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Pakistan acquires capability to develop N-sub

Personally, I think Pakistan needs to get at least 10 New Destroyers in its Naval Fleet.

Pakistani Navy is the most neglected part of the armed forces and needs to reach such a stage that it can defend Pakistan's coast from the Indian Navy
it's great news that pakistan is thinking of niclear subs!
There won't be any for another decade or so but its being considered.
i wanted to know that does pakistan have the capabilty of SLBM or SLCM(submarine launched criuse missiles) if not than any intention of getting them??????
Naval version of Babur is being developped, it should be ready anytime soon.
Why doesn't Pakistan have any destroyers in its Naval Fleet?
i wanted to know if our agostas are capable of firing Babur and other ballastic missile to any land target
It is good to listen nuclear sub constructed in Pakistan weither Chinese role is involved or not but it is really good to have indigenous nuclear sub's.
I also doubt about the authenticity of this news. Pakistan has not yet designed and built any nuclear reactor on its own. All the reactors have been with outside help( Canada and China). A nuclear sub involves minitiarising a nuclear reactor and using the power generated from it to run the electric motors. Besides, a nuclear sub is much larger than a normal SSK because lead shileds needed to safeguard crew from radiation are very heavy and this results in larger size of the vessel to give sufficient bouyancy. We can rejoice but the truth is that we are still a very long way off designing and building an SSK. We have only learnt to assemble an SSK. Designing and building an SSN is probably nothing more than wishful thinking.

I very much agree with you Niaz...

Pakistan Lacks the infrustructure and this is not the way Pakistan can develope a Nuclear Sub. Pakistan will enhance in shipbuilding tech and once the industry matures then the things will start moving with a pace but this is still atleast a decade away.

The capability of SSK building and designing requires to mature and people think that pakistan will built a Nuclear Sub?.


Just a dream news may be, but true, i think not!
I very much agree with you Niaz...

Pakistan Lacks the infrustructure and this is not the way Pakistan can develope a Nuclear Sub. Pakistan will enhance in shipbuilding tech and once the industry matures then the things will start moving with a pace but this is still atleast a decade away.

The capability of SSK building and designing requires to mature and people think that pakistan will built a Nuclear Sub?.


Just a dream news may be, but true, i think not!

I Understand this at this time it is so far imposiable for Pakistan to build a Nuclear Sub ..

As we have a Submarine assembling experience and in future we are going to retrofit or two SUB to MESMA can we make Sub with having some altrations the First Pakistan Curise or Blastic Missile Submarine :confused:

Any Expert Please

Pakistan really does not need a nuclear sub. We can do with a bigger fleet of diesel subs---the diesel subs even though they cannot remain submerged for long---but as they are so quiet in their movement, that makes them extremely deadly in the hands of a real pro. Nuclear subs are a different breed of submerged monsters---we would need a lots of experience to master them.

Pakistan really does not need a nuclear sub. We can do with a bigger fleet of diesel subs---the diesel subs even though they cannot remain submerged for long---but as they are so quiet in their movement, that makes them extremely deadly in the hands of a real pro. Nuclear subs are a different breed of submerged monsters---we would need a lots of experience to master them.

Very well summarized!

Pakistan really does not need a nuclear sub. We can do with a bigger fleet of diesel subs---the diesel subs even though they cannot remain submerged for long---but as they are so quiet in their movement, that makes them extremely deadly in the hands of a real pro. Nuclear subs are a different breed of submerged monsters---we would need a lots of experience to master them.

I fully agree with you. Being a small navy with its main enemy being less than 600 miles away, we do not need a Nuke Sub. But the question is whether we have the capability of making one. i like other forum members am of the opinion that at the present moment we do not have the infrastructure or even the capability to build one.
However, i look at this from a different point of view. Having the capability means you have the relevant knowledge in miniature Nuclear plants and specialized Steels. As you well know we have had a long standing gap in our knowledge in Specialized Steels and Nuclear plants. More than the nuclear sub issue, I think it is mastery of these skills that is more important, as it has wider implications. I feel it is the commercial aspects of this which we should try to master and achieve. A couple of decades down the line, if we have a policy of a blue water navy, we can then revisit the issue of Nuke subs, if we acquire the basic skills now. We also need to set up small plants and start our own research into metallurgy, viagraduates and postgraduates ofthe GIK institute.
I fully agree with you. Being a small navy with its main enemy being less than 600 miles away, we do not need a Nuke Sub. But the question is whether we have the capability of making one.

For the assured 2nd strike capability the SSBK is must, no matter where your enemy is. You must keep your nuclear deployment ambiguous for your enemy & nothing can do that job better than the nuclear balletic submarine.

Plus it counters other regional & extra regional players.
For the assured 2nd strike capability the SSBK is must, no matter where your enemy is. You must keep your nuclear deployment ambiguous for your enemy & nothing can do that job better than the nuclear balletic submarine.

Plus it counters other regional & extra regional players.

My friend I am not that knowledgeable on maritime affairs but my understanding is that one of the reasons for buying the U214 was that it could launch a naval version of the cruise missile(Nuke tipped). If that is the case then your point may be satisfied by that alone.
My understanding of the need to have a nuclear sub is its advantage of staying under water for longer period and capability to strike at long distances. As such the only Navies that have them are Nvies which want to project power beyond the range of conventional subs----- so called Blue water navies.
Pakistan at the present moment has a defensive navy for littoral defense and its needs will be well fulfilled by a good Deisel Sub like the U214. Our resources are limited and our navy severely deficient in surface and subsurface platforms. Building a Nuke Sub would require a lot of effort and research and MONEY. We neither have these nor the Technical know how to build a good conventional sub let alone a Nuke sub.(build not assemble!!).
However as I have said it is agood step to get further Know how in Sub building and then concentrate on our own Platform in the next decade ---perhaps with a bit of help from our friends.

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