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Pak Taliban chief threatens India

do you mean pakistan is controlled by taliban if it is so then pakistan is india's headache.

i Mean nothing, i asked a simple question which you failed to comprehend.
The author says growing taliban influence in Pakistan is India's headache where as there is not so called growing influence of taliban in Pakistan, in fact what ever little support they had, has also vanished. So how come growing taliban influence in Pakistan is India's headache when clearly there is none unless the author means Pakistan is India's headache as always been the case.

---------- Post added at 02:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ----------

If you want to understand then he means If Taliban grows in Pakistan near border, then its headache.

refer to post number 31.
i Mean nothing, i asked a simple question which you failed to comprehend.
The author says growing taliban influence in Pakistan is India's headache where as there is not so called growing influence of taliban in Pakistan, in fact what ever little support they had, has also vanished. So how come growing taliban influence in Pakistan is India's headache when clearly there is none unless the author means Pakistan is India's headache as always been the case.

Is not taliban attacking now a days every day in the cities. He mean that and you should be confused with it.
This fool thinks that he and his tribal army, armed with Soviet-era weapons, can establish an Islamic state in India. Either he is seriously disillusioned in life or it is a lame attempt to gather support from Pakistanis.

Either ways, this very remark shows the need for India and Pakistan to collaborate.
Not tribal army. Some of the taliban are from tribes but the tribes are not taliban. So calling a taliban a tribal army is not right.
Is not taliban attacking now a days every day in the cities. He mean that and you should be confused with it.

Taliban attacking cities has nothing to do with growing support. It shows their desperation and that they are in disparity with the rest of the nation.
So how exactly does the author implies what i mentioned above. I fail to understand.
Border should fence in every way. No part should be left from north to south. In an interview, (few months back) Chindaram told, Taliban is dangerous then the current terrorist in India. We need quick step. They are allready in lahore, rawalpindi, etc. They are just few kms. away from Indian Border.

We should really wish good for pakistan, as this will help us to fight. Our agenda should be now changed from anti to pro but yes, some good step pak are due.

If US and India support Pakistan to fence Afghan border then i shall consider it a big pro Pakistan step...

I seriously think the drug barons dread such a step and the influence of drug traders in Afghanistan is being underestimated by all parties...the drug trade of Afghanistan is worth billions and they will have no problem in paying a huge amount of money to buy terrorists...they shall want to always have this instability and a ready supply of cannon fodder...

Most of TTP is also former criminals and the miracle of TTP in eliminating the criminals was a big PR stunt they pulled off...actually they made all the gangs join them and the public saw that as a new order in Tribal areas...it was a big drama...They are now a big Mafia which has tapped in on the instability and emotional turmoil which has always existing in Afghanistan...
The number of Kidnappings for ransom and all criminal activity is a record high ever since they came...

If Pakistan flushes them out of Waziristan, they shall operate from Afghanistan...that much is guaranteed...

The border needs to be secured...and it shall have to be fenced and many new posts would have to be established, it will not be 100% effective but shall make life much more tough for all such organizations...
Taliban attacking cities has nothing to do with growing support. It shows their desperation and that they are in disparity with the rest of the nation.
So how exactly does the author implies what i mentioned above. I fail to understand.

Whether he understood or not, but you are not getting his point.

For him, increasing attack means growing influence (actually not support). They are able to attack anywhere anytime.

So, it doesn't mean whether they are getting support or not.

Off course word "Influence" is used wrongly.
If US and India support Pakistan to fence Afghan border then i shall consider it a big pro Pakistan step...

I seriously think the drug barons dread such a step and the influence of drug traders in Afghanistan is being underestimated by all parties...the drug trade of Afghanistan is worth billions and they will have no problem in paying a huge amount of money to buy terrorists...they shall want to always have this instability and a ready supply of cannon fodder...

Most of TTP is also former criminals and the miracle of TTP in eliminating the criminals was a big PR stunt they pulled off...actually they made all the gangs join them and the public saw that as a new order in Tribal areas...it was a big drama...They are now a big Mafia which has tapped in on the instability and emotional turmoil which has always existing in Afghanistan...
The number of Kidnappings for ransom and all criminal activity is a record high ever since they came...

If Pakistan flushes them out of Waziristan, they shall operate from Afghanistan...that much is guaranteed...

The border needs to be secured...and it shall have to be fenced and many new posts would have to be established, it will not be 100% effective but shall make life much more tough for all such organizations...

How India can support in fencing border. Border is with Pak and Afghan and not between Pak and India. It's talking with Pakistan for fence between India and Bangladesh.

Although, Support of US is necessary as many US camps are there to fight with taliban.

Most of money must be coming from drugs sells or similar to that. Border fencing might solve all the problems once. I saw news that India is not facing much terrorism just because of fence. Hardly there is any activity in Rajasthan Border. This is something totally secure and I know border between Afghan and Pak is similar to India's with pak in rajasthan.
Although, Support of US is necessary as many US camps are there to fight with taliban.

