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Pak Taliban chief threatens India

My friend, i am merely asking India to hammer some sense into Karzai if it has the diplomatic leverage...i am saying this because India enjoys good support of current Afghan government...

I am not asking any material or men from India...If you can, then convince the current Afghan government to be sensible and accept Pakistan plan to fence the border...it is the only thing which shall control these criminals and terrorists who are using religion to spread terror everywhere and become the biggest mafia this world has ever seen...
Thanks All-Green.

You think Karzai is that powerful? I dont think he has any influence beyond Kabul. Forget India, even with so much US pressure, why cant he stop drug trade? Karzai is not even secure in his capital where his murder was attempted.

I think Afghanistan is weak country with weak politicians. I dont think there will be any kind of security that you can expect. In US, democrats want Obama to leave Afghanistan for good. So, I am really worried what happen then? I hope Pakistani government has plans for it that time.

From US media what you hear is that Karzai govt is corrupt and also there is allegation that voting were sham. Karzai is in it for money, I suppose and he is a visionless and uninspiring leader in a land of warlords. Indians are spending only to get some good will from local people which I think is a wasted resource because many of them can be easily swayed by religious extremists once India leaves the country.

I think Pakistan has lot of influence on Taliban. If Pakistani govt can use "religion" just like Taliban then it can take out weak links based on idealogy alone. The rest higher-ups can be taken out by army. Your govt can have some tv serials or like that shows it is bad in Islam to do drug trade. Pay religious extremists some money and get them to speak against it.

Pakistan should have more counter planning when US and NATO will leave Afghanistan. Otherwise, we all (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and may be China) are all in deep trouble.
Karzai or Afghan is nothing but puppet of USA. It's USA who has to decide what to be done.

Taliban in Pak/Afghan looks threat not only for India but also from China after riots of xinxang. Once they are in China, hardly they will be able to manage such an new attacks.

India wants to invest in infrastructure for two reason. One is trade and other is influence but right now govt is of USA, once they leave India will have greater influence on Govt because they are helping the most.

Well about the fence, India cannot help because there are lot of issues between them. India cannot interfere in the matters of border of other countries.

Fencing is also not easy. The line of border is not well defined. Afghanistan oppose because its says earlier treaty with Britain is null and void.
Guys I know that Karzai is weak but the funny thing is that his weak troops open fire at ours when we try to establish some new posts...it happened few times and they are sticking to their old BS argument about the agreement with Britain...

The only reason that GOP does not forcibly do this is because then the entire Afghanistan will be against Pakistan...
We would rather have Karzai to agree since at least he represents Afghanistan...otherwise if we use force then it is Pakistan versus all the parties in Afghanistan no matter what their current ideology...that is a huge blunder which we want to avoid...plus i personally hear from few of my associates posted there how many infiltrations occur under cover of Afghan border posts...

You guys remember KHAD?
It will be surprising for many members that KHAD killed nearly 1600 Pakistanis in hundreds of bombings, assassinations and hit and run attacks during Zia Era a fact the average person cannot remember due to the very limited media penetration in those days...the current Afghan Setup has many members of the old guard of KHAD as well these people were trained by KGB and reported to KGB...they were quite lethal...same KHAD setup supported Northern Alliance and they will do anything to Pakistan...they can go to any length, so i suspect they will never let anything solid materialize which controls the borders effectively...

This is something that will become even more evident as the time passes by...
Rabid dogs, trying to purge peoples way's of living.......Just to strike a chord with the average Pakistani fella, they utter these statements.

The average Pakistani folk, as they are unaware of detests the TTP more, probably way more than India. Most would rather pick an "enemy" which can be seen, not one which offers a hand and stabs with the other.

Karzai cannot agree to fence the border; because Afghan constitution does not recognize the Durand line as a legitimate international border.

This is what Afghans think of the “border”:
The Durand Line was demarcated by the British and signed into a treaty in 1893 with the Afghan ruler Amir Abdur Rehman Khan. The treaty was to stay in force for a 100-year period. According to Afrasiab Khattak, a political analyst, the areas from the Khayber Agency Northwards to Chitral, however, remained un-demarcated.
This disputed land was legally to be returned to Afghanistan in 1993 after the 100 year old Durand Treaty expired, similar to how Hong Kong was returned to China. Kabul has refused to renew the Durand Line treaty since 1993 when it expired, Throughout the last nine years, Pakistan has tried to get Afghan Warlords and Taliban to sign a renewal contract of the Treaty, and thankfully they didn’t not fall for the treachery of Pakistan. One of the reasons Pakistan faced problems with the Kabul rulers right from its inception was Kabul's claim over the North West frontier Province. (NWFP) Kabul never accepted that line or the fact that the NWFP is part of Pakistan. This was one of the main policy planks used by President Daoud Khan's government when it tried to foment trouble by Pashtoons nationalists in the NWFP on the issue of greater Pashtoonistan.
Until this day, the disputed land which rightfully and legally belongs to Afghanistan, is still recognized as the North-West Frontier Province, NWFP. Every other province in Pakistan is named by the ethnic group that resides there, such as Punjab, Sindh, and Balouchistan. But the ethnic Afghans that are forced under the sovereignty of Pakistan must accept the degrading and purposely named NWFP.
Interesting sutuation - :police:

Sometimes I think Taliban are either stupid or briliant masterminds

I mean we have sheap herders , giving ultimatam to two neuclear nations ...

What else can I say

Karzai cannot agree to fence the border; because Afghan constitution does not recognize the Durand line as a legitimate international border.

