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Pak Mi-17 Heli crashes

Mate, I am a german myself, you should even better know it than me! I found it bcz i READ :disagree:

Locked local newspapers in our area didn't report about it..may be it will be in tomorrows paper..BTW this forums main purpose for inviting other nationals is to get to know each other's point of view and let them know more about Pakistan right?? So when i heard about a new place I assumed there is no problem asking

Sorry for going off topic... may their souls rest in peace
"Under estimating PAF engineers and PA techs."


Please show me where I've done so. I'll be eagerly awaiting such as I made it perfectly clear here-

"...can you maintain? No knock on your techs but it's NOT the same bird. So training is involved and our training base for such is in the states. Do you wish to send your techs back here for training especially in a war when they're knee-deep in maintaining the birds you have now? Got some NEW guys in mind for such that AREN'T committed?"

Two issues- 1.) refurbishing AH-1S to AH-F. Nothing to do with techs and everything to do with time. You won't see them for a year and 2.) SuperCobra is the AH-1T, AH-1J, and AH-1W. Twin engined variants of which you've none.

That's our business to make sure your techs and logisticians are up to speed there and it's NOTHING to do with skill.

I'll await my apology as there's NO way for you to have said as much unless LOOKING for a reason to bytch at a YANK and grasping the most illusory twig of a rationale to do so.

Needlessly prickly but about par for the course...:angry:
Transferring CH-47 Chinooks would be nice. Who's going to maintain them? Are your logistics in place to accomodate parts? Are your technicians trained to such?
If push comes to shove and if the CH-47 is what Pakistan Army ever needed, technicians from Egypt, Iran, Libya, Morocco, and UAE can always be hired while the Pakistani techs being trained. It would not be the first time if it happens during war time; in 1965, Pakistan did get few F-5s though there existed no infrastructure for their maintenance in Pakistan.

I don’t think it is a maintenance issue, rather it is an issue whether USA wants to give them to Pakistan or not, and if yes, what would be the financial implications of any such deal.
ya ALLAHmay their souls rest in peace this iis the second crash of a mi 17 do u think they ar ghetting too old?

Chinooks crashed also, do you also think they are getting too old? Or do you remember the F-22 crash? I think it is also getting too old.
i pray for the souls of maytrs.
well i guess so it was a technical fault because if it was of fire from ground then there must be something when they crash landed..
bt lets see ..
ISPR will cnfrm it.
as it was over 'friendly skies' i.e. over territory that was in Army control, i believe it was a technical fault

but lets wait and see

RIP to our fallen uniformed comrades . God bless their families, and their sacrifices
It'd be most appropriate if a Mi 17 end-user like the PRC donated a portion of their fleet and technicians to Pakistan. That way the existing service and logistics base would be pre-existing and the technicians would be able to work on the enhanced fleet together.

I'm sure that could happen tomorrow if the PRC REALLY wished such.
It'd be most appropriate if a Mi 17 end-user like the PRC donated a portion of their fleet and technicians to Pakistan. That way the existing service and logistics base would be pre-existing and the technicians would be able to work on the enhanced fleet together.

I'm sure that could happen tomorrow if the PRC REALLY wished such.
They only have about 250. Don't think they would have many to share. We just need to move on to an in-production medium-lift helo and gunship sooner rather than later. Our helicopter fleet is under stress.
"They only have about 250..."

And Afghanistan? America?

How many Mi 17s do either have? Yet up rises the hue and cry from this audience here.

No. There are other issues that remain willfully unrecognized by Pakistanis and unmentioned by Chinese at this board.

Allies forever:china::pakistan::agree:
Chinooks crashed also, do you also think they are getting too old? Or do you remember the F-22 crash? I think it is also getting too old.

true but i still think we should get new transport helis why? in war time they are crutial
A military helicopter crashed in a restive Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan on Saturday, killing three army officials and wounding two others, officials said.The MI-17 helicopter was returning from a routine supply mission to the border areas of Bajaur tribal district when it crashed near Charmung village, a senior military official told.

‘Two pilots — a major and a captain — and a junior officer embraced martyrdom and two others were injured,’ the official said, adding that the aircraft was returning after dropping fuel and rations at a remote military post.Another senior military official said that the crash was caused by a ‘technical fault’ and the chopper came down in an area controlled by security forces.

From:ASIAN DEFENCE: Pakistan Army helicopter crash kills three
I think this is the second mi-17 u have lost in this campaign, continuous operations seem to be taking their toll, it's high time u get some new choppers. May the dead rest in peace.
We are using US, French, Chinese and Russian helicopters. Russian Mi17 are good. ISAF, NATO and US also have lost helis. Indian lost a Mig27 this week, but that does not mean that all the migs need to be replaced.

Good suggestion though. Pakistan does need newer choppers. Long Live Pakistan and Shaeeds rest in heaven!
Six killed as army chopper crashes in Bajaur Agency

KHAR: Six security personnel were killed when a Pakistan Army helicopter crashed in Bajaur Agency’s Nawagai tehsil on Saturday.

“Six personnel embraced martyrdom in the crash,” an army official said, adding that the MI-17 helicopter was returning after dropping fuel and rations at a remote military post.

The deseased include Major Humayun, Captain Zeeshan, Naib Subedar Karim Ullah, Naek Nadeen and two hawaldars Nadeem and Salaar. Another senior military official said the crash was caused by a “technical fault”.

- Daily Times
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