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Pak investment in Afghanistan hits $500 million

i fear many pakistani could digest it. They always ask Indians why they invest in India, now something eye opening for them (not for us)

i don't know by now you would be using this or not bt i would like to answer it that we Pakistanis have been investing in positive way not by investing against Pakistan and funding people to go and blast in Pakistan and killing many people
An indispensable relationship

Pakistan’s goals matter because whichever way one looks at it, either as builder or spoiler, Pakistan is key to durable stability in Afghanistan.

Sherry Rehman

The term "endgame" is imbued with as many meanings as the number of players seeking to fast-track an amicable solution to the conflict in Afghanistan.
Some states have higher stakes than others. The US and other troop-contributing countries have focused their efforts on transitioning out of Afghanistan by 2014, but gaps between operations and objectives still fog this war. While an internal consensus among Afghan actors remains the most crucial element of any settlement, there is little doubt that regional players have a key role in facilitating progress. Among them, Pakistan's role is pivotal but not always understood.
The recent Jinnah Institute United States Institute of Peace report, Pakistan, the United States and the End Game in Afghanistan, aims at seeking clarity and motive in Pakistan's current outlook toward Afghanistan, its strategic interests, and the implications of how it pursues them. Given Pakistan's centrality to peace in the region, in the context of an unstable strategic relationship between the US and Pakistan, the articulation of a cogent policy view that includes civil society and state representation in Pakistan bears value for anyone looking to secure a successful transition in Afghanistan.
Intellectual capital on foreign policy is not hard to generate in Pakistan. The challenge lies in connecting the dots and obtaining big-tent representation. The report's findings are based on several discussions with a wide spectrum of Pakistan's foreign-policy elite retired civilian and military officials, analysts, journalists, and civil-society practitioners with established expertise on Afghanistan and knowledge of the modalities of policymaking in the US It also takes on board the views of senior politicians from all frontline parties as well as the military's official spokesperson.
The idea was also to find how Pakistan can best pursue its interests in the changing Afghanistan endgame calculus, and what policies the US, India, and other regional actors would have to pursue for Pakistani objectives to be met. Pakistan's goals matter because whichever way one looks at it, either as builder or spoiler, Pakistan is key to durable stability in Afghanistan.
Findings suggest that Pakistani policy elites see their state as pursuing two overriding objectives: one, that the "settlement" in Afghanistan should not lead to a negative spillover so that it contributes to further instability in Pakistan or causes resentment among Pakistani Pashtuns; and two, that the government in Kabul should not be antagonistic to Pakistan nor allow its territory to be used against Pakistani state interests.
No surprises here, but for these umbrella objectives to be translated into actionable policy, it seems Pakistan would need to seek three outcomes. First would be to seek a degree of stability in Afghanistan, an agenda Islamabad is working on. Clearly, Pakistan's interests are best served by a stable, efficient government in Kabul that is not hostile toward it. There is across-the-board realisation here that persistent instability in Afghanistan will have numerous consequences that Pakistan is ill prepared to tackle.
Second, all see the need for an inclusive government in Kabul. In other words, Pakistan would prefer a negotiated configuration, with adequate Pashtun representation, that is recognised by all ethnic and political stakeholders in Afghanistan. Some opinion makers even insist that a sustainable arrangement would necessarily require the main Afghan Taleban factions Mullah Omar's group and the Haqqani network to be part of the new political arrangement.
Third, there is worry about limiting Indian presence in Afghanistan to development activities alone. The Pakistani foreign-policy enclave accepts that India has a role to play in Afghanistan's economic progress and prosperity. Yet many believe that the present Indian engagement goes beyond just development and thus raises legitimate concerns in Pakistan. A reluctance to address Pakistani misgivings increases the likelihood of a growing Indian footprint, and, in turn, New Delhi's greater ability to manipulate endgame negotiations and the post-settlement dispensation in Kabul. As the Pakistani security establishment sees the dynamic, India has interests in Afghanistan, but Pakistan has vital stakes.
Unsurprisingly, America's Afghanistan strategy is perceived to be inconsistent and counterproductive, not only for Pakistan's interests but also for enduring peace in Afghanistan. A number of US policy initiatives are identified as problematic. The most scathing criticism is targeted at the political component of the strategy, which is largely seen as subservient to the military surge. Pakistani opinion makers sense a civil-military disconnect in the US establishment; the civilian administration is perceived to favour political reconciliation while the Pentagon still prioritises greater military gains. Not many are optimistic about the prospects of the US military surge. While there is recognition that military operations over the past year have degraded the Taleban's capacity, virtually no one is convinced that this can put an end to the insurgency or that it can force the main Taleban factions to negotiate on America's terms.
While acknowledging that the mission has been complicated by recent events including the loss of six British soldiers in a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron declared on March 14 that they would stick to a timetable for winding down the war by the end of 2014.
The Afghans don't like us very much and we don't like them a lot either so the question is 'why continue with this or rather why start them to begin with...I'm sure those $500M could be better used to finance a couple of much needed projects in Pakistan'.
I'd say if you have a long memory, you'd realize Pakistan has stood more for Afghan interests than the indians did (since they had to be dragged into this conversation)

first of all, it's sad that some of you can't stick on topic and discuss Pakistan's developmental/infrastructure projects and initiatives in Afghanistan.....but since you have deviated - what has india done? You built roads, but you also supported the Soviet invasion. You claim to support peace and stability in Afghanistan, but you support the NA (the opposite coin of the taleban)

Pakistan's enemies talk of what ''Pakistan did'' and ignore their own failures, their owns sins

my message to those 'enthusiastics' of Pakistan: learn your facts, improve your memories, and when in doubt - STFU and talk less.
Chaman to be linked with Afghanistan through railway track: Bilour | DAWN.COM

LAHORE: Federal Minister for Railways Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour said on Tuesday that a 12-kilometre railway track from Chaman to Spin Boldak would be laid as the government had given approval for this purpose.

Addressing a press conference here at Railways Headquarter, he said that a project to double railway track from Okara to Lalamusa had been approved and work on this project would soon be started.
If we Had enough Money and Sincere Leadership in Pakistan we would Help Build Afghanistan More than any one on the Planet Because Building Afghanistan is Building Pakistan. Those who Disagree can Go **** themselves Because time is Coming when Pakistan Afghanistan and INDIA will Jointly Form an Economic and Territorial Union INSHA ALLAH.
If we Had enough Money and Sincere Leadership in Pakistan we would Help Build Afghanistan More than any one on the Planet Because Building Afghanistan is Building Pakistan. Those who Disagree can Go **** themselves Because time is Coming when Pakistan Afghanistan and INDIA will Jointly Form an Economic and Territorial Union INSHA ALLAH.

i appreciate your optimism, but i couldnt help but chuckle

plz clarify as to how this plan will reach fruition
Keep Tuned in , there is alot going on around here than meets the EYE.:cheers:
What is this compared to 15 billion indian investment in steel plant. Another 2 billion in roads and schools. 1.5 billion in railway network. 550 million for electricity network in kabul and soon many more multi billion to come.

India will make afghan heaven for investors. Pakistan's money is insignificant and not required. Afghanis should denounce them..
What is this compared to 15 billion indian investment in steel plant. Another 2 billion in roads and schools. 1.5 billion in railway network. 550 million for electricity network in kabul and soon many more multi billion to come.

India will make afghan heaven for investors. Pakistan's money is insignificant and not required. Afghanis should denounce them..

India can do whatever they want. You never know, Afghanistan may well split after international forces leave. In either cases, Afghanistan will lie with Pakistan as a neighbour. The access of market through us is more sustainable and secure.
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