Oh really u think US are fighting with Talibans ? funny thing i must say. Now adays NATO talk with REAL Talibans Why ? When we go for talk with so called TTP and Taliban inside Pakistan thn US raised issue about "Why GOP talk with Terrorist" so Why NATO/US going to talk with TERRORIST in Afghanistan Answer me ?
Oh really u think US are fighting with Talibans ? funny thing i must say. Now adays NATO talk with REAL Talibans Why ? When we go for talk with so called TTP and Taliban inside Pakistan thn US raised issue about "Why GOP talk with Terrorist" so Why NATO/US going to talk with TERRORIST in Afghanistan Answer me ?

Didn't GOP talked with Taliban in SWAT.

Reason, is they are unable to fight. :rofl:
How India can support in fencing border. Border is with Pak and Afghan and not between Pak and India. It's talking with Pakistan for fence between India and Bangladesh.

You have more influence in Afghanistan :)

Maybe you can convince the Afghan government...it is the one party which denied the Pakistani demand and vehemently opposed fencing the border...

I do not doubt this suits them and the drug trade, which Karzai's close companions are also involved in, as far as the rumors go...
i get the impression, you would have gone along with his idea to fight India, if the TTP wasn't your sworn enemy.:what:

IMO, if India had attacked Pakistan, then yes, since India would have been the imminent threat at that point.
If US and India support Pakistan to fence Afghan border then i shall consider it a big pro Pakistan step...

I seriously think the drug barons dread such a step and the influence of drug traders in Afghanistan is being underestimated by all parties...the drug trade of Afghanistan is worth billions and they will have no problem in paying a huge amount of money to buy terrorists...they shall want to always have this instability and a ready supply of cannon fodder...

Most of TTP is also former criminals and the miracle of TTP in eliminating the criminals was a big PR stunt they pulled off...actually they made all the gangs join them and the public saw that as a new order in Tribal areas...it was a big drama...They are now a big Mafia which has tapped in on the instability and emotional turmoil which has always existing in Afghanistan...
The number of Kidnappings for ransom and all criminal activity is a record high ever since they came...

If Pakistan flushes them out of Waziristan, they shall operate from Afghanistan...that much is guaranteed...

The border needs to be secured...and it shall have to be fenced and many new posts would have to be established, it will not be 100% effective but shall make life much more tough for all such organizations...

Even though, emotionally I agree that US and India should build wall or something between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Why should India? Why should send our army to Afghanistan like NATO has and get killed?

India's current plan for Afghanistan only involves infrastructure building and even during building roads, Indians are getting killed. Now you are telling India should send people out there so that these Taliban can target more Indians. It is a waste of time, money and most of the Indian lives.

And tell me, if India helps in building some wall, what do you think would be the response from Pakistan media? Already, just because we have consulates, you guys say RAW is operating and running the country. If more Indians show up there, what will Pakistani media say? There will no good will that India will get and infact, many of the same people who were for it will say India should have bad intentions. When the ex-ISI chief is openly in the air saying that none of the attacks on US or India and other countries are done by Taliban and it self-perpetuated by Hindus and Jews, how can you think this would help? I am sure many people in the forum would agree with ex-ISI chief before they would agree with any Indian.

I think you have to understand India is not US. We donot have unlimited resources to waste. I think India should get prepared if Pakistani government falls and Taliban takes over. Infact, if we can build wall all the way between India and Pakistan that way, that Indians can "hope" to be safe. India should rather spend the resources to grow the country and its own infrastructure.

I think the only reason we are there in Afghanistan is because we dont want any airline flying to Khandar and have some high profile criminals escape from jails. And, later when asked for help, both Afghanistan and Pakistan claimed that they dont know where they have gone. So, thankfully due to US invasion Taliban is gone from Afghanistan and India wants as a friendly Afghanistan and doing all this spending to get some good will.

But tell me how can India ever expect any good will from Pakistan. Pakistan attacked India in Kargil just two months after new friendship bus service was started. Then, with all the evidence of some criminals in Pakistan openly engaged in Mumbai attacks and Pakistani government releases them. Even today in Pakistan, you can see donations made to wage "jihad" against India. So where is the goodwill?

India is a poor country with only 1000GDP/capita and while going through worst recessions in the recent memory, India should try to save its own people rather than sending our troops to die only then to gain contempt from Pakistani people for helping them.
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If US and India support Pakistan to fence Afghan border then i shall consider it a big pro Pakistan step...

