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PAK test-fires SHAHEEN II

Officer of Engineers said:
With the current state of both Indian and Pak nukes, what other choice is there?

It is an economically efficient strategy to target Civilian population centres, even the U.S. and Soviet Union dedicated the bulk of their ICBM's to attacking civilian population centres.

People might disagree with the morals of it though.
sigatoka said:
It is an economically efficient strategy to target Civilian population centres, even the U.S. and Soviet Union dedicated the bulk of their ICBM's to attacking civilian population centres.

That is false. The majority of both superpower arsenals were counter-force; meaning that they were aiming for military targets. Unfortunately, the majority of military targets were near civilian population centers.
Officer of Engineers said:
All this said and done; I have not seen the operational status of any of these missiles nor any regiment identified with them. Does not give me the confidence in their operational use.


For M11(Hatf-III) - 155 Composite Rocket Regiment, 2nd Army Artillery Division.:cool2:

Could find only one....
Officer of Engineers said:
That is false. The majority of both superpower arsenals were counter-force; meaning that they were aiming for military targets. Unfortunately, the majority of military targets were near civilian population centers.

Both sides wanted to destroy population centres of the opponenet without having their population centres destroyed. Therefore their counter-force was to prevent destruction of their population while being able to destroy the opponents.

Therefore if the majoirty of the arsenal was counter-force, it was merely to better target the opponents population free of the fear of retaliation.

In the first salvos of any strategic nuclear exchange, the US DoD (aka the Pentagon) had no less than 3 nukes assigned to it. Add in another 4 for the White House, Congress, the FAA, etc.

Those are military targets.

Now, you're trying to tell me that after that exchange, that there is still a population centre worth another nuke in Washington DC?
Officer of Engineers said:

In the first salvos of any strategic nuclear exchange, the US DoD (aka the Pentagon) had no less than 3 nukes ***igned to it. Add in another 4 for the White House, Congress, the FAA, etc.

Those are military targets.

Now, you're trying to tell me that after that exchange, that there is still a population centre worth another nuke in Washington DC?

Those are targets while being "military", are used by the opponent in "co-ordinating" nuclear strike on the opponents population centre. They are struck to protect the strikers population centres.

The command and control facilties are struck only because of their importance in conducting second strike. Therefore a strike on them, is in reality a strike to protect domestic population.
Officer of Engineers said:
You're not getting it, are you? After the initial exchange, who the hell cares about the population anymore?

The aim is not to destroy the opponents military capability with nuclear weapons, but rather the very fabric of society by destroying every major city of the opponent. This strategic bombing has finally become a realistic efficient strategy with the development of nuclear weapons.
We've got 3 nukes targetted per silo and they ours, regardless if they're empty or not. If we were to target civilians, don't you think we would have targetted every town with over 30,000 people?

We didn't and neither did they.
Officer of Engineers said:
We've got 3 nukes targetted per silo and they ours, regardless if they're empty or not. If we were to target civilians, don't you think we would have targetted every town with over 30,000 people?

We didn't and neither did they.

U from Canada? Does Canada have nukes?
We did. Up until 1977. All of them were tactical systems and either were American designed or American made.

The BORMAC SAM and the GENIE AAM were both nuke tipped. The 4th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group had tac nukes, and Canadian CF-104 STARFIGHTER squadrons were tasked with dropping nukes on Soviet assembly areas.

All nukes were tasked with a dual release requiring both the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the United States to authorize their use.
Officer of Engineers said:
We did. Up until 1977. All of them were tactical systems and either were American designed or American made.

The BORMAC SAM and the GENIE AAM were both nuke tipped. The 4th Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group had tac nukes, and Canadian CF-104 STARFIGHTER squadrons were tasked with dropping nukes on Soviet assembly areas.

All nukes were tasked with a dual release requiring both the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the United States to authorize their use.

Wow, the canadians had nukes. Why did they give it up then?
Three reasons.

The Prime Minister at the time was a closet Maoist and believe in the hippie peaceloving will save the world. He believed in dropping our pants and bending over for the communists. Good thing our allies didn't let him. However, he did order the withdrawl of all nuclear weapons.

2nd, the technology had come ways that nukes was not necessary for the jobs that we did. The increased accuracy and ROF of SAMs and AAMs rendered the need for nukes moot.

3rd, our roles had changed in NATO. 4CMBG became VII Corps' strategic reserves and the CF-18s were assigned CAP duties instead of bomb trucks.
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