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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

When the Muslims came and "raped" Ma Bharat, it gave birth to Pakistan. If you like to talk big, we can give equal response as well. If you respect your own nation you will not use this kind of language.
I am wondering why Zakii hasn't deleted your comment?

And mate you just showed how pathetic one can get. Same goes to Neuro.

Bravo mate, Bravo.

If both of you are not seen in Pink, then what should we expect about the level of discussion on this forum.
For the poor indian soldiers it was a reminder of the previous 1,000 years of suffering at the hands of Muslim Warriors.

1000 years rule??
Boss its nothing proud for you because your friend Razpak as already confessed who are end product of muslim rapes on western states of indian subcontinent.

And was any ruler born or was hailed from present day pakistan? What are you proud of??

Next how can Pakistani take pride of acheivement of Persian-Turkic-Afghan invaders?? Do they want to be associated with mixed race & f*cked genes you guys have??

Why you people always see foreign powers as Father figures.
History mein muslim MOGHULS from turkey, for 5-6 decades post 1947 it was AMERICANS & now atheist CHINESE.

Alway standing with foreign support instead of own feets.Isnt it a sign of impotency??

Well TTP & muslim radicals are inheriters of same muslim invaders mentality. why aren't you proud of them???

Isnt that a cold blooded hipocrisy??

Next time you say 1000 years muslim rules dont end up abusing your ancestors or exhibiting your impotency & hypocrisy.

P.S : As far muslim rulers in india are concerned we love them. Who can hate Badshah AKBAR JALALUDDIN who inspite of probably a strongest muslim alive on earth at his times allowed KRISHNA's temple & worship to public in his mahal and even tried to unite positive aspects of hindu & muslim religions for his awaam's betterment. We need more such wise muslim rulers next to Buddhist Samrat Ashoka & Hindu Raja Chattrapati Shivaji.

Dying in the line of duty and brought home like fil** in a garbage truck is also an option or shall we say standard. !!

Lol you can take it as a country poor than africa or a country without enough toilets could afford that to take their soldiers back. What your richer-than-Africa Pakistan did for your a$$hole mujaheeds ...oops I mean your soldiers

I wonder no pakistani replied my question and here you come to add option to it instead of replying it.
Ok now add your option and answer the original question.

PS: Atleast they were brought back by whatever possible transport means available at those times & given honourable funeral by their families & friends.
Unlike their counterparts who were cheated by their army/govt. after their thankless sacrifices & let them rott like unwanted pests on enemy grounds only to be ceremented by enemy. What a shame !! Jis dushman ko kafan pehnaane sher sawar ban aaye the unhi dushmano ne chanda collect kar kafan khareed ke dafanaaya laawaris laashon ki tarah. Na jawano ki izzat bachi na mulk ki Gairat.
I am wondering why Zakii hasn't deleted your comment?

And mate you just showed how pathetic one can get. Same goes to Neuro.

Bravo mate, Bravo.

If both of you are not seen in Pink, then what should we expect about the level of discussion on this forum.

Tell your Indian friends to behave.
My Jatt Clan gladly converted due to the efforts of our Sufi Baba, and then we provided warriors to the great Muslim Conquerors and took on and defeated many indian clans and tribes, we were rewarded with land, influence and other delights, stories of which are even told today, one ancestor after a victory - had dozens of indian prisoners, which he treated with respect, including many females.

Yes.. that and Pakistan won the 1971 war :)
Yes.. that and Pakistan won the 1971 war :)

Correct, finally. It's just that now the victor is known as Bangladesh. However, we are not very happy that they invited outsiders to take advantage, albeit very short lived advantage.
Correct, finally. It's just that now the victor is known as Bangladesh. However, we are not very happy that they invited outsiders to take advantage, albeit very short lived advantage.
Victor was Bangladesh ? Who stopped your oil supply, drowned PNS Ghazi, attacked and destroyed your ports, against whom 90,000 above soldiers surrendered.
Answer India..

Bangladesh was created by us as much as the local did. So the winner is obvious isn't it.

Read some history mate, That's the best suggestion I can give. Most of the serious and senior member of your side openly say that we lost to India. Atleast take their words if not mine.
Please explain as to what is point in posting this troll like post.

What do you want to prove.

He wanted to prove how good is he in trolling!
he is such a big troll that he decided not to troll by quick replay but instead made a new pointless thread just for trolling!
Correct, finally. It's just that now the victor is known as Bangladesh. However, we are not very happy that they invited outsiders to take advantage, albeit very short lived advantage.

Case in point ;)
When this cruel (we prefer this word) and for Muslim see as victorious or remarkable work done at that time Bharat Ma was also your mother. The children born that time are forced to be muslim, no choice :agree: and even they don't know how many father they had or simple call them Bastard son.

Muslims don't have a legacy of fathering bastard children, neither have the Muslims the legacy of burying infant girls or of selling them for prostitution unlike you know who. Muslims also do not have a legacy of burning widows alive on their dead husbands pyres. And tales of these forced conversions are fictitious stories told to avoid answering the question why Islam has been and still is the fastest growing religion in the world.
No religious discussion guys, come back to Kargil....
Another fact is you ran with your tail between legs, once you started loosing one peak after the another and lost thousands of soldiers in worthless war ..from which you gained only defeat and criticism..the entire war was not only pointless .

But your utter lack of respect for your soldiers ..whom you sent to serve as cannon fodder(without any backup or air cover) for our artillery and high level bombers and disowned them as soon as they bit the bullet is not only appalling but downright shocking.

All these point to a single fact, that your country and your army were lead by cowards, who don't even the courage come clean..instead choose to hide behind flimsy lies..thinking they can fool rest of the world..but instead end humiliating their own country by embarking on such foolish misadventures.

So that's what the media has been feeding you guys for so many years?? So according to Indian TV:

1) It is a fact that we ran because we started losing peak after peak and not because we were forced to retreat because of international pressure? Hmmm.....
2) That we abandoned our soldiers.
3) That my country and my army was led by cowards.

But wait, wasn't the whole world upset with Pakistan for the misadventure and was coercing Pakistan to withdraw from all the Indian posts? Did not India deploy 6 times the Army as well as an unknown number of squadrons of IAF to dislodge Pakistani fighters? And how many days did that take to regain all the posts? Months, oh that's right....even after all your efforts you still could not dislodge Pakistan from point 5353 which is the most important point there.

And for the punch line, was it not a good thing that these infiltrators were not provided appropriate support from the military and PAF as you can only imagine the outcome. I mean, if it takes IA + IAF 2+ months to dislodge a few thousand fighters, from a few posts out of all the posts they had captured, who had no support from PA or PAF, I wonder how much longer it would have taken IA + IAF to take back their positions if those fighters indeed had support from PA + PAF, that is if they would have been able to recapture anything back at all.
The reason young indians were slaughtered was the great tactical positions we adopted. It is just a continuation of the 1,000 years of Muslim Warrior tradition, over the hapless indians.
warrior tradition? sneaking up the hill when nobody is looking,in india we call that chindi chori.

But tell me something,why did u give up after being so ingenious? Guttne tud gye kya?

PS: But one thing Rafi,regarding the 1000 year rule and still running,it is actually 1300 years and running but not for us,for you.You were the one who bent over first,so the 1300 year rule is only for you.For us it never was,because barring eating lot of biryani and lazing around,muslim kings gave us nothing.

Most of their progeny are in slums.

And thank you for making a city out of that wasteland called Delhi,we have your Jama Masjid & Taj Mahal and we make lot of money out of it.
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