor your government care one whit: your ignorance helps officials keep you down and exploited while your teachers do what they must to retain their jobs.
I just dont understand this as well why people are so jealous of Pakistani's....when we show you people the mirror you start saying mirror is wrong....

We know better what suits us ...and what we should say and how should we be painted ...considering the lame scenarios which are being created to get things in your own way the learnt people in Pakistan have decided on many matters and soon there are gonna be some visible changes not only in this region but overall in the world...
In any case thats a state where muslims are living and that was the point...

You actually don't. If you knew, You wouldn't be talking that $Hit.
Your deeds, and reactions towards those nations, Well ! If you don't consider China as your enemy then why you had a war and conflicts , Why You cry for Askai chin ? and why the presence of Large number of military in Arunachal pardesh? Why you cry over millions of Bangladeshis presence in Assam, Why to support LTTE in Sri lanka ? Vote against any nation isn't a smaller thing mate , you are living in 21st century where each vote on UN level meants too much.. That wasn't just one vote , That vote represents india.. 1.2 billion peoples.. Why indian fan boys always in a denail mode? even sometimes they deny realities.

US also maintains a huge patrol in the Mexican border... Does that mean they are enemies... Indian and China had one war and relations had improved a lot when compared to 1960's, Surely it will take more time to resolve all issue!

Askai Chin is our property which is grabbed from India, We have every right to claim it and even China accepts it, Why do you have problems?

If millions of Afghanis come and settle in Pakistan, will you be happy? Certainly India cannot feed its own population... more population more issues.

India did support SL but when? that is the question to ask!

We too voted against Iran, Still maintain friendly ties with Iran.... Accept that it is your wish that India and SL should fight each other!
@rocky, you have fought a war with them, you claim some of their land.. Doing everything possible to deter them and still you don't consider them your enemies.! Strange I would say.

India and China are bitter enemy's then why do they participated in joint military exercises? FYI we claim our land wich grabbed from us! If India and China are hot contended enemies then Chinese President will NOT be there in India for BRICS Submit!

If the Indo-Chinese trade goes beyond 200 Billion US $ then all the disputes will resolve on its own!
India and China are bitter enemy's then why do they participated in joint military exercises? FYI we claim our land wich grabbed from us! If India and China are hot contended enemies then Chinese President will NOT be there in India for BRICS Submit!

If the Indo-Chinese trade goes beyond 200 Billion US $ then all the disputes will resolve on its own!

with maazrat i would say a intelligent enemy is always better than a idiot friend ...
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