I seriously think the drug barons dread such a step and the influence of drug traders in Afghanistan is being underestimated by all parties...the drug trade of Afghanistan is worth billions and they will have no problem in paying a huge amount of money to buy terrorists...they shall want to always have this instability and a ready supply of cannon fodder...
Most of TTP is also former criminals and the miracle of TTP in eliminating the criminals was a big PR stunt they pulled off...actually they made all the gangs join them and the public saw that as a new order in Tribal areas...it was a big drama...They are now a big Mafia which has tapped in on the instability and emotional turmoil which has always existing in Afghanistan...
The number of Kidnappings for ransom and all criminal activity is a record high ever since they came...
Drug money, and that's what is funding these fanatics. Mexico, Columbia etc have a similar problem, only difference is that, thankfully (in a weird way), there is no religious extremist fanaticism driving the drug trade!
And yup, they are all petty criminals, given a religious ideology to make them stick together. Remove that and the whole structure crumbles, leaving the drug lords and money launderers standing and fighting, but for money only!
If Pakistan flushes them out of Waziristan, they shall operate from Afghanistan...that much is guaranteed...
Aren't they exactly NATO/IASF's plans? while NATO allies hammer at the Taliban in Afghanistan, they will be using the Pak army's initiative as an anvil on which to do so. The major problem facing the NATO troops is the safe sanctuaries in Pakistani territory.
The border needs to be secured...and it shall have to be fenced and many new posts would have to be established, it will not be 100% effective but shall make life much more tough for all such organizations...
That is an option, but not for now. Right now, Pak army must get into those tribal areas and beat the crap out of these morons and deny them safe zones while the NATO does a similar job across the border in Afghanistan. When both the forces hammer at will and pulp up the Taliban between them, only then go ahead and fence the border as much as you wish!
Even though, emotionally I agree that US and India should build wall or something between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Why should India? Why should send our army to Afghanistan like NATO has and get killed?

India's current plan for Afghanistan only involves infrastructure building and even during building roads, Indians are getting killed. Now you are telling India should send people out there so that these Taliban can target more Indians. It is a waste of time, money and most of the Indian lives.

And tell me, if India helps in building some wall, what do you think would be the response from Pakistan media? Already, just because we have consulates, you guys say RAW is operating and running the country. If more Indians show up there, what will Pakistani media say? There will no good will that India will get and infact, many of the same people who were for it will say India should have bad intentions. When the ex-ISI chief is openly in the air saying that none of the attacks on US or India and other countries are done by Taliban and it self-perpetuated by Hindus and Jews, how can you think this would help? I am sure many people in the forum would agree with ex-ISI chief before they would agree with any Indian.

I think you have to understand India is not US. We donot have unlimited resources to waste. I think India should get prepared if Pakistani government falls and Taliban takes over. Infact, if we can build wall all the way between India and Pakistan that way, that Indians can "hope" to be safe. India should rather spend the resources to grow the country and its own infrastructure.

I think the only reason we are there in Afghanistan is because we dont want any airline flying to Khandar and have some high profile criminals escape from jails. And, later when asked for help, both Afghanistan and Pakistan claimed that they dont know where they have gone. So, thankfully due to US invasion Taliban is gone from Afghanistan and India wants as a friendly Afghanistan and doing all this spending to get some good will.

But tell me how can India ever expect any good will from Pakistan. Pakistan attacked India in Kargil just two months after new friendship bus service was started. Then, with all the evidence of some criminals in Pakistan openly engaged in Mumbai attacks and Pakistani government releases them. Even today in Pakistan, you can see donations made to wage "jihad" against India. So where is the goodwill?

India is a poor country with only 1000GDP/capita and while going through worst recessions in the recent memory, India should try to save its own people rather than sending our troops to die only then to gain contempt from Pakistani people for helping them.

My friend, i am merely asking India to hammer some sense into Karzai if it has the diplomatic leverage...i am saying this because India enjoys good support of current Afghan government...

I am not asking any material or men from India...If you can, then convince the current Afghan government to be sensible and accept Pakistan plan to fence the border...it is the only thing which shall control these criminals and terrorists who are using religion to spread terror everywhere and become the biggest mafia this world has ever seen...
Drug money, and that's what is funding these fanatics. Mexico, Columbia etc have a similar problem, only difference is that, thankfully (in a weird way), there is no religious extremist fanaticism driving the drug trade!
And yup, they are all petty criminals, given a religious ideology to make them stick together. Remove that and the whole structure crumbles, leaving the drug lords and money launderers standing and fighting, but for money only!

Aren't they exactly NATO/IASF's plans? while NATO allies hammer at the Taliban in Afghanistan, they will be using the Pak army's initiative as an anvil on which to do so. The major problem facing the NATO troops is the safe sanctuaries in Pakistani territory.

That is an option, but not for now. Right now, Pak army must get into those tribal areas and beat the crap out of these morons and deny them safe zones while the NATO does a similar job across the border in Afghanistan. When both the forces hammer at will and pulp up the Taliban between them, only then go ahead and fence the border as much as you wish!

Pakistan has to attack the basis in Waziristan and grind the main force to dust...that is what we shall do...no hesitation on part of the Army, they have to do the reconnaissance and the special insertions and that is all happening, once the infantry is sent in, the conflict will be won only on basis of superior reconnaissance...

However after that we need some other measures as well...

I am well aware of the terrain and let me say it point blank...we not only need aggressive patrolling along the border (where possible), we need a lot new posts and many fences and other obstacles...

NATO and ISAF do not have the numbers nor for that matter do we to achieve this all without such an elaborate plan...

Karzai has to stop playing this game...
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