This is what Afghans think of the “border”:
The Durand Line was demarcated by the British and signed into a treaty in 1893 with the Afghan ruler Amir Abdur Rehman Khan. The treaty was to stay in force for a 100-year period. According to Afrasiab Khattak, a political analyst, the areas from the Khayber Agency Northwards to Chitral, however, remained un-demarcated.
This disputed land was legally to be returned to Afghanistan in 1993 after the 100 year old Durand Treaty expired, similar to how Hong Kong was returned to China. Kabul has refused to renew the Durand Line treaty since 1993 when it expired, Throughout the last nine years, Pakistan has tried to get Afghan Warlords and Taliban to sign a renewal contract of the Treaty, and thankfully they didn’t not fall for the treachery of Pakistan. One of the reasons Pakistan faced problems with the Kabul rulers right from its inception was Kabul's claim over the North West frontier Province. (NWFP) Kabul never accepted that line or the fact that the NWFP is part of Pakistan. This was one of the main policy planks used by President Daoud Khan's government when it tried to foment trouble by Pashtoons nationalists in the NWFP on the issue of greater Pashtoonistan.
Until this day, the disputed land which rightfully and legally belongs to Afghanistan, is still recognized as the North-West Frontier Province, NWFP. Every other province in Pakistan is named by the ethnic group that resides there, such as Punjab, Sindh, and Balouchistan. But the ethnic Afghans that are forced under the sovereignty of Pakistan must accept the degrading and purposely named NWFP.

All taliban can do is cowardly road side bombs.
As for Afganistan so called constitution and Mr Karzai can have a wet dream about anything but it does not change the reality. FATA is a part of pakistan and will continue to do so.

If Pakistan blocks supplies to Afganistan it will die of hunger let alone fighting.

These psudo-salafi najdi Taliban pose as muslims while they openly delare Pakistani's as non Muslims never mind his remarks for Indians. We have given these thankless tribesmen freedom far too long and now they need to be cut to size.

Operation in waziristan is in progress we will bury these mently unstable people talking out of there backside.
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not agreeing to fence and mine the border with Afghansitan is a just way for the US and coalition force to keep a leg up on Pakistan.

Afghan 'government' not agreeing to it is just a joke , a lousy one at that.

India sees this issue as a way to stab Pakistan for the backing Pakistan gives to the legitamate sturuggle of the people of Kashmir.

These folks are not in it to bring peace and stability in the region , they are here to destablize.
Who cares about Afghanistan, we should start fencing the border with Afghanistan and also start kicking them out of Pakistan because Pakistan in general and NWFP is particular has suffered from the damn Afghan Refugees disguise terrorists and robbrers. Closing the Afghan refugee camps will solve 80% of the terrorist problems in Pakistan. We can send them to India, since India is their friend.
Well Afghanistan is great country. They have brave nation and superb traditions they always conquer their enemies.
The real Talibans had defend their country against Soviet Union(former superpower) by the help of Pakistan and destroyed SU as well split into many pieces.
After 9/11 fake Talibans were exist the puppets of bastards which are against Pakistan even against the Arab countries which are the hub of Islam.

If talibans really want India thus its not a big deal if they demolished country like Soviet Union so what is india against them???
Who cares about Afghanistan, we should start fencing the border with Afghanistan and also start kicking them out of Pakistan because Pakistan in general and NWFP is particular has suffered from the damn Afghan Refugees disguise terrorists and robbrers. Closing the Afghan refugee camps will solve 80% of the terrorist problems in Pakistan. We can send them to India, since India is their friend.

The solution in Afghanistan I see as follow:

Pakistan Annex Afghanistan
and a political party can be setup in afghanistan and existing parties can also
open in afghania province ... with majority of afghani youth from pakistan
Pakistan has about 2 million to 20 million Afghanistani nationals

Well once the Afghanistan - becomes a Pakistani province, they can start to pay taxes
and in return , of course they get security as Pakistan Army can open a army base in counrty , and protect nationals and courts and other institutes can open up

Most of the Afghans can form a politcial party , in Afghania the new province, and
take part in politics in Pakistan

a) We have a gas pipeline from Iran to Pakistan , we can easily redirect the share
to afghanistan , and Afghanistani province people can gain energy needs, and
its quite easy to link Pakistani telecommunication from Pakistan to Afghania province.

Also since Pakistan is nuclear nation we can easily - protect Afghania province from any future wars - and Pak Airforce can open and run the local airport - and train Afghania youths. And instantly - give Afgania privince the security from air attacks.

Not only that once we can establish a water desalination project in GWADR , afghania province can recieve water from the province thru Pakistan , and cultivate its land and lack of water issue can be thing of past ...

So its a very win-win situation .... also since the popy and drug has been a problem

Other wise Aghanistan will be stuck in stone ages for 30 generations

Pakistani drug infrocements can help curb the production of popy in Afghania province , and help end this menace...

Its a very logical thing to do to integrate Afghania province in Pakistan - and help afghanis who are pretty much pakistani citizens of 20 years ... into system so they pay taxe and take benefits form gov initiatives

Karzai and co will not do anything ... for Afghanistan sadly

Pakistani army should open a permenent base in Afghania province , and just control the region so no outsiders like taliban can come back again...

Since the social values of both Pakistan and Afghania province are same its a much easier task , while the Aghni youth can look after their province while being assiated with Pakistan as a natioanl identity they can have their provincial identity

Because most afghanis already are in pakistan for 20-25 years they have seen Pakistani cricket team and associated themselves with our values then what happens in taliban infested barren places....

So really its up to our gov to take initiative, why stop at waziristan get the whole JOB done .. once and for all
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