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Pak, Israel on way to establish diplomatic ties

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Pak, Israel on way to establish diplomatic ties

ISLAMABAD – In a development that could trigger a serious political backlash against the government, Pakistan is said to have opened its camp office in Tel Aviv, while the two sides are engaged in a series of covert talks to find out possibilities to establish direct links, top-level diplomatic sources told TheNation.

Most interesting part of this episode is that a prominent politician who is also the chief of a religious party, has played vital role in bringing the two sides at a point which could lead Pakistan, following footsteps of Turkey, to recognise Israel in near future.

Sources told TheNation that Pakistani authorities including a prominent politician belonging to a religious party, have been holding talks with Israeli authorities, which took place in Paris and London recently.

When contacted by this correspondent on telephone, FO Spokesperson Abdul Basit strongly denied such reports and saying Pakistan’s policy towards Israel was very much clear and it was using no backdoor channel to establish link with Israel.

It is pertinent to mention here that Pakistani authorities, keeping in view Israel ‘s position in global scenario, have many a time met Israeli authorities on different occasions in the past. Israel and Pakistan are key allies of the US, and there have been indications of warming ties between them.

In 2005, Israel’s then-foreign minister, Silvan Shalom met his Pakistani counterpart, Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri, in Turkey, sparking protests from Islamic hard-liners in Pakistan. In September 2006,

Musharraf had said Pakistan’s government would have to recognise Israel after an independent Palestinian state was established-but not before. “We cannot do something that sidelines us from the Muslim world,” Musharraf had said at that time. Another secret meeting between former President Musharraf and Israel’s defence minister took place in Paris in January 2008.

The two states have no diplomatic ties, and their officials rarely meet. But Musharraf and Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak held a scheduled 20-minute meeting in January 2008 in Paris.

Pak, Israel on way to establish diplomatic ties | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
i think this will oppose by people of Pakistan
but in my view USA behind this talk
This is good. Israel isn't going away anytime soon, so we might as well establish diplomatic ties. We could do more to help the Palestinian cause this way then if we just ignore them.
Good job. Lack of diplomatic relations in illogical. Protesting against injustice against Palestinians is not a reason for not even initiating diplomatic ties. Egypt has relations, so have other countries that have fought wars with it.

Open an embassy, no need to start economic relations (especially military ones) but diplomatic ties nonetheless.

I for one believe that Israel has been created as an imagined enemy in the minds of everyday Pakistanis (don't bring the they tried to bomb Kahuta argument).

PS : The Nation as a source in these regards is highly unreliable.
NOP. I can guarantee its 200% authentic ;)

Then, you are unreliable :)

My gripe was the fact that being a extreme right-wing paper (especially since Mazari took charge), Israel remains a ubiquitous mention and such reports can flare up irrational minds.

I'll take your word for now.

My claim of the flared-up responses will be best judged by the number of replies on this topic (as opposed to flood ones).
well finally some sensible news coming from Pakistan , (true or not time will tell) and only the mullah brigade will appose such idea, or the awesome "protector of Muslims (not Pakistanis) " brought up after zia's regime .
Then, you are unreliable :)

My gripe was the fact that being a extreme right-wing paper (especially since Mazari took charge), Israel remains a ubiquitous mention and such reports can flare up irrational minds.

I'll take your word for now.

My claim of the flared-up responses will be best judged by the number of replies on this topic (as opposed to flood ones).

well you can reject it or accept it according to your own understanding. I am satisfied with what i know about this info. Since Mazari took over the paper they are now probing and giving some good investigative reports irrespective of right or left wing feelings

My personal view is that we (Pakistan) has all the strained relations with Israel due to Palestinian issue.

This is a good move which can lead to some possible peaceful solution to Palestinian issue by formulating some modalities which could result in states for both Israelis and Palestinians.

On other hand Pakistan has NO direct issue with Israel except Israeli role against Pakistan in alliance with India but i feel that also arised out of fear by Zionist lobby in US and Israel that Pakistan was biggest threat.

Otherwise if we read history when Pakistan went nuclear the Israeli media was not that harsh rather some even welcomed it.

If this happens then it will allay fears of both Pakistan and Israel.

And above all i feel the Pakistani government should take its public into confidence over such development. The public has gone much mature.
Its about time... not recognizing something that exists is the stupidest thing ever... Plus its not like Pakistan doesn't 'Recognize' Israel. It says on our Passport that travels to all countries are allowed except Israel. This statement means that Pakistan pretty much recognized Israel but just didn't allow visits although Pakistani's can actually travel to Israel, the Israeli's won't stamp on your Passport instead will give you a temporary permit
well you can reject it or accept it according to your own understanding. I am satisfied with what i know about this info. Since Mazari took over the paper they are now probing and giving some good investigative reports irrespective of right or left wing feelings

FO is rejecting claims, obviously. Let's see if this thing folds out properly. Good reporting if true deserves commendation regardless of ideological leaning.

My personal view is that we (Pakistan) has all the strained relations with Israel due to Palestinian issue.

This is a good move which can lead to some possible peaceful solution to Palestinian issue by formulating some modalities which could result in states for both Israelis and Palestinians.
I certainly hope so.

On other hand Pakistan has NO direct issue with Israel except Israeli role against Pakistan in alliance with India but i feel that also arised out of fear by Zionist lobby in US and Israel that Pakistan was biggest threat.

My personal view remains that we made Israel hostile towards us with our send-troops-to-free-Palestine attitude (there were marches for this in 1948 when we were struggling with huge problems ourselves). Israel's perceived and even real hostility towards us is the product of our own irrational geo-political and populist stances visible in more than one ways.

Otherwise if we read history when Pakistan went nuclear the Israeli media was not that harsh rather some even welcomed it.


If this happens then it will allay fears of both Pakistan and Israel.

That is certainly a welcome outcome.
And above all i feel the Pakistani government should take its public into confidence over such development. The public has gone much mature.

I'm sorry but I'm going to laugh all day long.
In all fairness, the founding father of Israel David Ben Guiron called Jinnah personally to initiate relations in 1948. Jinnah reacted positively but died soon after and thus nothing happened. Sir Zafarullah Khan refused to acknowledge Israel because he wanted a Palestinian state too. It was only during Zia's time when relations were somewhat initiated. This was partly due to the work they were undertaking against the soviets.

Nawaz Sharif was once very close to initiating ties but his government was replaced. Bhutto too had meeting with many Israelis but nothing came of it. Please review this study from the Institute for Global Jewish Affairs to learn more.

Jewish Political Studies Review - Pakistan and Israel
:) while sitting in US yes you can.

But i have seen NO One comes to roads on call of JI anymore

On this, JI will not be alone but you can argue that their street power as a whole is dying. The ideological power however is not dead, and far from dying.

PS : I'm not disconnected politically :)
so it means that the statement on my **** passport was a complete non sense for 50 years!!
also, the ban on pak-israel relation has got to thelogically nothign about palestine. its about identifiying our commitment against zionism. yes, the zionism does exist and they are more religious then many of us. religious about their greater land.
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